Readers' Comments

  • NPR Erases Domestic Terrorism   13 years 50 weeks ago

    Why did you not give the eco-terrorists and the pro-illegal immigration terrorists their 15 minutes of fame, And how about the anarchists who injure people and destroy property.

  • Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   13 years 50 weeks ago

    With all of the bad press my state seems to get, it's nice to NOT see either of our senators on this list!

  • A Victory for the People!   13 years 50 weeks ago

    The nation-state is an obsolete concept in today's global society, and it allows some people to suffer under terrible local laws and mismanagement/manipulation of local currencies. If we only had one currency, currency speculation would be impossible. I can't argue that it could be abused, but a one-world government is the only way to enforce little things like human rights and labor laws, so I can't quite dismiss it out of hand.

    That said, this audit will likely cause a global depression as everybody realizes exactly how much of their money was stolen by the super-wealthy elites. Let's hope we can all do something about it.

  • SourceWatch Preserves History Unwritten by the Family Research Council   13 years 50 weeks ago

    Dobson publicly prayed that his savior would "frustrate the plans of the Evil One and revive us again with conviction and forgiveness,” referring to the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

    This isn't strictly relevant to the main point of the post, but when Dobson refers to "the plans of the Evil One," he certainly is not referring to President Obama. As much as Dobson may dislike Obama's politics, he saves the name "the Evil One" for Satan.

  • Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   13 years 50 weeks ago

    This is hilarious! Thank you!

    Here's a great site for more:
    Click on the GAMES button in the nav. bar and Shoot the Bull!

  • A Victory for the People!   13 years 50 weeks ago

    This is great news, and I congratulate all who worked so hard to get it!

    Make sure you get a complete extreme comprehensive deep Audit done by the most trustworthy, best professional auditors and Chartered Accountants that can be found!

    Look for solid, good reason, to end the Fed and further expand on the availability of Audit and correction for the benefit of the American citizens!
    Once again congratulations, and here's to Ron Paul for President 2012!
    Bring in as many candidates, with Ron Paul style Constitutionalists and honest Constitutionalists , that you can find, to run for office right accross America!

    Make sure no candidates are Elitist members, re: CFR, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Goldman Sachs etc.

    We need to have many candidates in the wings as we know, the Mafia Elitists will attempt to stop us from taking back our country and making it a Just country, once again!

    There are no true Americans' that want a "One World Government", in the USA!

    No citizen in the world that is sane, should desire such a catastrophe either!

  • University of California Praises Hill & Knowlton   13 years 50 weeks ago

    UCB Chancellor Birgeneau Loss of Trust,Credibility
    The UCB budget gap has grown to $150 million, and still the Chancellor is spending money that isn't there on expensive outside consultants. His reasons range from the need for impartiality to requiring the "innovative thinking, expertise, and new knowledge" the consultants would bring.

    Does this mean that the faculty and management of a world-class research and teaching institution lack the knowledge, impartiality, innovation, and professionalism to come up with solutions? Have they been fudging their research for years? The consultants will glean their recommendations from interviewing faculty and the UCB management that hired them; yet solutions could be found internally if the Chancellor were doing the job HE was hired to do. Consultant fees would be far better spent on meeting the needs of students.

    There can be only one conclusion as to why creative solutions have not been forthcoming from the professionals within UCB: Chancellor Birgeneau has lost credibility and the trust of the faculty as well as of the Academic Senate leadership that represents them. Even if the faculty agrees with the consultants' recommendations - disagreeing might put their jobs in jeopardy - the underlying problem of lost credibility and trust will remain.

  • Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter   13 years 51 weeks ago

    This is just one more example of the exemplary work that Bill Moyers does. When you look up "truth seeker" in the dictionary, you see his picture. We more like him in journalism. Of course the reform bill has passed now that it's May, 2010 but the system is in a total shambles. Wellpoint was just accused of dropping women with recent breast cancer diagnosis and the health care bill doesn't have the teeth needed to stop horrific actions like this. We all need to stand together, fight for what's right, applaud people who take that frightening and risky step of coming out against their industry and putting the good of the people ahead of everything else. It really shows that there is good in this world...just not in big corporate America for the most part...and nearly nowhere in the insurance industry. Thanks Wendell, you're an American hero!

    As a San Francisco chiropractor, I have lots of first hand experience with denials of care, and terrible insurance abuses of the system and their subscribers. I too insure my own family for outrageous premiums and moderate benefits. Not only do I feel for the average citizen who wants good health care and not to go broke or be taken advantage of, I am one.

  • Baptist Minister Rents Trouble   13 years 51 weeks ago

    That is awesome. Most of them are closet homos! Thats why nothing that they saw really bugs me. Morons!

  • The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I think with al-qaida knocking at our door steps, we need people like Blackwater, because they take care of them in Iraq and afghanistan, that way they dont come to our beautiful country

  • Reflections on COP15, Looking Ahead to COP16   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I'm following Alex since last year, and I really enjoy his comments about COP. I'm from Mexico and I'm very excited about COP 16, I think it was a bad idea to change COP to Cancun but actually it's great, cause people from all over the world will be able to see how authorities corruption is destroying the mangroves and how "compromised" is Mexico on environmental issues.
    I'll be so glad to meet Alex in Cancun, I hope I could. My NGO will participate in the forum with our experiences in Transition Culture Mexico. See you in Cancun :D

  • The Cato Institute's Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels   13 years 51 weeks ago

    In Most cases issues like Global warming we only know what we are told by people who tell us what they are told to say. Our climate clearly has risk, however, the amount of damage or potential damage, what can WE do to help protect what is left?

  • Lisa Graves Hammers Citizens United Spinners on the Patt Morrison Show   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I’m pleased I located this web page, I couldnt get any knowledge on this subject before. I also manage a website and if you want to ever interested in doing some guest writing for me if possible feel free to let me know, im always look for people to check out my web site. Please stop by and leave a comment sometime! You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  • Wal-Mart's Hidden Cashroots Advocacy Exposed in Chicago   13 years 51 weeks ago

    Its ridiculous. Such a big business house is unknown about the misuse of its information . No one can believe this either. Its difficult to believe that any one can take such disadvantage. It was good that the IP address was traced and investigation made to the root of the information. The more important thing is it was communicated to the proper person. Much care should be taken hence forth to avoid such misuse.

  • 50th Anniversary of The Pill: Triumph and Controversy   13 years 51 weeks ago

    the is no question that the pill had a huge impact on the social history of women, but no piece on the pill should neglect the debate as to its safety. check into the work of Barbara Seaman (eg The Doctor's Case Against the Pill and The Greatest Experiment Every Performed on Women). Also consider the fact that the World Health Organization categorizes synthetic estrogens (which birth contrl pills are made out of) as a known carginogen.
    Furthermore, the drug companies who make hormonal birth control products have shown themselves to be more interested in profits than altruism. They are currently in the midst of marketing their latest incarnation of the pill - the "seasonal" version - by convincing young women that continuous use of these drugs for menstrual suppression is a "choice" for themodern woman who cant be bothered with periods . By positioning menstruation as icky and inconvenient, marketing wizards are attempting to intice women to expose themselves to synthetic hormones for 8 extra weeks per year by taking the pill for 3 month chunks of time continuously. The message is a hard sell, tho, because when women ar polled, they report a tendency to welcome their monthly periods as a sign they are not pregnant and that they are cycling normally. In other words, most women see regular menstruation as a healthy sign and hormonal suppression as unnatural and unhealthy. This sentiment is supported by the research work of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. Here is their position statement on menstrual suppression.

  • Washington Post Teams with Coal Industry Front Group   13 years 51 weeks ago

    Gee, boasting that you got political candidates to advocate for your lies... Now, there's something to be proud of. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror? How do they sleep at night? I guess the fat paycheck helps.

  • Tobacco's New Target: Women in Developing Countries   13 years 51 weeks ago

    The tobacco industry has been targeting women in developing countries for a while.
    This 2003 article (at Women's eNews) begins, "An international report says the tobacco industry's increased marketing towards women in developing nations, and especially Asia, is reversing women's historically low smoking rates."

    Here's the link:

  • GOP Voter Registration Fraud Reported in California   13 years 51 weeks ago

    Given that the people they misregistered are probably not going to vote Republican, one possible reason to artificially swell the GOP registration rolls wold be to lend credibility to altered vote counts reported by the black box voting machines (i.e., so that the dipsarity between party affiliation and voting patterns doesn't seem so blatantly out of kilter...

  • Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I'm not going to argue here, because you obviously have very strong points of view that are not going to be changed. But you also need to get your facts straight and do a little more research. You're worried about our livestock and their contributions to global warming? What, how their manure is used to fertilize crops so that synthetic fertilizer doesn't need to be made? And don't think for a minute that farming doesn't take an emotional impact on the people raising their animals.

    You commented, "Even if you can't wrap you brain around the fact that "our meat supply", was once living breathing beings, capable of feeling pain who have been abused, degraded and tortured from birth, at least drop the "family farm" propaganda." - why don't YOU wrap your brain around the fact that FARMERS ACTUALLY CARE FOR THEIR ANIMALS??? What makes you think these animals are so tortured? We know they feel pain, which is why farmers spend their lives giving these animals the utmost care and respect. Why would we harm something that is our livelihood? Farmers rely on animals for their profit, so providing them with clean and dry facilities, adequate food, water, shelter, etc. is a no brainer. Visit a farm of any kind and you'll find this - I've seen farmers who cry every time an animal gets on the trailer or is lost. Don't assume that farmers don't care because that is just plain low rent. 98% of the farms in this country are family owned, and I suggest you get to one and see what goes on before you make these ridiculous assumptions. provides farmers an opportunity to keep an eye on organizations like H$U$ so that they can't take away our right to farm. Why should H$U$ get to decide how we raise our livestock when they have no background in it? Farmers don't march into the oval office and tell the president how to run the country, do they? Have some faith in your farmers and food production in this country and thank them for the safe products they provide you at an affordable cost. Its fine if you decide not to eat meat, but get educated and quit ridiculing those that do.

  • BP's "Beyond Petroleum" Campaign Losing its Sheen   13 years 51 weeks ago

    BP's solar photovoltaic division here near Frederick, MD in the last year laid off more than 400 workers and shut down it's expansion project. Over the past 2 months they actually tore down the half finished structure. A grim reminder of the total lack of commitment to alternative energy. All of course while posting 162% profits.

    They obviously have no commitment to solar energy or their employees or the U.S. economy.

  • A Firing Squad Execution, and Utah Worries About Tourism?   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I didn't have the impression that this article was centered on firing-squads vs. other forms of execution.

    Also, I contest your belief that death-by-firing-squad "provides an extremely quick death with little pain". Obviously, you haven't experienced it, and you didn't reference any studies to back up your claim.

  • The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   13 years 51 weeks ago

    They should be wait for some years and they also get the good suggestions from the people who are working with the jobs which will effect this policy.

  • Critical Week for Financial Reform!   13 years 51 weeks ago

    The Five Dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 in NYC
    now demand

  • Wash Post Called Out for Outsourcing "News" to the Fiscal Times   13 years 51 weeks ago

    How about instead of spending more time and resources to find out what most everyone at this point already knows, that being that America's economy is a smoking crater, why not direct all energies surrounding the issue toward finding actual solutions? I can't believe more assessment is still required at this point. When you find yourself in a hole, the smartest thing to do first is to stop digging.


  • EnergyStar Program Flunks Test   13 years 51 weeks ago

    I'm suprised to see the poor results.