Bill Moyers Journal Features CMD's Wendell Potter

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Wendell Potter and Bill Moyers

Wendell Potter, the Center for Media and Democracy's Senior Fellow on Health Care, was interviewed for most of an hour by Bill Moyers on his Journal program Friday, July 10th.

Wendell Potter spent more than 20 years as a public relations executive for two large health insurers - Cigna and Humana - but left the industry after witnessing practices he felt harmed American health care consumers. In his own words:

I am speaking out about how big for-profit insurers have hijacked our health care system and turned it into a giant ATM for Wall Street investors, and how the industry is using its massive wealth and influence to determine what is (and is not) included in the health care reform legislation members of Congress are now writing. I was in a unique position to see not only how Wall Street analysts and investors influence decisions insurance company executives make but also how the industry has carried out behind-the-scenes PR and lobbying campaigns to kill or weaken any health care reform efforts that threatened insurers' profitability.

Wendell first went public as an advocate for health care reform as the lead witness at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on June 24 and has since attracted significant and continuing news media attention.


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Spreading Awareness

Dear Mr. Potter,

First, I would like to congratulate you on speaking out against the corruption of the health insurance companies. I am a strong supporter of the health care bill, and I recently watched your interview on Bill Moyers’ Journal about these corporations. After viewing the show, I saw your courage and honesty as a sign of hope in the effort for health care reform. I admire your integrity, because I would have found it difficult to speak out if I were in your position. Your inside knowledge of the issue was refreshing, and I felt that your breakdown of the system was eye opening and instrumental in helping me understand the background and motives of the insurance companies.

I couldn’t agree more with your analysis, but I found it shocking the measures the health care industry would take to gain more profit, even if it meant rejecting or letting go of policy holders. In addition, I found your rebuttal to those opposed to the reform bill to be well argued and supported by strong evidence. Although I espouse the capitalist system, it is imperative that people understand that health insurance cannot be dealt in such a manner. It seems that many who see the reform as dangerous to America’s free market economy fail to realize that the health care industry is unique in that it deals with the lives of people, not products. However, the companies treat their policyholders as such - not as human beings, but as numbers in a statistic. Your insight into the hypocrisy and scare tactics of the insurance companies was illuminating, but I still fail to grasp that many Americans, in ignorance, fall for these traps and criticize the “socialism” of a government-run health care policy.

Though I felt that the interview was eye opening, I believe that many Americans are unaware of the problems you addressed. I find myself berated each day for my support of the bill, and am shocked that the arguments I often face have been outlined and rebuked in your interview. I encourage you to continue in your efforts to spread your knowledge, and hope that you are successful in your effort.

Best regards,
Matthew Chan
Stuart Hall High School '11

Health Care Reform

One thing that few people understand is that most quality health insurance carriers pay 80% to 90% of premium dollars out in benefits. Most insurers are in a competitive environment and know that higher prices mean fewer new clients.

Health care costs are rising and insurance premiums rise along with them. If there is a drought in an area where banana are grown, we don't blame the grocer for the high price.

Insurers are certainly not always right, but if the reason for the increased premiums were excess profits the market would fix the problem. Health insurance companies that only operate in certain states would come into other states and offer lower premiums and "fix the problem."

It has happened with the phone companies and with computers and many other goods and services. When the profits got high enough competition came into the market.

"One thing that few people

"One thing that few people understand is that most quality health insurance carriers pay 80% to 90% of premium dollars out in benefits."

What more and more people are coming to understand is that 10 - 20 percent of premiums paid out for dividends, executive salaries and perks, and advertising and PR, not to mention lobbying our government maintain the status quo, is just too much.

...but if the reason for the increased premiums were excess profits the market would fix the problem. Health insurance companies that only operate in certain states would come into other states and offer lower premiums and "fix the problem."

Oh, right. Actually, long experience shows that "competing" companies would much rather divvy up markets and fix prices than engage in real competition, which is why we have anti-trust law. Are the for-profit insurers willing to give up their current anti-trust exemptions?

It has happened with the phone companies and with computers and many other goods and services. When the profits got high enough competition came into the market.

Yeah. The trick, though, is not to get sick or injured while you wait for that hoped-for principle to kick in, or bankrupted in the process of making the profits high enough.

Selling iPods belongs in the for-profit sector. Health insurance does not.

i want everybody to see this

i want everybody to see this interview. it was awesome.

More Balogna

Ask "who profits most from current health care proposals and from a public option?"

The answer is clearly big corporations and not the public. Why is a venal, employee-abusive company like Wal-Mart is so actively supporting the measure? It is only to serve themselves.

Wendell Potter "speaks out" about an industry that makes about 3% profit on the health care part of insurance. Potter was just a communications executive and, like most of them, really doesn't know what he is talking about.

Potter says that insurers' expense management and purging actions resulted in collective medical-loss ratios of the seven largest for-profit insurers falling from an average of 85.3 percent in 1998 to 81.6 percent in 2008 and "that translates into a difference of several billion dollars in favor of insurance company shareholders and executives."

Potter cites that Pricewaterhouse result and assumes the cause - but a far more likely cause is the fact that "44% of workers with health benefits were covered by self-insured plans in 1999. That percentage had risen to 55% in 2007." In other words, insurance companies no longer had that risk and expense, thus improving their medical-loss ratios. Businesses funded their own plans.

86% of companies larger than 5,000 employees have become self-insured as have 76% of those with 1,000-4,999 employees. Companies like mine jumped on the bandwagon to reduce healthcare costs because 1) states all had different regulations to follow, and self-funded companies could simply abide by ERISA and 2) businesses saved all the state taxes of 2-6% that insurance companies have to pay on premiums.

What do big corporations get? With a public option, private options will fade away. Users will opt for the public option to save a few bucks on their share of premiums, not realizing what they are giving up in the long run. The costs paid by the big corporations will drop dramatically and their risk and liability as self-insurers disappears.

What does the consumer get with a public option? Look at Medicare - it means unilateral (and often unreasonably) reduced payments to providers. Users have to buy Medigap insurance to cover at least part of the difference between what this public option pays and the care they need. The rest comes out of their pocket or they go without.

Users receive less of the care their doctor says is necessary. As examples, when I was ill, I was sometimes mistaken for a Medicare patient. When my doctor said I needed my two deep wounds monitored, cleansed and treated daily by a home nurse for a couple of months, I was told Medicare would cover a few visits and then, "You have to find someone else to do it for you." I was also told Medicare covered only 20 colostomy bags a month and I would have to wash them out and reuse them. Fortunately, our actual insurance covered what I needed.

Yes, health care definitely needs reform in terms of efficiencies and, most likely, in prohibiting things like hip replacements for octogenarians on the brink of death from cancer. Yes, there should be reasonable options for those with pre-existing conditions and some sort of portability...but none of those fixes requires a "public option."

But no one is discussing that kind of improvement first. Instead, the public will lose out once again while the big-buck corporations profit thanks to their generous funding of both Democrats and Republicans. Beginning t age 65, mandatory end-of-life discussions are incorporated for patients (HR 3200 section 1233) Committees decide on "the most effective treatments" and all medical records must be filed with the government by 2014.

In business, if you unilaterally drop prices before you eliminate waste and fix the processes, then you lose money and go bankrupt, especially if you keep spending money you don't have. You have to fix the costs first. The Feds fail to do that....which is why they have programs that are never fixed and keep going bankrupt...

To Health Insurers, This is No "Period of Moral Crisis"

Many thanks to Mr. Wendell Potter for stepping up in this "period of moral crisis" where our health care is being held hostage by a Goliath beholden to profit at the expense of their own customers.

That their product is "health insurance coverage" is incidental and misleading (if not outright corrupt). Big health insurance's self-stated chief business objective is to be profitable. To pay themselves and their investors. Period. Their business model for accomplishing this is to to provide as little actual "health insurance coverage" to their customers (to Americans) as possible.

Clearly health care reform needs all the truth tellers it can get because health insurers are not at all morally conflicted. Competition from a STRONG public option is the only way insurers will operate more cost-effectively and fairly.

late diagnosis = early death

My brother was fired from IBM after 18 years of employment (age discrimination). Not only did he lose a career but also his health insurance. He simply could not afford to seek medical service when he experienced unexplained rapid weight loss.

Finally, he sought help at a local free health clinic, but by then the renal cell carcinoma had metastasized throughout his body. He died only a few months later after diagnosis.

no insurance + no health care = late diagnosis and early death

Health Care

Reform is needed and I'm sure it will be come. But I truly believe we need to start from scratch and start increasing the utilization of HSAs. Throw in some tax credits and increase state pools for high risk persons.

So how do we boycott?

I'm ready for something drastic to be done. Was on the phone with my health insurance provider today for two medical incidents. The first was a bill that they didn't pay because "The doctor is in network but the facility he used wasn't" .. ??? And the other was an emergency room visit to a hospital that was in network but the doctor who saw us was out of network. This is a PPO plan that we pay about $950 a month for. Makes me sick.


How do you start a boycott ?? Don't buy health insurance anymore. Tell your fellow coworkers not to buy, your friends, family, etc. Have a meeting (party) at your house and get everyones attention and tell them. Then all them can do the same thing. We the people need to STOP being complacent and do something. I plan on doing this...lets see how far we can go !!