PR Watch Archives

The Center for Media and Democracy publishes a regular email update of our breaking news and investigative reporting that is available right to your inbox. To receive this publication, simply enter your email address in the box that says "get email updates" in the upper right-hand corner of this webpage.
In addition to our published work on our websites --, ALECexposed, SourceWatch, BanksterUSA, and the Food Rights Network -- CMD previously published a periodical available by subscription.
In late 2008, the Center for Media and Democracy stopped printing its quarterly paper summary of our reporting, known as PR Watch, which had been launched in 1994 -- before online communications became the dominant way people chose to receive this news. Since then, CMD has focused on our online publications, featuring original investigative reporting and analysis of the public relations industry and spin. To help fund this work, you can make a contribution here.
CMD's online publications and archive of print publications help citizens, journalists, and researchers seeking to identify and combat manipulative and misleading PR practices. CMD specializes in blowing the lid off the multi-billion dollar propaganda-for-hire industry, naming names and revealing how public relations wizards concoct and spin the news, organize phony 'grassroots' front groups, spy on citizens, and conspire with lobbyists and politicians to thwart democracy. We expose the hidden activities of secretive, little-known mega-firms such as Hill & Knowlton, Burson-Marsteller and Ketchum PR -- the "invisible men" who control our political debates and public opinion, twisting reality and protecting the powerful from scrutiny.
Listed below are links to the archived copies of PR Watch by year. Archived issues of PR Watch are available to download in PDF format. You can also subscribe to our news feed on particular subjects by opening the "RSS Feeds" tab above.
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