Readers' Comments

  • Sprucing Up Suppression: Pennsylvania GOP Proposes New Election-Rigging Scheme   11 years 16 weeks ago

    The new version of the GOP vote-rigging plan is just as bad as the one currently used. All the gerrymandering is abominable whether done by Democrats or republicans! I don't believe for one minute that the Democrats are suffering for the same disease as the gop. Most of the House and Senate republicans are either demented or stupid!

  • Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 16 weeks ago

    I'm an environmentalist, but I think that the pipeline should be approved. The oil will be moved by rail or by pipeline, and pipeline is clearly the better option. The oil will be sent west over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and then to China, or else south by pipeline to the U.S. Sending it to the U.S. is clearly the better option. The pipeline decision is a very simple one, but unfortunately some people have tried to make it complicated.

  • Bills to Label Genetically Engineered Foods Introduced in Illinois and Iowa   11 years 16 weeks ago

    Reign in this GMO beast. First, overturn Clarence Thomas' decision to allow Monsanto a patent on the seed. A Supreme Court justice who used to be a lawyer for Monsanto decides the fate of our food?! MADNESS!! He should have recused himself. Obvious corruption. Seeds were made by Mother Nature and should NEVER have a patent. Second, the food supply should NEVER be tampered with, allowing viruses, bacteria and foreign genes. The DNA of a plant should NEVER be altered or compromised. It becomes a toxic offender to the human body.

    Clarence Thomas was there again today to hear this latest case. Check this out:


  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 16 weeks ago

    That's why we never stop hearing that fists don't kill people, people kill people. :-)

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 16 weeks ago

    "As for the AR-15, you are more likely to be killed by someone's fists than by any type of rifle..."

    So, if Adam Lanza hadn't had a Bushmaster 223 at his disposal, he would have PUNCHED in the door at Sandy Hook Elementary, and then PUNCHED 20 children and 6 adults to death?

    After using his fists to kill his mother in her sleep, of course.


  •   11 years 16 weeks ago

    I liked your article, I will share your article to everyone!!

  • Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 16 weeks ago

    The "better planet" they're lovers of must be some other planet in some higher universe they can exploit and trash and pollute to their hearts' content with never any negative consequences. It sure ain't this one.

  • Sprucing Up Suppression: Pennsylvania GOP Proposes New Election-Rigging Scheme   11 years 16 weeks ago

    The Democrats are not arguing against democracy as you put it. They are arguing against election rigging which the Republican Party seems to be obsessed with. If you think that proportional electoral college voting is a good idea then it should be applied consistently throughout the US. Not just in states which favor one party over another.

    By the way suppressing the vote refers to making it difficult or impossible for individual voters to cast their ballot. It has nothing to do with gaming the Electoral College.

  • Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 16 weeks ago

    Climate blame believers are the real fear mongering neocons!

    Why are we acting like the fear mongering neocons now? Bush didn't threaten my kids with a CO2 death. Our crisis is an exaggerated crisis and real planet lovers are glad not disappointed a crisis wasn't real.
    You can’t have a little cataclysmic climate change and if it’s not a crisis, climate change crisis is not real!
    Science has never said any climate crisis (death for all) "will" be a crisis, only could be and not one single IPCC warning says it will happen, only might happen.
    So it's only you lazy copy and paste news editors and goose-stepping journalists and fear mongers and pandering politicians that are saying it "WILL" happen. 27 years of science only saying it might happen not will happen proves beyond any doubt that a crisis won't happen.
    Former Climate Change Believers Are Better Planet Lovers!

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 16 weeks ago

    You're right. The NRA is drawing fire while the gun makers are avoiding the headlines, although we have written about them too but not as much.

    Thank you for the constructive criticism!


  • Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption   11 years 16 weeks ago

    I agree,
    Trafficking women and children to prison with long term sentences and consecutive sentences, what is this - a time sharing plan among a few selected investment companys. Oh by the way, people in my state are fully aware of investments, trafficking people to prison, and it never donned on me no wonder I can't get representation for my son. Are these attorneys involved with getting a piece of the gov't contract money for willfully, intentionally dening a person his/her rights or are they in fear of themselves and their families lives as I am, if I open my mouth and say this is wrong. To run families further into poverty by taking their states money to incarcerate their families(aunties, uncles, cousins, second cousins etc.)--- well -- I can't wait to see the glory in all of this and see ours exchanging places with the very ones that invested the souls in the prison industry. Yes we need to wake up and stand up and open our mouths.

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 16 weeks ago

    ...for some time now, on just how very well the NRA has fulfilled its function as a PR front and lightning rod for the gun manufacturers.

    Almost all of the discourse about gun violence has centered on NRA and not on the manufacturers, who after all are the ones shoving these guns down everyone's throats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems to me to include PR Watch.

    But that may be changing:

    (With apologies for the opening commercial and Rachel's meandering intro.)

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 17 weeks ago

    The original commenter is trafficking in deception, otherwise known as lies, damned lies, and statistics.

    The FBI does not publish crime data by model of rifle, and so Mr. or Ms. NRA Spin is probably just parroting what someone else said and never looked it up.

    The FBI's Uniform Crime Report does track homicides by weapon, and that data conclusively demonstrates that an American is more likely to be murdered with a gun than with any other weapon, including fists.

    I've uploaded a PDF of that table from the UCR as an attachment to this article, so you can see the numbers yourself.

    What the 2011 report (the most recent year with complete data) shows is that 8,583 people in the U.S. were murdered with a firearm, out of the 12,664 homicides that year, which is fully 2/3 (and precisely 67.77%) of all homicides.

    What the deceiving commenter references without bothering to give you the benefit of the full data on (which is actually quite brief, literally a few lines on a single page) is that of those 8,583 homicides by gun, 323 were from rifles, and he or she selectively omits that 6,220 were from handguns and the remainder were from other types of guns, like shotguns. Assault-style weapons can be both long guns and hand guns and models of both types can be used with different quantities of ammunition clips.

    It is the case that 728 people were murdered in 2011 by bare hands including pushing people, but that's a far cry from the 8,583 from guns. Selectively comparing rifles to fists without revealing total homicides by guns is deceptive stuff.

  • Scott Walker Dropped the Bomb Two Years Ago Today and Wisconsin’s Economy Is still Shattered   11 years 17 weeks ago

    I admit I have a very cynical but also practical attitude towards job creators. Over the years I have had to cobble together disparate jobs that may or may not fit with my skills. I have become a scrapper, a jack of many low skill trades. I have out of necessity adopted a motto: you have to be your own union. You have to smile and pretend you are grateful for their meager wage and eternal lack of incentives or raises. You have to conduct your own work slowdown in the face of ridiculous demands on your time and your dignity. You have to take your life back in whatever small ways you can. The ultimate act of defiance to which I may well have to resort, is to incorporate myself, in order to enjoy the same privileges that corporations enjoy: tax deductions for maintenance of machinery (my body), for food, water, and storage, and for any other expense related to keeping myself alive and going to work every day. Some of us are just not quick enough to re-tool in the dizzying speed of this global economy, and so we have become beasts of burden, expendable, and more of a burden ourselves than an asset. Pre-war Germany saw riots in the streets over the hearts and minds of workers. Today in the U.S., unskilled labor is over abundant, expendable, and unworthy of a living wage. Soon, though, the heads of conglomerates will find their servants have become their masters, as money will begin to lose its meaning.

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 17 weeks ago
    I'm not going to do your homework for you. You go look it up yourselves."

    If you want to challenge something someone is saying, and you have specific evidence to cite, it's on you cite your source.

    You said "FBI data," so you owe it to us to link to an FBI web page that backs your claims. Unless, of course, you can't, because you're just another petulant gun-nut do-some-research troll.

  • Four States Introduce Keystone XL Resolutions, Lifting Language from ALEC and TransCanada Itself   11 years 17 weeks ago

    Dishonest "Drill, Baby Drill" Bone-her,
    All Keystone gas is destined for overseas Markets.. J.B. himself championed 3 GOP,--100% "No" Votes,- to send a single drop of Keystone Gas to North America! G O Pee does mean "Greedy, Oil, Pricks,"" "Drill Baby Drill""????? Right in USA Bum-hole!~ Graft = G O Pee, Piss, Poor, Party of Punks! Do Your Job Eric Holder, Barack Obama... Just like Alaska pipeline---all gas to Japan! Pat Attention White House!!

  • Fracking Industry Goes After Promised Land Film   11 years 17 weeks ago

    How can you say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle? There is a great deal of evidence to indicate that this is just not the case. Why would the State of PA put gag orders on doctors? Why would people be stepping forward with illness that we have not seen prior to fracking? Why are farmers seeing 19 of 20 calves being still born? No, the statement "the truth lies somewhere in the middle" is a sentiment that allows people, such as yourself, a way to deny what is happening. We need to stop these greedy dirty energy criminals from further polluting the air, water and land. If we don't what will become of our children and grandchildren? What kind of suffering are we heaping upon future generations? Did you read the prior posts before writing your own? If so, how can you possibly tell a person who has been poisoned and had their health destroyed to calm down and let things sort themselves out. That's just the kind of attitude that has allowed things to go this far.

    Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 17 weeks ago

    The US may lead the world in gun murders, but is solidly middle of the pack when you compare homicides. Unless you only care about gun murders or naively believe that these murders would not have happened in the absence of guns.

    As for the AR-15, you are more likely to be killed by someone's fists than by any type of rifle, of which the AR-15 murders are a subset of rifle murders. If you're going to go after guns, why not hand guns first since those are easily the biggest source of gun murders. But then you would have to come to terms with the fact that the states which have some of the strongest anti-handgun laws are among the states with the highest numbers of handgun deaths.

    This is FBI data that is freely available at the cost of a google search. I'm not going to do your homework for you. You go look it up yourselves. That being said, I suspect you are too lazy to do that just like most Democrats who are too lazy to do something like, oh say, go get a job.

  • Americans for Prosperity Provides "Grassroots" for Controversial Wisconsin Mining Bill   11 years 17 weeks ago

    I beg to disagree with you.

    Click here for more information on the Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study:

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 17 weeks ago

    Driving to work out in the middle of an agricultural zone, I noticed a huge area likely meaning one Washington State wheat farm was posted as it going to be fertilised by sewage solids. So think bread as well when it comes to sewage solids.

    I am looking forward to dust storms now.

  • Will GOP Governors Really Try "Nullifying" Obamacare?   11 years 17 weeks ago

    I have no issue with allowing people who have low income and no benefits access to affordable health care, we should have been trying to figure this out years ago. But there is an issue with forcing people to accept it if they do not want it. You would not be alright with a gang forcing someone to pay for "protection" so why would you allow the government to do the same? If you have a moral standard then you must hold that standard to everyone no exceptions. Force is force even if it is the government dishing it out. Stand for Freedom

  • Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption   11 years 17 weeks ago

    After reading this article I would like to ask the author to take a close look at Louisiana Governor Bobby Jendhal. During the Presidential campaign he made several trips campaigning for Romney. It is unclear who paid for these trips. He is also attempting to privatize everything from healthcare to education. I believe our prison system is already privatized. We already have the "Right To Work" here. Our state is going to hell in a hand basket. He wants to raise taxes on everything and for everyone, except for large corporations in which he claims will bring jobs to the state. He refuses to implement the Healthcare Act. He's closing all the charity hospitals. The poor and working class of this state are suffering because of him. How could I find out if he has connections to the Koch brothers? He has his eye on the "Whitehouse". God forbid!!!

  • Americans for Prosperity Provides "Grassroots" for Controversial Wisconsin Mining Bill   11 years 17 weeks ago

    The article you cite is not from an environmental expert. "Larry Kaufmann is an economic consultant based in Madison." Seems like spin to me Bart. Wisconsin does have more stringent standards than the minimum required to meet EPA requirements, that is what's kept our state so beautiful and our people so healthy. The mining company is perfectly capable of meeting the standards to get at that ore, they just happen to know that they can get them relaxed by the current administration. You might take note of the fact that not every job from mining is in the mining itself, environmental compliance is valid economic activity. Engineers, technicians, consultants etc. all make big bucks off of the permitting process, along with all the administrative support that compiles data into reports, prints it etc.

    You and far too many others are being taken in by their spin and sacrificing healthy water, fishing, recreation, drinking water etc. etc. etc. so they can make more profit than they would by complying with our regulations. It is extremely sad. You think EPA standards are protective enough, but if you live in Wisconsin then maybe you should consider the disturbing water quality and health impacts of states who are more lax with environmental regulations.

    I suppose the writing is on the wall but if you live anywhere near this mine I would highly recommend that if you have infants, or your wife is pregnant or nursing, or your parents or elderly that you purchase water from elsewhere. I hope your views are right, history shows us that you are probably wrong. Wisconsin used to believe it was best to err on the side of nature and the environment. Too bad it's going the Koch-Alec-Walker way. Bet the jobs won't live up to the claims either and the profits will end up in the Caymen Islands too.

  • Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption   11 years 17 weeks ago

    The corruption in the state of FL has been noted by the rest of us starting with Jeb Bush, his brothers re-election, and the machines that hung up when his brothers name was not selected.
    I am thinking that this is rampart in all states, and it seems to be coming from the same party.
    We need to wake up and vote as many as we can out in 2014, possibly catching the rest of them in 2016. Our country is going to go downhill fast if this type stuff is not stopped.
    Maybe prison time in the very prison they created, would be a first step.

  • Americans for Prosperity Provides "Grassroots" for Controversial Wisconsin Mining Bill   11 years 17 weeks ago

    Even the Isthmus, probably the 2nd most liberal newspaper (behind the Shepherd Express), agrees with not having a disparity between states. Currently, Minnesota and Michigan already have iron mines with do not produce toxins which come from sulfide ores (copper, zinc and gold).
    Nobody is saying throw away the EPA standards as we are so high above them! All this over regulation does is reduce the workforce in this state!!!
    I wish PR would heed its own words on "spin and disinformation", and actually find out the true environmental impact, not just spew out what ever the far left has to say!
    Here is the link to the Isthmus (from Madison):