Readers' Comments

  • James O’Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN)   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Hmmm ... seems to me that a proper and more fitting punishment would be some serious criminal charges and prison time?

    What's up?

  • Center for Media and Democracy Wins Open Government Award   11 years 12 weeks ago

    It is imperative that all like-minded freedom loving Americans' stand together to remove not only Scott Walker from office, but those who have (blindly) supported his agenda.

    This is our land - take it back. Do all you can to get like-minded voters to the polls ...

    On the other hand ... they may be making it illegal to vote for any person other than the office holder.

  • Wave of "Ag Gag" Bills Threaten Food Safety and Freedom of the Press   11 years 12 weeks ago

    The "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act" (AETA) A bill to insure animal and ecological terrorism and to perpetuate animal torture and ecological destruction.

  • From Tabloids to Tablets: News Corp Spends Big on LA School Board Race, Sets Sights on Public Education "Market"   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Yes, I agree that our system of public education is in need of reform. Our world standings are less than what's needed to keep us competitive in today's world ... but to allow the privatization of public education, at the hands or likes of Rupert Murdoch, the Koch Brothers, and others of their ilk ... would be far worse.

    What public education needs is serious reform. Dispense with the flowery things - get down to basics. By their 2nd year of high school our kids need to be geared to a life. Two trakcs would be offered: 1) on to college, or 2) vocational training.

    If vocational - a wide-variety of options and chocies. Trades - clerical - medical assistants - and on.

    If College - both general studies and prep studies. Prep being geared towards a degree program

    This would allow our children to find their own comfort levels, and not forced to think that they have to get a college degree. For those seeking advanced learning and careers, less artsy stuff, and more of what counts.

    Do it - or watch the wealthy take over.

  • FDA Ready to Approve Frankenfish Despite Fishy Science   11 years 12 weeks ago

    I have taken advantage of every opportunity that has come my way to object to the genetic engineering of wild or farm raised salmon. The idea is appalling and the possibility that, if it IS done, it may not require labeling is criminal. People have a right to know what is being offered for their consumption and whether or not. it contains something to which they are allergic. I am flat out opposed to any GE food that has not been proven to be absolutely safe for human consumption and labeled as to what it contains. There have been so many non-native
    species "escape" into the wild and do irreparable damage to our eco-system that the very idea of this type of "frankenfish" is just too horrible. It will only be good for the greed and bottom line of the industry,not for the world population or the environment.
    PLEASE, don't allow this to happen.

  • WellPoint and Bristol-Myers Squibb Cut Ties to ALEC, Making 44 Corporations Out   11 years 12 weeks ago

    ALEC, as with the Heritage Foundation, came about during the Reagan era. He personally welcomed them ... and new we are suffering their consequences. Both of these institutions, and others, have become all-consuming beasts ... just like the political party that spawned them.

    My take is that it's a shame to see people hiding behind the once honorable political party name - Republican - when they are in fact the real RINOs'.

  • Wave of "Ag Gag" Bills Threaten Food Safety and Freedom of the Press   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Seems like we have become a "follow the money" majority. So what if 98% or more of Americans' suffer ... it's the 2% that pay the bills - right. Especially if the 2% has rigged the game where they have all the money spend - and the 98% struggles.

  • U.S. Supreme Court Considers ALEC Voting Bill; Could Have Broader Implications for Voting Rights   11 years 12 weeks ago

    The only problem with Arizona rests with those who are running the state. It may be that the citiznes / voters didn't realize what they were getting when they put Brewer and her clan in office. But the time has come for a showdown ... is this what you - the citizens of Arizona - really want?

  • Wave of "Ag Gag" Bills Threaten Food Safety and Freedom of the Press   11 years 12 weeks ago

    ALEC is a stain on the underwear of America.

  • Wave of "Ag Gag" Bills Threaten Food Safety and Freedom of the Press   11 years 12 weeks ago

    This is so horrendous and needs to be stopped. What has our country become? We need to get rid of ALEC and its devils on board. Our govt has gone too far and We the People must make a stand. If we are going to allow a military state in this country we and all of the next generations are doomed. Our founding fathers would die all over again if they saw the disasterous state We are in. It is clear: if they want to gag abuses of animals, who do you think this will affect next?? Its time for real change and not the one the devil proposes! We should impeach any and all supporters of this inhumane and horrific bill. OmG what have We become!? Dee

  • Wenonah Hauter, Author of "Foodopoly," Discusses Why Corporate Control of America's Food System Affects YOU   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Bill, that's true, but Hauter makes the point that this problem is not one we can shop our way out of. She urges good old fashioned political activism, talking to legislators, etc. I hope lots of folks come out tonight to meet her and learn more about the solutions to the corporate control of the food system! 7pm at Madison's Goodman Center: Hope to see you there!

  • WI Senate Passes Mining Bill, Opposition to Continue   11 years 12 weeks ago

    By "ever will" I assume that you mean "ever could", since all we have are model simulations or predictions?
    If that is the case, that the native Americans are polluting Lake Superior more than a open pit iron mine ever could, i.e. by leeching thousands of gallons of sulfuric acid into the watershed, dropping the pH, deoxygenating the water and thereby making it uninhabitable for the current ecosystem, then by all means tell us- what in the world is it that the native Americans are actually doing?

  • A Reporters' Guide to the Goldwater Institute   11 years 12 weeks ago

    What an eye-opening and shocking report. What irony, the "winner" of the stolen 2000 election appoints two Supreme Court justices who are the deciding votes in the 5-4 Citizens United case. And the same justices provide the winning votes in the Arizona Clean Government case, which results in requiring the taxpayers of Arizona to pay legal fees to the Goldwater Institute which undermines the interests of the citizens of the state, and which supports efforts which will probably attempt to fund more "winners" in the future.

  • WI Senate Passes Mining Bill, Opposition to Continue   11 years 12 weeks ago what, fishing?

  • James O’Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN)   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Wonder where the money came from? O'Keefe is from a wealthy family--did they pay or did someone else? And what about Hannah Giles? Where did she come up with $50K?

  • ALEC Corporate Bill Mill Posts (Some) Model Bills Online for First Time; Watchdogs Say Move Falls Far Short on Transparency   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Thank you to The Center for Media and Democracy's PR watch for bring to the light of day just what ALEC has been doing in secret all these years. It gives us a chance to fight their corporate written bills.

  • James O’Keefe Pays $100K Settlement after Deceiving Public about ACORN (and ALEC Helped Take Down ACORN)   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Hannah Giles, the erstwhile "hooker" in this fiasco paid $50K to the same person.

    But what do democrats pay for their stupidity in dumping ACORN before even examining the tape for authenticity?

  • A Reporters' Guide to the Goldwater Institute   11 years 12 weeks ago

    Good work. I also noticed that the Goldwater Institute's Director of Litigation Clint Bolick is also connected to immigration issues as the coauthor of Jeb Bush's new book.

  • Wave of "Ag Gag" Bills Threaten Food Safety and Freedom of the Press   11 years 12 weeks ago

    This just illustrates the continuing corruption in US politics. What possible valid reason can these producers have for wanting this law, if it isn't for the fact that they are hiding something? The US public needs to be warned against firms using this law, so that they can avoid buying their products, as it has a good chance of being tainted.

  • WI Senate Passes Mining Bill, Opposition to Continue   11 years 13 weeks ago

    Do you have information/links to go with that statement

  • Conversation with "Fix the Debt," Help Count the Pinocchios   11 years 13 weeks ago

    A balanced budget is an impossibility in context of an unbalanced price-system which under the existing flawed system of finance and cost-accounancy the present price-system is. Rather than issuing psuedo debt liquidity to banks so they can create and issue more debt for production thus creating new and additional costs to be liquidated we should provide debt-free consumer credits to balance the growing capital costs in the price system--these credits being issued instead of consumer debt as Consumer Dividends and payments to Retailers so that they can lower their prices at point of sale. These consumer credits should as an item of consumption be written down from a properly constructed National Credit Account including all productive national assets capable of creating a financial cost if used for production. Because all newly found assets and new real capital projects would be credited to the NCA,
    it would, nevertheless, always be growing. Are we to see the end of civilization merely because we lack the intelligence to fashion a sane financial system and continue blindly to worship and genuflect before a flawed numerical abstraction? We can do anything that we are psychologically and physically capable of doing. All things physically possible must be made financially possible and no irrational credit system should stand in our way. After all "money" is simply accountancy and what we need is sound and honest accountancy.

    Read words of sanity for a change;

  • Corrections Corporation of America Used in Drug Sweeps of Public School Students   11 years 13 weeks ago

    Please express how you feel about this to the perp., Tim Hamilton!
    (520) 876-9400 Fax: (520) 876-5348

  • WI Senate Passes Mining Bill, Opposition to Continue   11 years 13 weeks ago

    The indian tribes are hypocrites, they are polluting the river worse than the mine ever will!!

  • New Study by National Employment Law Project Documents ALEC’s Attack on Wages   11 years 13 weeks ago

    ALEC and the Republicans/TeaBaggers have been very successful at demonizing unions and over the past few years, thus paving the way to wage suppression and reducing earned benefits.

  • Conversation with "Fix the Debt," Help Count the Pinocchios   11 years 13 weeks ago

    You are so right! What can we do to stop it? No one (Obama, Supreme Court, Senate, Congress...) seems to care. They seem to ALL be corrupt, heartless, and incapable of telling the truth.