Readers' Comments

  • The Fork in the Road   18 years 1 week ago

    Lots of smart people become academics, engineers, lawyers, doctors and bankers.

    And, more recently, lots of ambitious people have entered the computer field.

    I bet, to some degree, all other professions suffer when smart people do something else, including government service.

  • Technorati-Edelman Mashup   18 years 1 week ago

    Imagine if the Republican Party was going to sponsor a similar effort with a library group. Silly to think that their agenda would not screw up the library.

    Technorati is an index!!

    The fact that there has not been more outrage over Edelman's move just underscores how insulated and naïve PR bloggers can be. That's sad.

    - Amanda Chapel

  • Big Tobacco Attack Ads Blow Smoke in California   18 years 1 week ago

    I never realized so much money was involved in oversees cigarette sales... no wonder they are funding attack ads around the primary election fo Califonia's State Board of Equalization.

    In order to get something you've never had, you've got to be willing to do something you've never done.
    my blog

  • Former Oilman Aims To Overturn WWF's Anti-Nuclear Policy   18 years 1 week ago

    Since it is now approximately a week since I posted a response to Grant above and on the SourceWatch talk page I posted a note to the relevant article on his blog. Hopefully he'll respond soon. Bob

  • Coming Soon To a Theater Near You: Docuganda!   18 years 1 week ago

    Thought I'd check in on "civilization" to see if they have yet realized their utopian dream of being free of all rabble-rousers.

    Looks like they're still working on it --- this "dream."

    Imagining their dream world --- in which they are free of truth and can center more and more on their own narcissicm --- can get to be both pathetic and entertaining. But it is only entertaining from a distance. Being in the thick of it is like swimming in a toilet.

    And what is it these days with all of the "listen-to-me-pick-my-nose" music that is everywhere? Is this supposed to be entertainment? Why is it that you can't even enter a fast food place without hearing this music that big brother has picked out for us? Is it not just another marketing tool to keep the masses in an agitated state?

    Okay I've changed the subject but this society is extremely pathetic, and that is that point.

  • Coming Soon To a Theater Near You: Docuganda!   18 years 1 week ago

    All I can say is I can't wait to see an Inconvenient Truth by our
    rightful president. I hope he considers running again. Although
    the sheeplike public who allowed the Bush years to happen don't
    deserve him.

    "Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared as much about
    CO2 as BMI, there would still be time!"

  • New additions to Congresspedia   18 years 1 week ago

    Current problems I am having with the Congresspedia website: On the U.S. House of Representatives when I click on Gary Ackerman’s profile it brings up the main page, but then when I scroll down and click on Current Election Cycle – Fundraising Profile it takes me to Neil Abercrombie’s Campaign Profile. I am also having the same problems with Al Green’s profile, his is bringing up Sam Graves’. Once again for Duncan Hunter’s profile I am getting Kenny Hulshofs’.

  • Mideast Oil Reduction Not Meant Literally   18 years 1 week ago

    I am baffled by the president (among others) who claim that alternative fuels could ever replace mideast oil imports. Here are two things that make me question this logic.

    1. Oil products are used for a whole lot more than automobile fuel. In his tough talk about oil bush fails to mention how his solutions are going to help us manufacture plastic products. Most of our modern consumer society depends on petroleum as a key ingredient in almost everything.

    2. Will we ever have enough land to support the massive crops that would be needed to support a biofuel future? It just doesn't seem to make sense. There are millions of cars burning fuel every day - how long do biofuel crops take to grow? Aren't we already using all available land and caging in wildlife? It would be interesting to see a scientific assesment of his promises - they just doesn't seem to add up.

    Visit Peak Oil News for the latest articles relating to world oil production and supply concerns. Biodiesel Fuel News is a good place to keep up to date on developments in biofuel and alternative fuels.

  • Spinning (and Unspinning) Nuclear Power Worldwide   18 years 2 weeks ago

    The talk about nuclear power as a renewable energy source is troublesome. There have been countless disasters that have proven the utlitmate dangers of this technology. Besides that, we still have no safe way to dispose of radioactive waste. Therefore it should be clear that nuclear energy is no solution to the peak oil problem. We should be redirecting nuclear funding to truly safer and renewable energy sources such as geothermal power, solar power, tidal power or wind power. Imagine the amount of progress that could be made using those financial resources.

  • CMD Report "Fake TV News" Triggers FCC Investigation   18 years 2 weeks ago

    May 25, 2006

    [:cmd/bios.php/Diane_Farsetta|Diane Farsetta], [[Center for Media and Democracy]], 608-260-9713
    Craig Aaron, Free Press, 202-265-1490

    FCC Investigates TV Stations for Airing Fake News

    Investigation into Video News Releases and Activist Pressure May Lead to Fines, Better Disclosure

    WASHINGTON -- The [[Federal Communications Commission]] has launched an investigation of dozens of television stations, for airing corporate-sponsored and -scripted segments on news programs, without disclosing their sources.

    The investigation comes in response to an investigative report by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and an online activist campaign spearheaded by Free Press. The official probe by FCC Chairman Kevin Martin was reported today by Bloomberg News.

    The report, titled "Fake TV News: Widespread and Undisclosed," identified 77 television stations across the country that aired corporate PR as news over a 10-month period. Not one station disclosed the clients behind these segments to its viewers.

    "We commend the FCC for taking the issue of fake news seriously," said Diane Farsetta, the Center for Media and Democracy's senior researcher and the co-author of the report. "With the FCC's enforcement bureau getting involved, hopefully TV stations will finally practice full disclosure."

    Although CMD tracked just 36 of the thousands of video news releases, or VNRs, distributed each year, it identified 69 TV stations that aired at least one VNR. Eight other stations aired satellite media tours, which are live but highly scripted interviews often scheduled and aired in conjunction with VNRs. The list of TV stations, along with footage of the VNRs and the newscasts that showed them, can be found at

    In conjunction with the release of the report on April 6, 2006, Free Press launched a "No Fake News" online activist campaign. Since then, more than 25,000 concerned citizens have contacted the FCC to urge the agency to enforce and strengthen its disclosure requirements.

    "The FCC should be applauded for listening to its real constituents -- the American public," said Craig Aaron, communications director of Free Press. "The official FCC probe puts the nation's biggest media companies on notice that their viewers won't stand for fake news on the public airwaves. We hope the FCC will back up its strong statements on covert propaganda with decisive action."

    In its April 2005 Public Notice, the FCC stated, "Whenever broadcast stations and cable operators air VNRs, licensees and operators generally must disclose to members of their audiences the nature, source and sponsorship of the material." The FCC declined to comment on today's report about the investigation.

    CMD and Free Press also filed a formal complaint with the FCC last month, urging that all VNRs be accompanied by a continuous, frame-by-frame visual notification and verbal disclosure of their source. The complaint is available at


    The Center for Media and Democracy ( ) is a nonprofit, public interest organization that strengthens participatory democracy by investigating and exposing public relations spin and propaganda, and by promoting media literacy and citizen journalism.

    Free Press ( ) is a national, nonpartisan organization working to involve the public in media policymaking and to craft policies for a more democratic media system.

  • Former Oilman Aims To Overturn WWF's Anti-Nuclear Policy   18 years 2 weeks ago

    Hi Grant,

    1. Those links you originally included in the above post weren't working (over several days) so I substituted the generic link to your blog and added the post titles and dates so readers can find what you were pointing to.

    2. As to the subtantive point of WWF Australia's & Greg Bourne's views on nuclear power and uranium mining, in response to another posting I have listed a number of queries on the SourceWatch page

    cheers, bob

  • Mamma Mia, Here I Sell Again   18 years 2 weeks ago

    My dad has ran his business for year by solely word of mouth advertising... I, on the other hand can't even speak about my business. I guess I gotta figure out a way to reach all these moms.

    In order to get something you've never had, you've got to be willing to do something you've never done.
    my blog

  • Hey, FOX - Google Much?   18 years 3 weeks ago

    Maybe one day the media will get it right and make everyone happy.


  • Berman's Center for Union Smears Hits TV Screens   18 years 3 weeks ago

    I wonder what Berman is going to do at the end of his life when he has to account for all he has done? How does a conscience reconcile
    misleading the public about global warming and contributing to the
    demise of the human species. Or smearing the few avenues of power
    left to the little people, like labor unions. Can this creep
    possibly be motivated only by money and power? Does he have some
    deep seated inferiority complex that compells him to be "successful" at all costs. Does he have misanthropic tendancies that causes him to secretly delight in screwing humanity? Are the conspiracy theoriest right? Maybe someone somewhere has pictures of him in a compromising photo with a donkey and evil forces are keeping him enslaved. I truly do not get a person like this. When I think of the most dedicated union member I know, a firefighter who does more in an hour for his fellow man than Berman has done in his whole life, I don't see how they both can be considered in the same species. (Not to mention the firefighter is a whole lot cuter than Berman!)
    *#@%^ But this man and his whole corporate cabal are a drain on humanity!!!!! May they be the first to melt in global warming!!!!

  • Berman's Center for Union Smears Hits TV Screens   18 years 3 weeks ago

    I think the fact that Berman couldn't find a *single* real, live union member to stand up in his ad is telling. Across the entire country, with millions of dollars to spend, and they couldn't find anyone to mouth their attacks who was actually in a union. Hah.

  • White House Snow Job   18 years 3 weeks ago

    may have been slightly dramatic on that post.
    when The No-Spin Padre said Bush should be tried
    as a war criminal that made me wonder what the
    The No-Spin Padre would like to happen to the

  • Spinning (and Unspinning) Nuclear Power Worldwide   18 years 3 weeks ago

    From [ the Tribune] of San Luis Obispo, California (emphasis added):

    Under the new industry guidelines, nuclear plants must disclose tritium leaks that stay confined to the power plant site just as they would leaks that pollute public water sources. Plants also must report such leaks to local health authorities within a few days of the release.

    The new industry guidelines exceed rules established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and are intended to increase public confidence in nuclear power, said Ralph Andersen, chief health physicist with the Nuclear Energy Institute, the nuclear industry's trade association.

    "Even in the instances where inadvertent radiological releases in groundwater occur at levels that do not require formal reporting, we should inform local and state leaders and the public as a matter of openness and transparency," Andersen said.

  • Food Flack Nation Attacks Journalist Eric Schlosser   18 years 3 weeks ago

    According to today's [ Wall Street Journal] (sub req'd), the industry-funded, lobbyist-run [[Tech Central Station]] launched another attack site on Schlosser, but then pulled it:

    The nation's largest fast-food chain is also funding TCS Daily, an arm of the Washington lobbying and public-relations firm [[DCI Group]], that is making more pointed attacks against Mr. Schlosser and his work. Last week, TCS Daily launched a Web site called Fast Talk Nation that called his theories "rhetoric" and argued that he wants to decriminalize marijuana, based on excerpts from one of his other books, "Reefer Madness," about sex, drugs and cheap labor in the American black market.

    Last Friday, TCS Daily abruptly closed the Fast Talk Nation site two days after its launch. [[James Glassman]], who says he "hosts" the TCS Daily site, says he closed the Fast Talk Nation site because he wanted to pool his resources with the broader industry's Best Food Nation site.

  • White House Snow Job   18 years 4 weeks ago

    You wrote: "If North450 would be President of the Usa you would be shot for treason."

    We regard this as a threat of violence, and I must warn you that any further threats of this nature will result in your being banned from further posting to this website.

    I can't refrain from adding that someone who is this eager to kill people simply for expressing ideas with which he disagrees certainly lacks the discernment necessary to judge whether Bush has "trampled individual rights."

  • Food Flack Nation Attacks Journalist Eric Schlosser   18 years 4 weeks ago

    This article is excerpted from "Who's After Schlosser" in the in 5/15/06 Advertising Age online at

    "The site [BestFoodNation] was registered on May 3 to [[Charlie Arnot]], president
    of [[CMA Consulting]], Kansas City, Mo., an issues management, public
    relations and communications firm. Mr. Arnot is a long-time pork
    industry consultant and worked for Premium Standard Farms.
    Bestfoodnation has links to groups such as the American Council on
    Science and Health, which at one time received 40% of its funding
    from companies including Burger King, Kraft Foods, PepsiCo and Coca-
    Cola Co. says it's sponsored by, a Web site of
    [[Tech Central Station]], published by public and government affairs firm
    [[DCI Group]], Washington, DC. On the TCS site, it lists "a small group
    of sponsors," including the American Beverage Association, [[McDonalds]]
    Corp., [[ExxonMobil]], General Motors Corp. and Merck."

    Here is the attack on Schlosser on [[Tech Central Station]]'s website, a website funded in part by [[McDonalds]]:

  • The War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs   18 years 4 weeks ago

    The notion that crystal meth is on rapid upswing and destined to overtake other drugs in terms of usage and value is not based on any facts I have seen. According to the ONDCP's website, their data concerning meth use suggests a plateau, if not even a decline in overall use. Other indicators, such as ER cases involving meth use, suggest an erradic trend, if any trend at all. Simply put, it is not clear exactly how many people are using meth and whether or not it is increasing, though some evidence contradicts the "meth panic" in the news lately. This claim is supported by a Slate Magazine article by Jack Shafer, who has published a series of articles on the reporting of meth data, a good summary is here:

    But it is certainly true the US Drug Control wonks don't understand the economics of opium production in a country like Afghanistan, where food and sustenance are often of daily concern. Similar lessons can be drawn from the utter failure of the "Drug War" in Colombia and Bolivia, where the incentive to be able to make an income producing coca in the $2-3k range compared to the $200-300 range for maize (or 12 fold increase for poppy production to wheat) is easy math. Colombia, like Afghanistan, suffers from poor infrastructure in rural areas and large portions of territory outside of government control. Yet Colombia is clearly a bad model to emulate, with an ineffective government and strong rebel groups. Another on point slate article:

  • Big Bad Man in Baghdad   18 years 4 weeks ago

    Islamic terrorists use their religious ideology to promote and strengthen their causes. Western religions also use their dogma, superstitions and brainwashing techniques on the gullible. In order to counter this and establish religious rationality a new ideology must be established; this can be Transcendology.

    Transcendology is the application of Transcendentalism to twenty-first century spirituality. It asserts that truthfulness and rationality in religions are truths that can be substantiated by science or those that can not be proven to be incorrect. It is a doctrine and proclamation that spiritual transcendence and spiritual interaction, if one believes this to be an actuality, could only be possible between the spiritual existence and the "spirit" of man. Supernatural acts performed by physical or spiritual beings in the physical universe are not capable of existing or transpiring.

    Transcendology would benefit ALL religions and eliminate superstitions within them. It could unify them and it would eliminate superstitions, religious related terrorism and brainwashing.
    ~ Kurt Kawohl

  • NSA Spying/Harassment   18 years 4 weeks ago

    OK, Here it is again. Hunter Douglas, the world largest window covering manufacturer, is a CIA owned company. They are a money laundering and "movement" operation and so is Vertilux, the Miami based company. When I accidently discovered it, they have harrased me ongoing for more than 3 years now.You may wonder, why does the CIA/NSA own window covering companies? What a better way to get into your house, than blinds/shades/draperies. They arew not satisified with your phone records, they are in your house. The first report I made here was removed.........

  • White House Snow Job   18 years 4 weeks ago

    If North450 would be President of the Usa you would be shot for treason.
    Furthermore your statements are pack of lies.
    Bush never had the imformation to prevent 911.
    Bush has never trampled individual rights.
    The fact that they rounded up a thousand arabs was
    for the protection of the country,
    Remember what they did to the japanese after Perl

  • The War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs   18 years 4 weeks ago

    The British newspaper The Independent ran an article today titled, "[ Afghan poppy farmers expect record opium crop and the Taliban will reap the rewards]." It reports:

    [In Afghanistan's Helmand province,] where British troops are to spend the next three years, a combination of factors have conspired to produce what is probably the biggest opium harvest in the history of a province that, last year, produced more than 20 per cent of the world's heroin on its own.

    A law and order vacuum has allowed an increasingly well-organised drugs cartel, a corrupt local government and resurgent Taliban to structure the poppy cultivation of the province as never before. That has combined with fine growing conditions this year to produce what, if these were wine producers, might be considered a memorable vintage. And, country-wide it is now clear the poppy harvest will be close to record levels again. ...

    Backed by American mercenaries from the Dyncorp corporation, [a poppy eradication team sent to Helmand] suffered endless delays as Afghan drivers refused to travel to dangerous areas; a problem which was compounded when a number of Afghan police were killed by a roadside bomb clearly intended to send a warning to the force. The force's eventual impact was negligible. The central eradication force is said to cost a total of $175m this year.