New additions to Congresspedia

It's been a busy week on Congresspedia. New additions to the site include:
- lots of contributions by members of the Congresspedia/SourceWatch community on bribery scandals, new legislation, heavyweight corporate campaign contributors, censuring the president and federal investigations into an "improper relationship" with a lobbyist (see full list)
- a new page on the Colbert Report with links to the videos of each of his "Better Know a District" member of Congress interviews
- and a fancy new tool for looking up your particular member of Congress by your home address.
Also well worth checking out is the muckraking action over at the Sunlight Foundation blogs. The new Congresspedia article contributions include:
- Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.)'s profile now notes that a man has pled guilty to conspiracy to bribe Jefferson with $400,000 to $1 million in payments to Jefferson's wife's company, travel expenses and a share in the man's company. It also notes that another investor reportedly wore a wire and recorded phone conversations with Jefferson and that investigators are looking at charging Jefferson with bribery of a public official, bribery of a foreign official, two fraud charges, and a conspiracy charge. Wow.
- Rep. Bob Ney's (R-Ohio) page has a bunch of new content on how a former aide of his has plead guilty to wire fraud and conspiracy. The plea covers his time in Ney's office and his relations with super-lobbyist and admitted-felon Jack Abramoff. The aide's guilty plea is the fourth that has implicated Ney. The article lays out what the court documents show the aide alleged Ney did for Abramoff, and you've got to read it to believe it. A whole passel of articles has also been added to his "article and resources" section.
- On the network neutrality legislation front, the monetary links between the anti-neutrality telecom companies and Reps. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) are now fully documented. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is now noted for authoring anti-neutrality legislation in private and Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) are noted for their sponsorship of pro-neutrality legislation.
- Rep. Jerry Lewis's (R-Calif.) page is now updated to reflect the fact that federal investigators are looking into an "improper relationship" with a lobbyist linked to convicted Rep. Randy Cunningham.
- Sen. Russ Feingold's (D-Wisc.) page is now more explicitly linked to the SourceWatch page on his resolution to censure President George W. Bush.
- Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Henry Waxman (D-Mass.) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg's (D-N.J.) pages reflect their calls for an investigation into or the resignation of scandal-plagued HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson.
- An article on ex-Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) not cooperating with investigators was added to his profile
- A new legislative article on the proposed federal Sunset commissions was created, along with mentions in the profiles of bill sponsors Reps. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) and Todd Tiahart (R-Kan.)
- Sen. Richard Shelby's (R-Ala.) comments about having Osama Bin Ladin "on the run" are now recorded for posterity
- Rep. J.D. Hayworth's (R-Ariz.) campaign contributions from Jack Abramoff are now noted in his profile, as is his wife's position on the payroll of his PAC.
Bad Links on Congresspedia
Current problems I am having with the Congresspedia website: On the U.S. House of Representatives when I click on Gary Ackerman’s profile it brings up the main page, but then when I scroll down and click on Current Election Cycle – Fundraising Profile it takes me to Neil Abercrombie’s Campaign Profile. I am also having the same problems with Al Green’s profile, his is bringing up Sam Graves’. Once again for Duncan Hunter’s profile I am getting Kenny Hulshofs’.