Are you really pleased with the state now being 44th in the nation for jobs? The sentence accusing Dems from Illinois being bussed to Wisconsin shows right away that you will believe anything dished out to you. Those "protesters" were teachers, firefighters, corrections officers, social workers, police, and farmers... you know... those thugs who work for the benefit of their commnunities. And yours. Odd ball extremist my eyeball.
...a client is entitled to zealous advocacy but not fraud.
Deleting files after an order to produce is conduct unbecoming a lawyer.
Anyone can file a complain with the Wisconsin bar and should do so. If Michael Best & Friedrich were involved, the partnership should cease to exist.
Not exactly: what planet are you on? the dems did NOT bus people in from anywhere...if you read the papers, the ONLY people bused in here were from the republicans who were trying to screw up the recall petitions & were trying to get a few democratic senators recalled. They were even arrested for the crap they were trying to pull! The majority of WI is against Walkers agenda, but he bought and paid for his election and re election. You really need to step out of the fanatasy world your living in and quit with the are as bad as Walker & company! Or maybe you are paid by Walker to tell more lies.
Bull*hit. The vast majority of people at the demonstrations were from Wisconsin, which you would know if you would let reality intrude on the Walker-besotted lump of fat that sits inside the thick walls of your cranium. The very fact that you present this slipshod bit of GOP deceit as fact demonstrates that your opinion is worthless, and that you cannot be trusted to choose your own salad dressing, much less have a voice in any political process.
I think a lot of Wisconsin residents who were in the protests would be surprised to learn that you believe the propaganda that they were from Illinois. Of course you will find the oddball extremist who will believe anything their party says whether true or not. Divide and conquer .. that is the mantra of the Republican party .. pit people against one another. That way they are too busy fighting one another to look out for their own best interests. Let's just wait and see if you are so enamored of Walker in another two years.
People of Wisconsin voted these Republicans into office! This is what you get! Fitzgerald should go to Jail,but nothing will change until the State has enough smarts to put a stop to their agenda....
I know many teachers and union members FROM Wisconsin were involved in protests AGAINST Gov. Wanker. Poll show that the conservanazi prick Wanker is not as popular as you have people believe.
I can see the bar for discussion is high, as one must copy five characters into a box and press a button. You obviously have the minimal level of credibility for posting at the bottom of an article, but you seem to lack the advantage of accurate information that other pretenders to journalism might at least try to convince others they understand. If you think the protesters were from out of state, you probably picked up your news from FOX, the post crescent, or the local news for Waukesha.
Walker winning the recall had a fair amount to do with redistricting, but more to do with the RNC funding Walker to the tune of literally 10 times as much campaign funding as the why-did-they-choose-him-he-already-failed democratic candidate.
Anyway, my initial point stands: denying the facts that are clearly stated in a reputable journalist's article does nothing but make you sound like a loon, especially when the facts are on record and publicly accessible. Please go crawl under whatever rock you made your way out from under, and next time remember that calling facts lies will sway absolutely NO ONE to your narrow, prescriptive view of the world.
Thanks, yours truly,
one of hundreds of thousands of actual wisconsinites that was there at the capitol witnessing events firsthand.
Well that's the thing here in WI people were not pushing to have Walker removed it was largely the Dem busing people in from out of state (namely IL). Most people here are not against the gov. and are fairly pleased with what we have seen (i mean he did just renew a deal with China for 10 years and is in the works on getting a deal for water tech) however you will still find the odd ball extremist who simply hates anything and everything that he does. Walker winning the recall had nothing to do with redistricting (which didn't happen) it had to do with the large majority (more then he won the first time with) supporting him and those "protesters" being sent back to where they came from. I find it interesting that Dem's and this article are so quick to throw accusations after what they pulled with Walker and seeing that go for years,wasting millions and coming up with nothing at all
Your comments and questions are ironic, to say the least. You ask, "why do people, who are voting in a system heavily skewed to partisan redistricting, continue to support the very people who corrupted the system?"
The answer is in the question itself.
why do the people in wisconsin keeo voting these people back in office time after time? a big complaint about walker and whenthe time came to vote him out, the people of wisconsin still voted him back in at the expense of people losing their jobs-and now look what you have. iknow this just doesb't happen in wisconsin, but hey we need to wake up here and get these people out of office-
from the article - "Operation Pollinator," in which the company proposes to provide payments to a few farmers to grow strips of flowers and other plants attractive to bees alongside their neonicotinoid-treated crops"
This is a stupid idea. The neonics get into the soil and dust goes into the field margins. All that operation pollinator will do is attract pollinators to high toxic crops and margins. The half life of some neonics exceeds the 120 days set by the EU. Even Bayer admit imidicloprid has a half life of 288 days, IF you remove the toxic agricultural waste product (formaly known as stubble) from the field.
Even Fera could not do a proper control bee field trial as neonics were found in their control hive next to the untreated crop. Residues and proliferation of neonics make it impossible for pollinators to escape or to conduct a proper field trial.
Despite the long-time bans on civilian ownership of machine guns and armor piercing bullets, the NRA used the ALEC process to secure the ratification of "model" bills that would bar cities from banning "machine guns" and any type of bullet, regardless of how deadly or dangerous.
So, your complaint is really with the NRA and the ALEC corporations that went along with the NRA's wish list and continued to fund ALEC for many years even though the shared ALEC/NRA gun agenda was well publicized among ALEC public and private sector members.
Regardless of the federal or state laws barring certain types of guns or ammo, the NRA has worked for years to strike down or repeal or preempt laws it does not like, and ALEC has filed legal documents in support of the NRA's effort, as with the DC gun ban in the Heller case. So, it seems that the NRA' vision of what might become possible (such as the availability of machine guns) was different from what was allowed at the time it sought laws to expressly bar cities from banning things like, expressly, machine guns and restricting types of ammo, through ALEC's bill mill.
ALEC, however, is continuing its efforts to try to distance itself from its decades of support for the NRA's agenda (the NRA even co-chaired ALEC's Public Safety and Elections Task Force, also known as its crime or criminal justice task force, for years). ALEC wants to make sure the public knows it disbanded that task force about a year ago and that those bills are not its current "policy."
But, ALEC has done nothing demonstrable to undo to the damage done by its decades of peddling the NRA's agenda and urging that its bills become law. There is no public indication that it has called for all those bills to be repealed or put the same amount of effort into getting them repealed as it put into helping its former "partner" get them made into law.
Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote documenting the relationship between the NRA and ALEC:
"[A]t the American Conservative Union's CPAC meeting [in 2008], the NRA's Cam Edwards interviewed Michael Hough, ALEC's 'Public Safety and Elections Task Force' director/staffer, to discuss 'ALEC's strong relationship with the NRA and explain the support of gun rights and ownership.'
"Hough told listeners that ALEC worked 'with our partners, the National Rifle Association' on the brief [in the Heller/DC case].
"He also described the fruitful relationship between ALEC and the NRA on issues like the Shoot First legislation [which in 2005 ratified the Florida law later cited initially to exonerate the man who killed Trayvon Martin], which ALEC and the NRA call the 'Castle Doctrine,' stating:
'Some of the things that we were pushing in states was the 'Castle Doctrine,' we worked with the NRA on that. That's one of our model bills we have states introduce and another one was the Emergency Powers legislation, which was enacted in a couple states . . . .'"
the part you people seem to be missing is that some rounds by their very nature are armor piercing. there is already a ban on armor piercing rounds. but 30-06(one of the most common rounds in the US) will go through body armor and it's NOT armor piercing. Class 3 weapons(machine guns) are legal in NV, so whats the problem?
It's about time the Bradley Foundation received some exposure for their actions as a so called non-profit organization. Their anti-public education campaign has done major damage to our previously exceptional national institution, and to the public good. This activity is self-serving in a covert way and not in the best interests of our country's future.
The excuses made by Reinhart and Rogoff are so lame that the administration at MIT should very unceremoniously toss them out on their keisters. If they were not lying about their intent, it should be clear that they are inept.
"Although Wisconsin still ranked 44th in the country in terms of job creation, the staggering economy had created 64,500 more jobs since Walker took office than previously known."
That's only true of people who had been comparing the difference in CES numbers between the start of Walker's term and the latest dates. Politifact, for instance, have been taking a different tack for some time: whole-year differences in QCEW data (December 2010 - December 2011 being the only one available at this time) plus the difference in seasonally-adjusted CES since then.
Because the CES' anomalous downturn was almost entirely confined to the second half of 2011, change trackers that use as much QCEW as possible have not been impacted much by the revision to the CES data.
On another note, the 64,500 figure is almost certainly slightly too high. The reason for this is that the CES seasonal adjustments have recently been rather higher than usual - last December's was 9,600 higher than December 2011's and today's preliminary figures for March have a seasonal adjustment 6,200 greater than last year's. Historically these adjustments are quite stable, just moving one or two thousand this way or that, so the current data are likely to lose that advantage once benchmarked.
The idea that it is wrong for a corporation to take advantage of the tax code is ridiculous."
Even more ridiculous is the idea that corporations should able to buy the Congress to write the tax code to suit themselves, and that ordinary voters don't get many chances to vote against that in either party.
But there it is. Somehow you seem to have missed that whole point.
This article mistakes tax avoidance for tax evasion. Tax avoidance is legal and should be every American's goal - using the tax code to receive the highest refund available (or pay the lowest amount possible). Tax evasion on the other hand, is illegal and can land you in prison.
You paint Corporations out to be evil when they are taking advantage of rules passed by Congress. Take your complaints there. The idea that it is wrong for a corporation to take advantage of the tax code is ridiculous. You do the same thing each year when you claim a personal exemption or take a standard deduction or receive the earned income credit - using the tax code to your benefit. Should I look for your name on that tax evaders website?
Write Congress if you have a problem with the tax code. Don't fault Corporations that minimize tax liability working within the constraints of the Tax Code.
Amendments introduced so far do not close loopholes. The 2nd part as proposed by Move to Amend, "money is not speech" needs to be included in any amendment. If none of us had to donate to politicians' campaigns we would be assured that the elected official was not influenced by anyone's money.
A shorter campaign with debates as they used to be- given during donated times on major networks, news that is not planted by heavily funded groups but reported by newspaper reporters, would begin to restore trust.
HR House Joint Resolution 29 introduced February 14, 2013 addresses both aspects.,, Corporations are not persons. Money is not speech.
In this time of hypocrisy and environmental destruction, the single most important thing we must do is to SAVE our Democracy. It is beyond party politics. We need massive public organization and information to spur the simple pressure of all citizens on Congress. Call and write all media outlets and your representatives and talk to friends, until America hears what IS possible for us to do to reclaim the voice of our country and make representatives accountable to citizens not corporations.
Wow, 60,000 people came from Illinois?
Are you really pleased with the state now being 44th in the nation for jobs? The sentence accusing Dems from Illinois being bussed to Wisconsin shows right away that you will believe anything dished out to you. Those "protesters" were teachers, firefighters, corrections officers, social workers, police, and farmers... you know... those thugs who work for the benefit of their commnunities. And yours. Odd ball extremist my eyeball.
...a client is entitled to zealous advocacy but not fraud.
Deleting files after an order to produce is conduct unbecoming a lawyer.
Anyone can file a complain with the Wisconsin bar and should do so. If Michael Best & Friedrich were involved, the partnership should cease to exist.
Not exactly: what planet are you on? the dems did NOT bus people in from anywhere...if you read the papers, the ONLY people bused in here were from the republicans who were trying to screw up the recall petitions & were trying to get a few democratic senators recalled. They were even arrested for the crap they were trying to pull! The majority of WI is against Walkers agenda, but he bought and paid for his election and re election. You really need to step out of the fanatasy world your living in and quit with the are as bad as Walker & company! Or maybe you are paid by Walker to tell more lies.
Bull*hit. The vast majority of people at the demonstrations were from Wisconsin, which you would know if you would let reality intrude on the Walker-besotted lump of fat that sits inside the thick walls of your cranium. The very fact that you present this slipshod bit of GOP deceit as fact demonstrates that your opinion is worthless, and that you cannot be trusted to choose your own salad dressing, much less have a voice in any political process.
I think a lot of Wisconsin residents who were in the protests would be surprised to learn that you believe the propaganda that they were from Illinois. Of course you will find the oddball extremist who will believe anything their party says whether true or not. Divide and conquer .. that is the mantra of the Republican party .. pit people against one another. That way they are too busy fighting one another to look out for their own best interests. Let's just wait and see if you are so enamored of Walker in another two years.
People of Wisconsin voted these Republicans into office! This is what you get! Fitzgerald should go to Jail,but nothing will change until the State has enough smarts to put a stop to their agenda....
I know many teachers and union members FROM Wisconsin were involved in protests AGAINST Gov. Wanker. Poll show that the conservanazi prick Wanker is not as popular as you have people believe.
I can see the bar for discussion is high, as one must copy five characters into a box and press a button. You obviously have the minimal level of credibility for posting at the bottom of an article, but you seem to lack the advantage of accurate information that other pretenders to journalism might at least try to convince others they understand. If you think the protesters were from out of state, you probably picked up your news from FOX, the post crescent, or the local news for Waukesha.
Walker winning the recall had a fair amount to do with redistricting, but more to do with the RNC funding Walker to the tune of literally 10 times as much campaign funding as the why-did-they-choose-him-he-already-failed democratic candidate.
Anyway, my initial point stands: denying the facts that are clearly stated in a reputable journalist's article does nothing but make you sound like a loon, especially when the facts are on record and publicly accessible. Please go crawl under whatever rock you made your way out from under, and next time remember that calling facts lies will sway absolutely NO ONE to your narrow, prescriptive view of the world.
Thanks, yours truly,
one of hundreds of thousands of actual wisconsinites that was there at the capitol witnessing events firsthand.
Well that's the thing here in WI people were not pushing to have Walker removed it was largely the Dem busing people in from out of state (namely IL). Most people here are not against the gov. and are fairly pleased with what we have seen (i mean he did just renew a deal with China for 10 years and is in the works on getting a deal for water tech) however you will still find the odd ball extremist who simply hates anything and everything that he does. Walker winning the recall had nothing to do with redistricting (which didn't happen) it had to do with the large majority (more then he won the first time with) supporting him and those "protesters" being sent back to where they came from. I find it interesting that Dem's and this article are so quick to throw accusations after what they pulled with Walker and seeing that go for years,wasting millions and coming up with nothing at all
Your comments and questions are ironic, to say the least. You ask, "why do people, who are voting in a system heavily skewed to partisan redistricting, continue to support the very people who corrupted the system?"
The answer is in the question itself.
why do the people in wisconsin keeo voting these people back in office time after time? a big complaint about walker and whenthe time came to vote him out, the people of wisconsin still voted him back in at the expense of people losing their jobs-and now look what you have. iknow this just doesb't happen in wisconsin, but hey we need to wake up here and get these people out of office-
from the article - "Operation Pollinator," in which the company proposes to provide payments to a few farmers to grow strips of flowers and other plants attractive to bees alongside their neonicotinoid-treated crops"
This is a stupid idea. The neonics get into the soil and dust goes into the field margins. All that operation pollinator will do is attract pollinators to high toxic crops and margins. The half life of some neonics exceeds the 120 days set by the EU. Even Bayer admit imidicloprid has a half life of 288 days, IF you remove the toxic agricultural waste product (formaly known as stubble) from the field.
Even Fera could not do a proper control bee field trial as neonics were found in their control hive next to the untreated crop. Residues and proliferation of neonics make it impossible for pollinators to escape or to conduct a proper field trial.
Despite the long-time bans on civilian ownership of machine guns and armor piercing bullets, the NRA used the ALEC process to secure the ratification of "model" bills that would bar cities from banning "machine guns" and any type of bullet, regardless of how deadly or dangerous.
So, your complaint is really with the NRA and the ALEC corporations that went along with the NRA's wish list and continued to fund ALEC for many years even though the shared ALEC/NRA gun agenda was well publicized among ALEC public and private sector members.
Regardless of the federal or state laws barring certain types of guns or ammo, the NRA has worked for years to strike down or repeal or preempt laws it does not like, and ALEC has filed legal documents in support of the NRA's effort, as with the DC gun ban in the Heller case. So, it seems that the NRA' vision of what might become possible (such as the availability of machine guns) was different from what was allowed at the time it sought laws to expressly bar cities from banning things like, expressly, machine guns and restricting types of ammo, through ALEC's bill mill.
ALEC, however, is continuing its efforts to try to distance itself from its decades of support for the NRA's agenda (the NRA even co-chaired ALEC's Public Safety and Elections Task Force, also known as its crime or criminal justice task force, for years). ALEC wants to make sure the public knows it disbanded that task force about a year ago and that those bills are not its current "policy."
But, ALEC has done nothing demonstrable to undo to the damage done by its decades of peddling the NRA's agenda and urging that its bills become law. There is no public indication that it has called for all those bills to be repealed or put the same amount of effort into getting them repealed as it put into helping its former "partner" get them made into law.
Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote documenting the relationship between the NRA and ALEC:
"[A]t the American Conservative Union's CPAC meeting [in 2008], the NRA's Cam Edwards interviewed Michael Hough, ALEC's 'Public Safety and Elections Task Force' director/staffer, to discuss 'ALEC's strong relationship with the NRA and explain the support of gun rights and ownership.'
"Hough told listeners that ALEC worked 'with our partners, the National Rifle Association' on the brief [in the Heller/DC case].
"He also described the fruitful relationship between ALEC and the NRA on issues like the Shoot First legislation [which in 2005 ratified the Florida law later cited initially to exonerate the man who killed Trayvon Martin], which ALEC and the NRA call the 'Castle Doctrine,' stating:
'Some of the things that we were pushing in states was the 'Castle Doctrine,' we worked with the NRA on that. That's one of our model bills we have states introduce and another one was the Emergency Powers legislation, which was enacted in a couple states . . . .'"
the part you people seem to be missing is that some rounds by their very nature are armor piercing. there is already a ban on armor piercing rounds. but 30-06(one of the most common rounds in the US) will go through body armor and it's NOT armor piercing. Class 3 weapons(machine guns) are legal in NV, so whats the problem?
Just as I suspected. Pete Peterson got the results he wanted from Harvard economists. What an evil man.
It's about time the Bradley Foundation received some exposure for their actions as a so called non-profit organization. Their anti-public education campaign has done major damage to our previously exceptional national institution, and to the public good. This activity is self-serving in a covert way and not in the best interests of our country's future.
The excuses made by Reinhart and Rogoff are so lame that the administration at MIT should very unceremoniously toss them out on their keisters. If they were not lying about their intent, it should be clear that they are inept.
"Although Wisconsin still ranked 44th in the country in terms of job creation, the staggering economy had created 64,500 more jobs since Walker took office than previously known."
That's only true of people who had been comparing the difference in CES numbers between the start of Walker's term and the latest dates. Politifact, for instance, have been taking a different tack for some time: whole-year differences in QCEW data (December 2010 - December 2011 being the only one available at this time) plus the difference in seasonally-adjusted CES since then.
Because the CES' anomalous downturn was almost entirely confined to the second half of 2011, change trackers that use as much QCEW as possible have not been impacted much by the revision to the CES data.
On another note, the 64,500 figure is almost certainly slightly too high. The reason for this is that the CES seasonal adjustments have recently been rather higher than usual - last December's was 9,600 higher than December 2011's and today's preliminary figures for March have a seasonal adjustment 6,200 greater than last year's. Historically these adjustments are quite stable, just moving one or two thousand this way or that, so the current data are likely to lose that advantage once benchmarked.
that elites in today's world would give Claude Rains' famous words such a work-out?
Un American Un legislate Short Change Cowards
Even more ridiculous is the idea that corporations should able to buy the Congress to write the tax code to suit themselves, and that ordinary voters don't get many chances to vote against that in either party.
But there it is. Somehow you seem to have missed that whole point.
This article mistakes tax avoidance for tax evasion. Tax avoidance is legal and should be every American's goal - using the tax code to receive the highest refund available (or pay the lowest amount possible). Tax evasion on the other hand, is illegal and can land you in prison.
You paint Corporations out to be evil when they are taking advantage of rules passed by Congress. Take your complaints there. The idea that it is wrong for a corporation to take advantage of the tax code is ridiculous. You do the same thing each year when you claim a personal exemption or take a standard deduction or receive the earned income credit - using the tax code to your benefit. Should I look for your name on that tax evaders website?
Write Congress if you have a problem with the tax code. Don't fault Corporations that minimize tax liability working within the constraints of the Tax Code.
Amendments introduced so far do not close loopholes. The 2nd part as proposed by Move to Amend, "money is not speech" needs to be included in any amendment. If none of us had to donate to politicians' campaigns we would be assured that the elected official was not influenced by anyone's money.
A shorter campaign with debates as they used to be- given during donated times on major networks, news that is not planted by heavily funded groups but reported by newspaper reporters, would begin to restore trust.
HR House Joint Resolution 29 introduced February 14, 2013 addresses both aspects.,, Corporations are not persons. Money is not speech.
In this time of hypocrisy and environmental destruction, the single most important thing we must do is to SAVE our Democracy. It is beyond party politics. We need massive public organization and information to spur the simple pressure of all citizens on Congress. Call and write all media outlets and your representatives and talk to friends, until America hears what IS possible for us to do to reclaim the voice of our country and make representatives accountable to citizens not corporations.