Readers' Comments

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    I have a sister who works in the EPA. Seems like they are working on polluted water issues and bed bugs issues last I heard.

    I guess drinking water is being affected by pesticides as well. As yes, we will always have to deal with bugs.

    Countries like Italy, Slovenia and Germany are wise enough to realize that suspending the use of neonicotnoid treated seeds and banning the use of certain other pesticides will help the production and preservation of bee populations we depend on.

    We as Americans should be so bold as to believe that we could make a difference by following other countries example. Ban the use of pesticides from the areas of food production. If the use of pesticides was used in moderation that this would not be a topic of discussion.

    But it is a issue when we as people get so greedy that money and profit become more important than human life.

    We now have to protect our water, our animals, our food, and our bugs from the humans.

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Corporations are threatened by the unseen pollinator, the bee. The bee is the natural provider of pollination, honey, wax, and propolis.

    A smart CEO would try to capitalize on the possibility of bee production. Imagine CEOs who could actually see into the future market for pollinators, the bees. Man can not produce a bee. But man can assist, develop relations, market, and use the produces from bee production.

    Why not invest into bee companies? Why not promote more backyard bee keepers? Why not see about investing some time and energy into supporting the bee production and making the US again a nation of responsible creative thinkers instead of killers?

    Fear causes people to kill. Killing the bees does not help it hurts.

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    We are citizens with a conscience and members of society who need to look out for the best interest of our community, our nation and the world.

    US needs to be a leader and take their position to lead ethically and logically by modeling good and responsible business.

    Science has proven that our natural pollinators, the bees, are being affected by the new pesticides. Stand up for what is right, the bees can't talk and defend themselves...people need to be the caretakers. Logically, protect our future generations, our children, our crops, our resources...limit the use of these bio-nerve is even affecting the bees.

    Business CEOs need to take a more responsible stand and show their good faith in preserving life.

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Putting into operation a trial "operation pollinator" would allow companies to pay farmers to plant and grow flowers next to crops being sprayed with neonicotinoid to attract bees to the infected fields of poison. This act would be like asking our own children to drink poison kool aid.

    And what is worst is CEOs that try to argue that they possess the intelligence, technology, man power, equipment, and supply of pollination for all the plants, fruits and vegetables that we consume.

    That is blasphemy.

    Bees do their job for free. They were created for that purpose. The bees are only part of the equation. The other part is educating business persons to be responsible and ethical.

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    As a seasoned veteran of the computer industry, and having worked in government. This all seems a little suspicious. First of all, nobody has ever heard of backups? Where were these computers? If they are on gov't networks, they are backed up. If it came via e-mail, that email was backed up.

    This sounds like normal BS with both sides covering something. I'm calling hogwash on this.

  • On Earth Day, ALEC Bemoans “Somber” Environmentalists   11 years 7 weeks ago

    How do they think we should celebrate earth day by marveling in us cleaning it up. When mankind is the reason it needs cleaning. Group's like ALEC need to go. Congress needs to be fired for wasting our tax payers money with nothing to show productively. I bet if that was done the new people entering into congress would know they are there for we the people not we the corperation and they would know thier limits and work more productivly.

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    This behavior on behalf of the WI GOP is immoral, illegal, unethical and just plain wrong. Heads should roll, congressmen should be indicted, nothing in government should be hidden from WE THE PEOPLE. It is totally unjustified except that the GOP feels it is above the law and anything done in their name has the blessings of God, in other words to them, the almighty DOLLAR! Get the bums' asses OUT of CONGRESS! Prosecute them! Jail them! Hell, get out the tar and feathers, I'll light the match! I saw it done in "John Adams" and it's not pretty, but I'll strike the match and with it a blow for WE THE PEOPLE (just in case they forgot whom they are SUPPOSED to be working for!

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    It makes me laugh, my Republican relatives will still defend these idiots to the bitter end. Even though they are costing them millions that could have been spend on better salaries for teachers, hiring more police and firemen. There was a time when Republicans were good and honest in Wisconsin (remember Lee Dryfus?) longer though!

  • Having Spent Millions Influencing Three Branches of Government, Kochs Look to Buy Fourth Estate   11 years 7 weeks ago

    I find your defense of the Koch bros. as merely benign businessmen to be insane. They are ideologues with an agenda and the money to try and implement it. In their vision of a world there would be no unions, no public education, no social security or other "safety nets", no marriage equality, no environmental protections. It would be every man for himself and the gov't would do nothing but protect the interests of the wealthy.

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Out of state money elected him, & out of state money kept him in office- Pure and simple. He's been a failure who'll have to create some 260,000 jobs to meet his 250,000 goal. 44th in the nation for job creation.

  • Having Spent Millions Influencing Three Branches of Government, Kochs Look to Buy Fourth Estate   11 years 7 weeks ago

    When I was in journalism school, it was considered "selling out" to take a job in PR. But now, selling out takes on a whole new meaning. There was a time when the FCC would not have allowed this sort of purchase of the Fourth Estate, but after years of regulatory gutting spawned by special interests, this is what "selling out" has become. Fairness, and accuracy, and the public good be damned. According to some special interests seeking protection, that was the "liberal" press. I've got news for you. They've been falling down on the job of being "liberal" for years. So now buy them out, just like some bought our government. Next, buy the public record.

    The gun lobby already owns the right to be in charge. Gun regulation in the US is not new. In March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan and White House Press Secretary James Brady were shot on a Washington, D.C. street. The “Brady Bill” became law in 1993. It imposed a waiting period to buy a handgun and required buyers to undergo background checks. In 1994, the Assault Weapons Ban outlawed certain classes of semi-automatic guns and large-capacity magazines. It expired 10 years later. And just in case my one source, (If I were on the job, and not editorializing, it would have been two.) is inaccurate, here's its link:

    These were regulations imposed by a harder-to-influence Congress, and we, as citizens, have since allowed their work to be undone by money. Is that what one calls "success" for the perpetrators who profited?

    Too few understand how the media is, by necessity, the only watchdog that keeps our democracy sound. Does that make it "liberal?" Good journalists know that truth and opinion are not the same thing. There are many opinions, yet so few good journalists left on anyone's payroll to tell the truth.

    You want freedom? Well, now that cameras track your every move, what will happen when your "opinions," true or not, go against the grain of those in power who wish to silence you?

    You might feel free if you agree with the opinions of the Koch Brothers, but what will happen when one day you don't? Or worse, what happens when no one gives you the sources and information that may not reinforce your existing opinions, but which are critical to ensuring you retain the freedom to decide?

    Now I'll cross my fingers that someone doesn't buy my "opinions" right out of cyberspace.

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Shame on these guys, and why are they not being held accountable? Why are they getting away with this crap?

  • Having Spent Millions Influencing Three Branches of Government, Kochs Look to Buy Fourth Estate   11 years 7 weeks ago

    And when wealthy corporate oligarchs buy up all the media outlets, where will we turn for news? This is not a product like paper towels, this is a propaganda platform that will spin the news to push their own political agenda which benefits THEIR investments. Should the wealthy in this country have that much power???? I do not believe people are savy enough to discern when news and issues are spun through the media. Ex. FOX calls itself fair and balanced and is anything but.... Look at the seniors in this nation who watch only FOX.
    The Koch brothers have sworn to diminish the government of this great nation. They would see government in the hands of the corporations, not the voting public. To benefit whom?

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    It's not rocket science really to see that Bayer and Syngenta have thrown millions of Euros at their 'safe' products and they are not about to roll over and let the EU ban their product.They stand to lose millions so it's all about profit margins, keeping share holders happy and screw the bees!
    Wait till we lose 40% of the worlds food and we're all sucking Complan throug a straw to survive, you won't see Bayer and Syngenta for dust.

  • On Earth Day, ALEC Bemoans “Somber” Environmentalists   11 years 7 weeks ago

    alec consists of lying, money-grubbing piles of excrement. anything and everything they have to say is a lie and/or designed to make the wealthy wealthier at the expense of the rest of humanity and the earth.

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    So once again Corporate Profits trump what is right. Let's see how much they like it when the food that the bees pollinate do not bear because all the bees are dead. Let's see how much good their money them then.

  • Pete Peterson Linked Economists Caught in Austerity Error   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Let Steven Colbert explain it. He does such a far better job than I:

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    So why aren't these punks in jail?

  • “ALEC Who?” ALEC Has an Identity Crisis   11 years 7 weeks ago

    How about American Lawless Executives Committee for a rebrand? Or Anti-democratic Leaders Engaging in Crime? Or just plain BASTARDS works for me.

  • “ALEC Who?” ALEC Has an Identity Crisis   11 years 7 weeks ago

    The last notorious four letter acronym was NAZI. ALEC and NAZI seems to have a lot in common...namely Fascism!

  • Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Headline “Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees”
    If you cant prove your case with research and science as the case with Bayer and Syngenta, throw money and corruption at it!

  • “ALEC Who?” ALEC Has an Identity Crisis   11 years 7 weeks ago

    No matter what you call yourself, no matter how much you try to hide your true intent to destroy democracy, we will find you and expose you again & again. And we will not stop until we have destroyed any corrupt influence you might have in our state legislatures.

  • Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 7 weeks ago

    Yes, the people of Wisconsin need to wake up, organize, more, etc.

    But they shouldn't need to vote on what happens to lawyers who fail to direct their clients to impose a litigation hold on relevant documents, or those political flunkies who may have done the actual obstruction of justice. If the federal judges respect the system, they should ask themselves whether anything short of criminal contempt sanctions would be adequate.

  • The Supreme Court's "Citizens United" Decision Threatens the 1964 Civil Rights Act   11 years 7 weeks ago

    I think there should be more people out there like you.

  • “ALEC Who?” ALEC Has an Identity Crisis   11 years 7 weeks ago

    You can try the 'Blackwater' trick in changing your name, but someone will find your new name, with the old game.

    There are many of us who don't buy, "The best government money and power can buy."

    We will 'hunt' you down for the rats you are!