Readers' Comments

  • Wisconsin GOP Sneaks ALEC-Supported For-Profit Bail Bonding Into Budget Bill   10 years 52 weeks ago

    I read some rather ridiculous comments on bail bonds corrupting judges and denying people their freedom. If a judge seriously doesn't want a bondsman involved, he or she always has the option of setting a cash bond rather than allowing a surety bond. If a cash or property bond IS set, no bondsman is going to touch that with a ten foot pole. Also, when you pay a bondsman, you are paying for a period of freedom that otherwise will be denied you, unless you can meet what is often an exorbitant bond requirement.

  • Blockbuster Reports Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Phone and Internet Records by Obama Administration   11 years 39 min ago

    PRISM Break! STOP the BS' (Bush Shadow's)weapon of mass
    diffraction!! Impeachment, NOW!!!

  • CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 44 min ago

    ALEC is the instrument of Corporations and Wall Street and the right wing extremists of the Republican Party which should be registered as a lobby, but has escaped with the help of good lawyers.

    Its secret agenda and brain washing of state legislators is detrimental to our nation, to the working class, and to democracy.

  • Lois Lerner's "Hands-Off" Approach Likely Contributed to IRS Mess   11 years 19 hours ago

    Remember that prior to the 1990's the IRS did have clear guidance, but Congress deliberately tore up the rule booklets when allegedly passing Taxpayer simplification legislation, so this is not totally a problem made by some IRS employees.

  • Wisconsin GOP Sneaks ALEC-Supported For-Profit Bail Bonding Into Budget Bill   11 years 1 day ago

    Who are they? Who voted for the Bail Bonding Bill?

  • Blockbuster Reports Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Phone and Internet Records by Obama Administration   11 years 1 day ago

    Gary Pruitt rightly said that it is an unprecedented intrusion and throws light on the critical situation which leads the authorities to take such an extreme action.
    At individual level it will bother people as it affects the privacy terms; with the idea of sharing people won’t feel as secure and free as they felt earlier while communicating with one another but now it should be viewed at a broader level, with the objects and consequences which are attached with this action…the protection of the nation.

    Samreen M

  • Tax Day Repurposed To "Illuminate" Corporate Tax Evaders   11 years 1 day ago

    Tax evasion is impossible if the tax laws are simple since simplicity is the best sophistication. Lengthy rules become weak since they offer enough room for the loopholes to enter. In view of this fundamental flaw in the law, let us not punish the tax evader. Let us support him with simple and easy tax laws. Let us win his appreciation for a common good.

  • Blockbuster Reports Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Phone and Internet Records by Obama Administration   11 years 1 day ago

    If I am in contact with people in the United States, whether by phone, email or a web forum, does this mean that my personal data collected through this program?

    Because if so, this is a blatant invasion of my privacy. I do not live there, I do not pay tax there and I do not have the right to vote there. I have not given permission to collect information about me. So we can say that the U.S. government violated my human rights (and those of all Canadians, and if we extrapolate those of all citizens of the planet).

    If a reporter-researcher read these lines, I invite you to do your investigation to confirm or deny publicly, what I say. Of course, it would be nice if that journalist could also ask questions that require the Canadian government, which is responsible for enforcing the privacy of Canadians. I look forward to hear from you.
    Angry Blogger

  • Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 1 day ago

    Maybe you should go consult a dietician because if your mother is a diabetic she shouldn't be having any type white, whole grain, or whole wheat bread because its more difficult to digest. She should be consuming things that are easier to digest such as corn tortillas and such. I'm not a dietician, but I do know plenty of diabetics. (this is assuming she is Type II and not Type I, you didn't specify)

  • Sarah Palin: The Koch Brother’s Union Maid   11 years 2 days ago

    If our leaders demanded this publically they would all be assassinated by the United Nations they are all playing a dangerous game; just vote and support your leaders, in your heart you know who they are. They simply represent a lot of people. All the leaders are secretly friends they are just separating the mice from the men. It's all how America identifies itself and the left the democrats are cold blooded killers and are complimentary to the UN's agendas. The leaders have to feel out what move to make next in regards to our enemies. The right consistantly supports life. The malevolent "foreign" bodies amoung us support depopulation so on. The people have to be ready to fight as one against a real enemy.

  • Blockbuster Reports Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Phone and Internet Records by Obama Administration   11 years 2 days ago

    The NSA can spy and intimidate all they want they need to use the phones and internet which is already controlled by the people that payed to make it all possible in the first place. So these NSA workers are going to get pegged by more powerful people. As for the Media someone has to begin to take control of it for it is completely out of control and corrupt. The whistleblowers will be shielded as well as the Newspeople.

  • PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 2 days ago

    Polio has already been dealt with. Bill Gates is trying to vaccinate people. From experience we know these vaccines are easily manipulated. If Koch is giving money to PBS that is simply a good investment. Gates believes in the United Nations depopulation agenda. Now Gandhi is great but did Hitler really start out trying to unite Europe or take it over. To defeat the Corporations which have no conscious you have to do it from within. I'ts simply a right wing Conspiracy and it's righty tighty leftly loosey. This is a highly educated lot commenting on this site and most colleges are supported and funded by the left liberals. And the top 1% are not the bad guys it's more like the 15% just under the top 1% that is delusional and being deluded in your mind leaves you open to well alien influences. We have to separate the mice from the men. Hitler was framed at the end by the satanists same as I believe this Koch man. One has to use discernment. What is obvious is not always what is real. Truth is hidden because it is so valuable like a treasure buried.

  • CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 2 days ago

    Brian, you are full of crap. She is a very dedicated NP and she cares about the people of WI. I have met her and she is not at all as you describe her. Boo hoo you can't have marijuana, get over it. There are other things for cancer pain. I know this for a fact. You PRAY That she gets cancer everyday? Do you really think that God listens to sick prayers like that? What kind of evil person are YOU? You sound like a self absorbed, whiny and bitter 5 year old. Grow up.

  • Blockbuster Reports Reveal Widespread Surveillance of Phone and Internet Records by Obama Administration   11 years 2 days ago

    This a convergence of the the desire of th KOCH Brothers to have total control of Media and the monitoring of ordinary American citizens' e-mails, chats, and phone conversations by corporate lobbyists who are controlling the elected officials in USA Congress.

  • PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 days ago

    The average citizens who pour the hard earned money to support PBS are now made to feel like those VOTERS of Americans whose votes are sought after when people are elected to Congress and White House only to find the the people whose voices are heard are the LOBBYISTS!

  • PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 3 days ago

    Through NSA, the servers at YOUTUBE was handed over to the KOCH BROTHERS controlled interests or watching over Americans and the rest of the world!

  • Lois Lerner's "Hands-Off" Approach Likely Contributed to IRS Mess   11 years 3 days ago

    Did Lois Lerner refusing to testify also contribute to the $50 MILLION DOLLAR spending spree by the IRS? I do not think so, in fact, the IRS should give the tax payers their money BACK in that case, the wasteful spending by the IRS is only one of many reasons the IRS should be CLOSED and our US Taxes should be turned over to separate states. The American people have, because of the unending scandals that continue to surface by the IRS in addition to OUTRAGEOUS wasteful spending by the IRS have lost all trust for the IRS as the lies, dishonesty and cover up just do not seem to stop, do they?

  • War on Democracy in Wisconsin: Bill Would Enact Voter ID, End Disclosure, Limit Early Voting, Expand Lobbyist Influence   11 years 4 days ago

    Look how many problems Wisconsin has encountered since the republicans have taken over.

    How in God's name did they get voted in in the first place. Walker was recalled, had to go out of state to get funds,...but still saved his job.

    Republicans can't win with democracy they have to force their fascist form of government on the masses.

    This is all A.L.A.C. and the Koch Bros doing. WHEN ARE THE PEOPLE GOING TO RISE UP and say they have had enough of this BS?

    They need to storm the capitol and take the Gov and the right wing legislators hostage. Scott Walker needs to be put in a secret dungeon, never to be heard of again.


  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 4 days ago

    There are many different types of sludge, as result of the varying wastewater treatment processes throughout the country. Sometimes, a wastewater treatment facility will produce a sludge that can only be disposed of in a landfill. Others produce a product that can be refined to use as a residential fertilizer. It just depends on what the facility is capable of. However, as time time continues, sludge is constantly being studied and treated in innovative ways.

    My guess would be that a fully treated and processed sludge is actually BETTER for the soil than commercial grade synthetic fertilizer. Thus reducing the chance of bad chemicals leaching into waterways, crops, etc.

    Just a thought...

  • CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 4 days ago

    Only one reason for this behavior

  • CMD Files Open Records Suit Against ALEC Board Member Sen. Leah Vukmir   11 years 5 days ago

    Leah Vukmir is about herself, All the study's that prove medical marijuana works and is safer then pills and she just turns away and puts down people with cancer, spinal cord injury ect ect,, I am sure she wants them out of sight out of mind. I pray she gets cancer everyday.

  • Students Petition Sallie Mae for Transparency and a Better Deal on Student Loans   11 years 5 days ago

    i got on and there are 26 people in the united states that are up in arms about this? 1 trillion dollars in essentially stolen money to essentially go to high school for 4 years and live in an apartment? for 30thousand dollars a year? nice work sallie mae…scumbags.

  • Victory for Food Rights and Wisconsin Farmer Vernon Hershberger   11 years 5 days ago

    The last I knew a license was permission and regulation to do that which is unlawful or immoral.
    If I am wrong please correct me. However, I know the above to be true. This leaves me questioning why most everything today REQUIRES a LICENSE. Please consider that. These courts and so called government agency's are waging a form of economic legal war on the GOD GIVEN and Constitution rights of the people. The greedy and immoral moneyjunkies of corporate government world wide don't want competition from honest real producers. Wake up everyone these corporations have stolen everything from the people and want you dependant on them as they abuse you and steal from you.
    Loving God, Marriage, having children, pursuit of happiness, growing and producing real traditional food and even medicine for ourselves, REAL MONEY instead of paper currency not worth the paper it is wrote on. Please tell me how and when these things became unlawful and immoral and next time you go to CHURCH please ask why they have a 501c3 nonprofit license on the wall and whether they worship GOD or the obvious fictional legal corporate ENTITY of the state.

  • Environmental Groups Split on Illinois Fracking Bill   11 years 5 days ago

    And while the environmentalists fight each other, the frackers laugh all the way to the bank...

  • Environmental Groups Split on Illinois Fracking Bill   11 years 6 days ago

    I agree with the other commenters -- the claims by Illinois environmental groups that they would have preferred a moratorium and only reluctantly agreed to support a regulatory bill are revisionist history. In 2012, a regulatory bill that was even weaker than the bill that passed this year passed the Illinois Senate overwhelmingly with the support of Sierra Club, Faith In Place and other environmental groups. These groups were always looking to strike a deal and declare victory for themselves. If they had spent even half the time working with those of us downstate who are now in harm's way because of their bill that they did trying to pass it, the politics could have been different.