Readers' Comments

  • Cashing in on Kids: 139 ALEC Bills in 2013 Promote a Private, For-Profit Education Model   11 years 32 weeks ago

    It seems that the fix is in. Under the guise of educational "reform" ALEC has instigated an all out effort to destroy public education by providing exotic and innovative programs that only creates money making opportunities for its for-profit corporate buddies.
    This is not educational reform. It is stealing from the American people. This is criminal, but because of ALEC's financial stranglehold on so many politicians their power is oppressive.
    Bottom line: American school children are being scammed. Shame on ALEC and the Republicans...They certainly know how to "Stand their ground!"

  • Did Backlash Against GOP Voter Suppression Increase Black Voter Turnout?   11 years 32 weeks ago

    The GOP is shrinking and is irrelevant to the best interests of the majority of US citizens. Better reorganize your platform instead of your spin.

  • EPA Pulls Its Punches When It Comes to Issuing Findings on Fracking   11 years 32 weeks ago

    The Koch's or Duke brothers from the movie "Trading Places" stack the deck where ever they need. They are getting all this wealth from price gouging gasoline. Wake up America, your being screwed, blued, and tattoed and the GOP is the cause! Ditch Mitch and vote out these mouth pieces of the rich. They've all beeen bought. There are 14 Democrats that need replaced starting in La.

  • Did Backlash Against GOP Voter Suppression Increase Black Voter Turnout?   11 years 32 weeks ago

    reportedly hispanics, blacks(because blacks are more likely to be poor), and the poor more likely vote democrat, because some republicans are pro-kill the poor and immigrants, pro-close the boarder, and anti-welfare. some democrats are more tolerant of immigrants and give some welfare.

    some republicans think if they close the boarders, kill and arrest poor and immigrants, and supress poor and immigrant voters by putting in voter id and discriminatory qualifications, then there wont be poor or immigrants to vote democrat.

    put in a new consitutional amendement that says: everyone in the country must be allowed to vote, includeing prisoners and babys. no voteing restrictions allowed.

    no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states. article XIV

    voter id law, and similar voter suppression tactics, abridge the privileges of citizens of the united states by disallowing many of them, especially the poor, to vote, because many of them are unable to or cant afford to get a voter id. plus it abridges the privilege of citizens of the united states to not have to pay and jump thru hoops in order to vote.

    voter id law is unconstitutional.

    tell voter supressors to stop the much bigger problem: politican fraud, instead of supressing voters.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 32 weeks ago

    Please cite documented examples from other than an NRA cite. Names, dates, news report, links, etc.

  • Time to Repeal ALEC/NRA Stand Your Ground Laws   11 years 32 weeks ago

    "Did you know that according to the Bureau of Justice stats, that between 1976 and 2011, 269,000 black youths were murdered. And of those deaths, 262,000 were killed by other blacks."

    Oh, so we should look the other way if one is killed by somebody who's white?

    "If you knew anything about the Stand Your Ground law then you'd know that if you had time to shoot at a wall you had time to make another choose."

    Like maybe shooting the bastard and claiming he convincingly threatened to kill her right then? She already had an order against him after he'd previously done her violence, and he'd no longer have been around to contradict her story, just like Trayvon Martin. As she did choose to handle it, no one was killed but she still got 20 years. If you truly don't agree with this decision, there should be no "althoughs."

    The double standards stink to heaven, and Stand Your Ground has to go.

  • Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   11 years 32 weeks ago


    I doubt that most of you (above) have a clue as to what Ayn Rand's philosophy is all about. It would help the debate if your did. Hearsay doesn't do the job.

    Jim Wright

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 32 weeks ago

    guns in the hands of civilians only lead to gun deaths. i was in the military and an excellent shot but even so i am unsure that in a panic moment i might fire and hurt/kill someone i love. so many go around and want laws against abortion but at the same time love the stand your ground laws that allow them to kill another human being. i would like to see your research and statistics on how many people with guns have been saved against an attack or perceived attack. i am betting it is very small. putting a gun in someones hand gives them the false perception of safety.

  • Time to Repeal ALEC/NRA Stand Your Ground Laws   11 years 32 weeks ago

    "The Tampa Bay Times found that people who killed a black person walked free 73 percent of the time, while those who killed a white person went free 59 percent of the time."

    This is an idiotic claim. What's to say the case surrounding those white people were legitimate and per the law and the others weren't.. you can't say well they've let more white people off and disregard the fact that we have no history of what exactly the other cases were about and why they weren't let off. You could easily say 59% of the time the people had blue eyes.. :| See how dumb that sounds? It's a ridiculous and misleading quote. But of course that is the job of the media.

    Although I don't agree with the case involving Marissa Alexander she discharged a weapon which is against the law. If you knew anything about the Stand Your Ground law then you'd know that if you had time to shoot at a wall you had time to make another choose. That law is for people that have no time to think about another choice.

    Did you know that according to the Bureau of Justice stats, that between 1976 and 2011, 269,000 black youths were murdered. And of those deaths, 262,000 were killed by other blacks. So who exactly is killing and getting away with things? Why isn't anyone rioting and civil suing people for this?? No but try to find a connection with a white person and even if it's a stretch and it's on right???

    "Reporting on Spin and Disinformation" .. really? or do you mean spinning disinformation to confuse the masses?

  • Chronic Wasting Disease on the Rise in Wisconsin Deer; Will it Infect Humans?   11 years 32 weeks ago

    Its coming. Decades from now people will wonder what went wrong and why nothing was done to stop it.Right now cwd causes disease in squirrel monkeys and othermsmmals like cattle when the cwd prions r injected into the brains. Its coming. Now is the time to enjoy deer hunting before it becomes to risky of a past time. The prions r in the soil and water and vegetation. Millions r at risk and nothing being done because the science can't catch up to the rate of spread. Very difficult to study and many questions unanswered.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 32 weeks ago

    This incredibly sad story played out largely because GZ did NOT listen to the dispatcher in the first place. When GZ called 911 and requested advice as to what to do, i.e., whether (TM) should be "followed," the dispatcher said "No, we don't need you to do that." That should have been the end of it; instead GZ got out of his truck to pursue/confront TM. Why would you do that, unless perhaps a 'suspected perp' was imminently going to attack another person and you saw it about to happen, in which case you might have an immediate reason to get out of vehicle? That, I could understand, but what GZ did instead, which was to charge ahead on foot after TM, AGAINST police advice, was simply wrong. What kind of example is GZ setting for young people if he as an ADULT (and wannabe police officer) does not listen to police?
    So what if TM had a hoodie on? Plenty of kids in my old neighborhood wore hoodies. I shudder to think that if you're a young black guy in the US, good luck, 'cause your days may be numbered. I worry about the kids my daughter grew up with: will they make it without running afoul of some reality-skewed armed vigilante? If you're going to arm yourself, a whole lot of responsibility goes along with that, and you want to work WITH the cops, not against them, by not endangering yourself or others. (By the way, my city's at least 55% African American. Many of the cops are, too.)

  • Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   11 years 32 weeks ago

    If you are upset that whole foods stopped this legal battle with monsanto why don't you pick up where they left off and hire a legal team to fight for whats right? oh because you don't have the money or political pull to fight monsanto in a court? well neither does whole foods. yes its a shame.

  • Apple's New IPhone 4S Opposes Abortion   11 years 33 weeks ago

    thank's for your information

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Who? What? Where? When?

    You wrote: There are many documented cases of stand your ground laws that have been credited with saving lives through the use of firearms.

    Please detail those cases.

  • U.S.-Funded War in El Salvador Casts Shadow over Romney/Ryan Campaign   11 years 33 weeks ago

    The article states El Salvadorian paramilitary troops. U.S. money and weapons supported the death squads, not our troops. Not to say American's are immune to doing bad things. People who are put in the situation of accepting killing as their job become easily morally corrupted, such is the nature of war. We destroyed villages of people in vietnam, so I don't see how any troops would be hard to imagine doing wrong. Just some food for thought, us American's aren't the chosen people. Not even "the chosen people" are the chosen people. But our government knew exactly who it was backing up. Our government has an ugly history of corrupting central and south America. Read about operation condor. Big Business counts in cash, not body bags. The fear of communism helped United Fruit (turned chiquita) to fight to monopolize other peoples/countries land. Just some history that is as factual as slavery being a right for big plantations. Why is now a special time where corruption goes away? hmm.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    those who wrote this law and those states who's officials passed it, you reap what you sow, for when you are confronted and that person who feels threatened, they will stand their ground too. bet they didn't think about that.

  • Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption   11 years 33 weeks ago

    So with you on this....

  • Shareholders Push Firms to Cut Ties to ALEC; 49 Corporations Now Out   11 years 33 weeks ago

    I love your corporate dumpster list. I would really like to see your "good" list! Can you share that?

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Wong wrong stand your ground was in the jury instructions even though zimmerman did not use it as his defense. Please do your research before you post false hoods.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    If there is any justice in the world you will shoot one of your own children...

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    The defense shrewdly avoided the stand you ground law in the Zimmerman case. Otherwise they very well might have lost because pursuit and stand you ground are hard to justify under the same law. Instead the defense chose a self defense strategy which effectively nullified everything that happened before the physical confrontation; the last 20 sec. So unfortunately from a legal standpoint, the Zimmerman case will never have much to do with this law unless the focus turns to why he wasn't arrested and charged at the scene instead of 6 months later.

  • Shareholders Push Firms to Cut Ties to ALEC; 49 Corporations Now Out   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Can you recommand another insurance carrier. I have had State Farm for years and I want to cut ties.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Self-defense has always been around but never involved stalking an unarmed guy you didn't know down the street and murdering him even after the police told you to not do exactly what you then decided to do and ignore them and do anyway.

    Just think I bet Trevor didn't even know about that Law, but if he had been the one still standing with a gun Zimmerman brought to the fight I don't think he would have had a hard time proving was self-defense even with old traditional laws since the police foresaw Zimmerman's intent to confront and arrest Martin and they told him not to do that..

    Most people didn't know these stupid, dangerous laws had been passed till the Martin case exposed them. I certainly would not have understood if some regular guy that wasn't a policemen followed me down the road and attempted to arrest me for no reason.... I would think he was a crazy guy planning to kill or harm me..... if Trevor thought that too and fought back ..He was right...... He just needed a gun and the ability to out shoot Zimmerman that night.

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Self-defense has always been around and supported. This is self appointed law enforcement. Even in the Mideast they don't kill you for stealing... they just cut off you hand. They might not like you if you have a dog...but they never kill you for it there.

    But if this is how it's going to be in the USA. All I can say is "Ladies get your guns "and head to the shooting range for the next time the fool shows up to bother you.....Lock him out of the house and claim you thought that beer bottle was a gun or knife in the hand of a stranger and make sure you are the only victim left to tell your story because the lady in Florida that shot two warning shots in the air or wall to her husband with a constraint order against him received 20 years for not standing her ground well enough and just killing him! Now he is loose with the child that might need to stand her ground better than Mom did.

    This is an insane law pushed by ALEC which is the worst of American Anarchist just lurking around trying to buy the county and power out from under citizens and make us distrust everything and everyone but their sneaky butts..They are global...their money influencing politics agenda is spreading over the world. They could tattoo red, white and blue all over themselves but these are traitors and thieves of our national and global agenda and rights ....So citizens of the world head to the practice range while their "Stand Your Own Ground " law is still on the books. Pens that write bad laws are shinning in their hands....They could be and are in fact lethal so "Stand Your Own Ground".

  • Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 33 weeks ago

    Or after 7PM when Trevor was walking.