You would continue to deny the facts. Even to the point of your own extinction that humans are the main cause of the current changes in climate. I looked into some affiliations a couple years ago and found that claims against agw were were mostly made by people with a financial interest in fossil fuels. And of course the faux news viewers like yourself. It's not your fault you're being lied to but it's your responsibility to find out why only 3 out of a hundred or 30 of 1000 continue to try to discredit the scientific community. And, why don't you attack the agw facts rather than the writer of this article. Funny even highly educated people backed by the some of the richest people in the world have yet to convince 97 of 100 scientists that it ain't happening. Please wtfu.
First off, I'd like to ask a rhetorical question. Are you retarded or just plain stupid? If you want FACTS, go to a government department website (any .Gov site; NASA, EPA, DEPT. of energy) they will all say the same thing. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL, HAPPENING NOW & GETTING EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. Mainly due to humans because of idiots like you who don't actually look at facts, only what some other retard-ican is telling you to think. I just can't believe you would even mention corn oil and starving people. The US alone procures & produces enough food to feed 12 billion people, there are only 7 billion people on the planet and yet there's starving people in every city in the world. Think about that before saying stupid and ridiculous things. I hope you don't ever procreate and make more idiots like yourself.
What I don't get: why doesn't the amendment restrict legitimate donations to those that can vote in US elections?
I'm unsure about giving this much latitude to congress. I'd rather simply
move to 100% publicly funded elections-with the funds allocated by
citizens chosen by lottery from the voters. Those citizens would be
the only legitimate source of campaign funding-and candidates would have to
go through them.
After reading this article and the notice about State Farm's continuing support for it, I just forward the link to this article to my State Farm insurance agent informing him that we will switch companies for our home and car insurance come renewal time.
When has any science been settled? Would You rather middle class American families continue paying @ least double for basic necessities? We're using corn that starving HUMANS could be eating, into ethanol to be burnt in your engine,does that make you feel better? Criminals leading the blind(you) around with sensational claims appealing to your save the world mentality.. all the while the draconian shackles created by UNACCOUNTABLE-UNELECTED is now causing massive and real pains to the people your high and mighty religion/cause claims to protect.. Do me a favor,before you spew anymore of the same tired dis proven claims(97% and that anyone that claims agw is hoax is getting rich from oil company payouts), please spend a few hours looking at the many(although you claim few exist) scientists and physicists who offer a differing view(backed by actual science). Also note that a large majority of these folks were once AGW proponents!
p.s. Could you write an actual old school reporting piece representing both sides??? Simply go and ask your editor,but you probably already know the answer to that one! Is there consensus? Have you checked? i bet you took someones word for it,isn't journalism looking for the facts?
There were rumors at the event that many of the women wearing ALEC name badges were actually prostitutes brought in for the members. I can say from what I saw that several of the women wearing ALEC badges looked very "professional", and not in a corporate sense. When I confronted some of the men outside standing with women wearing ALEC badges about this rumor they just laughed. Even the women. What woman laughs at insinuations of being a prostitute?? And not one ALEC member denied the allegations.
When has any science been settled? Would You rather middle class American families continue paying @ least double for basic necessities? We're turning corn that starving HUMANS could be eating, into ethanol to be burnt in your engine,does that make you feel better? Criminals leading the blind(you) around with sensational claims appealing to your save the world mentality.. all the while the draconian shackles created by UNACCOUNTABLE-UNELECTED is now causing massive and real pains to the people your high and mighty religion/cause claims to protect.. Do me a favor,before you spew anymore of the same tired dis proven claims(97% and that anyone that claims agw is hoax is getting rich from oil company payouts), please spend a few hours looking at the many(although you claim few exist) scientists and physicists who offer a differing view(backed by actual science). Also note that a large majority of these folks were once AGW proponents!
p.s. Could you write an actual old school reporting piece representing both sides??? Simply go and ask your editor,but you probably already know the answer to that one! Is there consensus? Have you checked? i bet you took someones word for it,isn't journalism looking for the facts?
"The end of Democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when the government falls into the hands of the banks and corporations". Thomas Jefferson.
There are not many places on earth that are politically stable and where the oil is not dominated by state-owned enterprises -- most of whom would rather enjoy harming Americans by cutting off the flow of oil if they could.
At least in Canada and the US, the EPA does a far better job ensuring the safety of domestic oil. And we do not have to worry about a military coup or an "Arab Spring."
The right wing want less government to help people that need help, but more government that that arrests those who protest against right wing policies.
Perhaps we should counter the privatization efforts with Nationalization of natural resources Efforts. Norway has done it and they have done very well as a country. Thank you very much BIG BUSINESS.
When I first read this story,I remembered how Rifkin was trying to collect the $12,000 fee promised to him.I don't know what the outcome was
but if I was the college president,I wouldn't have paid Rifkin one cent.
What was Rifkin going to do,sue the school?The last thing that guy needs
is any negative publicity.Rifkin's gripe over the $12,000 is nothing compared to the billions of dollars in biotechnology products that have
been put on hold because of Rifkin's lawsuits.I would have told Rifkin if
he wants his money,to go get it from the dairy & cattlmen's association.
They're the ones who caused his speech to get cancelled.Rifkin's angry
because the college wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do by cancelling his speaking engagement.But look at all the times Rifkin wouldn't let the biotechnology industry do what they wanted to do by filing lawsuits to stop their projects.What it all comes down to is Rikfin's getting a dose of his own medicine and he doesn't like it.
The tort deform proposals put forth by Mr. McKinney, ALEC, et al, are anti-democratic and pro-Big Business.
Indeed, there is nothing "conservative" about tort deform: the goal is to avoid personal and corporate responsibility by restricting the access of We the People to our civil justice system.
Good video here about the reality of what happens with math models and money. At the end here with the Q and A Cathy talk about working for Mr. Summers...
This article is based on what Ms. Waller didn't say. What did she say? I am not implying Ms. Waller is right or wrong but it is clear the author of this article is extremely biased herself and is a master of throwing the baby out with the bath water if her opinion is compromised by another's. This is an example of poor journalism.
And the rest of us are sick of rich whiners who destroy the economy through sophisticated scammery, and loot what's left. Shut the f**k up and pay your f---ing taxes, or move to Somalia where there ain't none of that pesky
'gubmint' to worry about.
LOL - Face it. You hate America... You do not appreciate we are the most diverse country in the history of the world/ YOU are the bigot. You hate any person that does not think lie you. Sorry, but some people think free markets are worth fighting for. Some people think they are the reason we as a country are great. Some people think the economics is not a zero sum game. Rather than debate the policy you wish to crush free speech. Good luck Stalinists.
Everything that is advertised should show true stats. Like how many girls died from guardasil shots ! How many people commit suicide / homicide while on anti-depressants( think ALL school shootings)
Cigarettes are so far down on the list these days, its almost not worth mentioning.
But how many people get sick and or die from GMO , fluoride and radioactive waste ( the way fluoride is sourced) in water, doctors & hospitals ,prescriptions medicines,and yes Fukushima is still spewing .
Media is silent on all things real !
You would continue to deny the facts. Even to the point of your own extinction that humans are the main cause of the current changes in climate. I looked into some affiliations a couple years ago and found that claims against agw were were mostly made by people with a financial interest in fossil fuels. And of course the faux news viewers like yourself. It's not your fault you're being lied to but it's your responsibility to find out why only 3 out of a hundred or 30 of 1000 continue to try to discredit the scientific community. And, why don't you attack the agw facts rather than the writer of this article. Funny even highly educated people backed by the some of the richest people in the world have yet to convince 97 of 100 scientists that it ain't happening. Please wtfu.
First off, I'd like to ask a rhetorical question. Are you retarded or just plain stupid? If you want FACTS, go to a government department website (any .Gov site; NASA, EPA, DEPT. of energy) they will all say the same thing. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL, HAPPENING NOW & GETTING EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. Mainly due to humans because of idiots like you who don't actually look at facts, only what some other retard-ican is telling you to think. I just can't believe you would even mention corn oil and starving people. The US alone procures & produces enough food to feed 12 billion people, there are only 7 billion people on the planet and yet there's starving people in every city in the world. Think about that before saying stupid and ridiculous things. I hope you don't ever procreate and make more idiots like yourself.
What I don't get: why doesn't the amendment restrict legitimate donations to those that can vote in US elections?
I'm unsure about giving this much latitude to congress. I'd rather simply
move to 100% publicly funded elections-with the funds allocated by
citizens chosen by lottery from the voters. Those citizens would be
the only legitimate source of campaign funding-and candidates would have to
go through them.
After reading this article and the notice about State Farm's continuing support for it, I just forward the link to this article to my State Farm insurance agent informing him that we will switch companies for our home and car insurance come renewal time.
When has any science been settled? Would You rather middle class American families continue paying @ least double for basic necessities? We're using corn that starving HUMANS could be eating, into ethanol to be burnt in your engine,does that make you feel better? Criminals leading the blind(you) around with sensational claims appealing to your save the world mentality.. all the while the draconian shackles created by UNACCOUNTABLE-UNELECTED is now causing massive and real pains to the people your high and mighty religion/cause claims to protect.. Do me a favor,before you spew anymore of the same tired dis proven claims(97% and that anyone that claims agw is hoax is getting rich from oil company payouts), please spend a few hours looking at the many(although you claim few exist) scientists and physicists who offer a differing view(backed by actual science). Also note that a large majority of these folks were once AGW proponents!
p.s. Could you write an actual old school reporting piece representing both sides??? Simply go and ask your editor,but you probably already know the answer to that one! Is there consensus? Have you checked? i bet you took someones word for it,isn't journalism looking for the facts?
There were rumors at the event that many of the women wearing ALEC name badges were actually prostitutes brought in for the members. I can say from what I saw that several of the women wearing ALEC badges looked very "professional", and not in a corporate sense. When I confronted some of the men outside standing with women wearing ALEC badges about this rumor they just laughed. Even the women. What woman laughs at insinuations of being a prostitute?? And not one ALEC member denied the allegations.
When has any science been settled? Would You rather middle class American families continue paying @ least double for basic necessities? We're turning corn that starving HUMANS could be eating, into ethanol to be burnt in your engine,does that make you feel better? Criminals leading the blind(you) around with sensational claims appealing to your save the world mentality.. all the while the draconian shackles created by UNACCOUNTABLE-UNELECTED is now causing massive and real pains to the people your high and mighty religion/cause claims to protect.. Do me a favor,before you spew anymore of the same tired dis proven claims(97% and that anyone that claims agw is hoax is getting rich from oil company payouts), please spend a few hours looking at the many(although you claim few exist) scientists and physicists who offer a differing view(backed by actual science). Also note that a large majority of these folks were once AGW proponents!
p.s. Could you write an actual old school reporting piece representing both sides??? Simply go and ask your editor,but you probably already know the answer to that one! Is there consensus? Have you checked? i bet you took someones word for it,isn't journalism looking for the facts?
Think "in our soil." EPA hasn't done such a great job about that. Your arguments are really arguments for developing renewables as fast as we can.
"The end of Democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when the government falls into the hands of the banks and corporations". Thomas Jefferson.
We need a list of all Democrats that are still members of ALEC! As far as I know, ALEC cannot exist if they do not have members from both parties.
Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya ...
There are not many places on earth that are politically stable and where the oil is not dominated by state-owned enterprises -- most of whom would rather enjoy harming Americans by cutting off the flow of oil if they could.
At least in Canada and the US, the EPA does a far better job ensuring the safety of domestic oil. And we do not have to worry about a military coup or an "Arab Spring."
The right wing want less government to help people that need help, but more government that that arrests those who protest against right wing policies.
Perhaps we should counter the privatization efforts with Nationalization of natural resources Efforts. Norway has done it and they have done very well as a country. Thank you very much BIG BUSINESS.
Your NC arrest count needs updating - over 900 people have been arrested!
Red-baiting ceased to regarded as a legitimate form of argumentation long ago. Along with "so's your fat mama!"
When I first read this story,I remembered how Rifkin was trying to collect the $12,000 fee promised to him.I don't know what the outcome was
but if I was the college president,I wouldn't have paid Rifkin one cent.
What was Rifkin going to do,sue the school?The last thing that guy needs
is any negative publicity.Rifkin's gripe over the $12,000 is nothing compared to the billions of dollars in biotechnology products that have
been put on hold because of Rifkin's lawsuits.I would have told Rifkin if
he wants his money,to go get it from the dairy & cattlmen's association.
They're the ones who caused his speech to get cancelled.Rifkin's angry
because the college wouldn't let him do what he wanted to do by cancelling his speaking engagement.But look at all the times Rifkin wouldn't let the biotechnology industry do what they wanted to do by filing lawsuits to stop their projects.What it all comes down to is Rikfin's getting a dose of his own medicine and he doesn't like it.
YOU didn't pass English 101...did someone change your answers so you could pass?? lol.
The tort deform proposals put forth by Mr. McKinney, ALEC, et al, are anti-democratic and pro-Big Business.
Indeed, there is nothing "conservative" about tort deform: the goal is to avoid personal and corporate responsibility by restricting the access of We the People to our civil justice system.
Good video here about the reality of what happens with math models and money. At the end here with the Q and A Cathy talk about working for Mr. Summers...
If you like that video more at the Algo Duping/Attack of the Killer Algorithm page.
Glad to see you're not totally down on education in general, just "overeducation." Very reassuring. :-)
This article is based on what Ms. Waller didn't say. What did she say? I am not implying Ms. Waller is right or wrong but it is clear the author of this article is extremely biased herself and is a master of throwing the baby out with the bath water if her opinion is compromised by another's. This is an example of poor journalism.
And the rest of us are sick of rich whiners who destroy the economy through sophisticated scammery, and loot what's left. Shut the f**k up and pay your f---ing taxes, or move to Somalia where there ain't none of that pesky
'gubmint' to worry about.
LOL - Face it. You hate America... You do not appreciate we are the most diverse country in the history of the world/ YOU are the bigot. You hate any person that does not think lie you. Sorry, but some people think free markets are worth fighting for. Some people think they are the reason we as a country are great. Some people think the economics is not a zero sum game. Rather than debate the policy you wish to crush free speech. Good luck Stalinists.
Everything that is advertised should show true stats. Like how many girls died from guardasil shots ! How many people commit suicide / homicide while on anti-depressants( think ALL school shootings)
Cigarettes are so far down on the list these days, its almost not worth mentioning.
But how many people get sick and or die from GMO , fluoride and radioactive waste ( the way fluoride is sourced) in water, doctors & hospitals ,prescriptions medicines,and yes Fukushima is still spewing .
Media is silent on all things real !
Even controlled opposition is JUST as evil !