
Good reviews for SourceWatch/Congresspedia

Two recent reviews of SourceWatch/Congresspedia on the Web this week:

  • A very complimentary and in-depth review by Shirl Kennedy of Resource Shelf, which was founded by research librarian extraordinaire Gary Price.

Wal-Mart / Edelman, Part Two: Will the Real Bloggers Please Stand Up?

O'Dwyer's has more revelations about the multifaceted fakery engaged in by Wal-Mart and its PR firm, Edelman.

Front Group's Fake Blog Just One of Wal-Mart's Recent Woes

Richard Edelman, the CEO of the Edelman PR firm, "issued an apology for his agency's role in creating a blog for client Wal-Mart that did not properly disclose its origins or funding," notes PR Week.

Spooks and Geeks

Oh to be a fly on that wall. Late last week Mark Oehlert of Booz Allen Hamilton organized a two day meeting between CIA employees and experts on blogs and wikis. The goal was to assist the CIA in improving their internal communications and information sharing.

"America's Army" Boosts Army Recruiting

"This summer, Matt and Doug Stanbro, two brothers from Chelsea, Ala., traded in their game controllers for M-16 rifles," reports Patrik Jonsson. "They're two of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of American teenagers inspired by a 'shoot'em-up' video game to join the Army." The "America's Army" game, first released in 1992, "is proving a potent way to communicate military values directly to the messy bedrooms where teens hang out. ...

Net Neutrality Poll Far From Neutral Itself

"Pollsters hired by Verizon Communications Inc. presented a study today that suggests consumers overwhelmingly reject 'net neutrality' ... but they support Alaska Sen.

TV Newsrooms Air the Darndest Things

Should "viral" videos, produced and placed online by marketers but circulated by amused viewers, be labeled as advertising?

Meet the Future of Marketing: It Is Us

Joseph Turow summarizes how marketers are using new technologies to make it "harder than ever for audiences to escape, and resist, their advances." One practice, "seeding," blends "publicity, product placement, and public relations." Seeding can involve hiring actors for "clandestine campaigns that 'may consist of seeding chat rooms, blogs and forums with paid-for messages,'" as one marketer explained.

More Net Neutrality Front Groups

Back in March, Common Cause released "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing," which detailed the activities of nine groups masquerading as think tanks and public interest organizations when in fact they were front groups for telephone and cable companies in the

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