Readers' Comments

  • “Energy In Depth” – A Reporters’ Guide to Its Founding, Funding, and Flacks   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Wow. Nice work. Particularly on Kaptain Frackaroo . . .

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Shit is different when the animal or person has different drugs and contaminants fed to it. In sludge there is everything from a hospital system which includes chemicals, chemo drugs, bacterias, etc that is poured down the drain. Please be informed. All shit is not alike.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    You should read the data. Sewage sludge was banned from being thrown in the ocean because it was killing the fish. Why do you think that was happening? There is a reason why sludge is bad for you. There is growing evidence that there are a lot of toxins in the soil that has had sludge added to it. People who live on land around sludge areas are sicker and higher incidences of illnesses. Please go to the website to see why we want to ban sewage sludge being put on farmland. Please look at what small data is available. When some brave scientists try to study sludged farmland, their money is suddenly is pulled or the sludging stops so that the study is not valid.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Dear Jane:

    Did you listen to the the interview? Farmers (even organic farmers) are NOT required by LAW to disclose whether or not they use sewage sluge as a fertilizer. BTW - there are TONS of data and plenty of studies that show what's in sludge and that plants absorb many of the toxic constituents found in sludge in their tissues that are then consumed by an unsuspecting public. Feel free to call me for more info: (336) 525-2003.

    Best - Sue Dayton

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Trayvon Martin didn't "wanna" do anything but get home safely with his snacks. Against the police dispatcher's clear instructions, George Zimmerman pursued him and picked a fight with him. That makes Zimmerman the aggressor.

    With neighborhood watch "volunteers" like Zimmerman, we don't need gang bangers.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Sorry, but you dont know jack..

    Please define an assault weapon! Is it black, is it an automatic, is it because of its magazine, and what size magazine is acceptable to you? Does a 10 shot help any more than a 30.. when it can be changed in 10 seconds by a mentally ill person.

    Violence is rising because of the lack of parential control. The govt has us all chasing the buck to keep up with inflation. And they have not done a thing to help the mentally ill.

    where legal citizens cant legally own a gun, the criminal will have one. they dont follow the laws. Chicago, NY, DC, England have some of the most stringent gun laws and their crime rates are some of the highest. The US has had a steady decrease in crime for the last 30 years.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    There are over 80,000 chemicals that end up in the sludge only 1.5% have ever been tested. This study only delt with a hand full. One can also look up the toxic release inventory to see what is being discharged into the sewer by industry, that is when they report it.

  • Will GOP Governors Really Try "Nullifying" Obamacare?   11 years 24 weeks ago

    The Supremecy Clause only applies to those powers which have been given to the federal government, see the Tenth Amendment. When those are read together, the only logical conclusion is that the feds are supreme only in those powers delegated to the federal governement in the Constitution. That's true even if the US Supreme Court gets it wrong, think Plessy v. Ferguson.

  • Same Day Voter Registration -- a "Problem" Walker Intends to Fix   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Lynn Mallack poses the idea that citizens actually voted for Walker.
    All the signs suggest that this is not the case, and that Walker knows it. He could never have won the vote by legal means.

    He still has the woman in place who "found" enough votes to topple the Dem. who won a year ago; - the same woman who threatened to destroy all the paper trail if she were forced to allow an impartial recount in November.

    What kind of democracy is that? If this occurred in Russia, the outcry in the USA would be deafening.

    Ms Mallak also offers that Walker "doesn't know" how difficult it can be for a poor person to register.
    I contend he knows exactly how hard it is. That is precisely why he is doing it; he doesn't want any of the dem-leaning groups to vote.

    Ms Mallak, I am baffled that you are baffled.
    Walker is so easy to read, if you just open the book - and your eyes.

  • Same Day Voter Registration -- a "Problem" Walker Intends to Fix   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Lynn Mallack poses the idea that citizens actually voted for Walker.
    All the signs suggest that this is not the case, and that Walker knows it. He could never have won the vote by legal means.

    He still has the woman in place who "found" enough votes to topple the Dem. who won a year ago; - the same woman who threatened to destroy all the paper trail if she were forced to allow an impartial recount in November.

    What kind of democracy is that? If this occurred in Russia, the outcry in the USA would be deafening.

    Ms Mallak also offers that Walker "doesn't know" how difficult it can be for a poor person to register.
    I contend he knows exactly how hard it is. That is precisely why he is doing it; he doesn't want any of the dem-leaning groups to vote.

    Ms Mallak, I am baffled that you are baffled.
    Walker is so easy to read, if you just open the book - and your eyes.

  • Corrections Corporation of America Used in Drug Sweeps of Public School Students   11 years 24 weeks ago

    The lockdown drug raids in the schools mirror the lockdown drug/contraband raids in jails and prisons throughout the US.
    I'm very happy that I had a private tutor educate me.

    The negative environment created by these school drug sweeps, ( which are conducted in such an undignified fashion; similar to soap opera "overacting"), would deter me from attending class.

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    So, Wayne LaPierre thinks that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

    If I hadn't heard him say it I wouldn't have believed it.
    It sounded like a soundbyte from an old western movie.

    The N.R.A. won't be happy ontill it has a gun(s) in the hands of every man woman and child in America.

    This is not about more guns curing the problem. It's about generating profits for the arms industry.

    How come environmentalists aren't calling for more cars to cure pollution?

  • The Final Fight: No More Gambling with Taxpayer Money   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Now that there will be no more gambling in the place, there would be lesser blackjack table supplies will be made on my business.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Safety of sewage sludge for table crop farming depends entirely on the source of the sludge. If it comes from industrial sources, it is likely to contain unacceptable levels of one or more toxic substances such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, or dangerous chemicals. Milorganite (R) a product long on the market as a fertilizer contained significant levels of some toxins until Milwaukee, WI, separated their sludge sources and eliminated industrial wastes. Milorganite (R) is now considered safe for vegetable gardens. The following exerpt by another author explains how that came about.

    "Posted by the_virginian Zone 7 NoVA (My Page) on Fri, Feb 22, 08 at 18:53

    The Milorganite and local tap water were tested not the soil. It was a study and test paid for by the DoD and the EPA at a lab my friend was working at for a bioremediation project. In the many years past, before Milwaukee upgraded and regulated its segregated sewer system from industry plus now does continuous testing and monitoring, some heavy metals were in concentrations that were a concern for plants that would be used for human consuption. The new Milorganite is far below the maximums for heavy metals and not even close to many of the common lawn and general purpose fertilizers/supplements like Ironite for heavy metals. My friend did have a control soil sample and indicated the Milorganite that they tested was only slightly highier in certain heavy metals than the virgin soil used in the study. It was also found that the soil was highier in certain heavy metals than the Milorganite. Go figure! Household cleaners are in such dilute concentrations that they are either evaporated out of the sewage or digested out in the treatment process. City tap water eventually can have the same stuff dumped into it, but nobody makes a fuss about that and will water their garden with not at worry. Based on the research I and others have done on Milorganite, it seems like a very clean product compared to many, including some farm waste products that are sold as organic."

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    I spoke of "sewage sludge" in my July 9, 2007 letter to Henry A. Waxman, Charman of the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.... QUOTE: "Simultaneous production of biopesticide and alkaline proteases by Bacillus thuringiensis using sewage sludge as a raw material."

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    "Shit" is NOT just "shit", as you say. Shit containing human pathogens, pharmaceutical residues and toxins is a lot more than just "shit". I also object to "shit" from feedlots. I don't want my food grown in shit containing growth stimulants, antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Good old shit taken from barns of animals that spend at least part of each day roaming free suits me just fine, thank you.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Integrity lacks here... anonymous, corporations, politicians. I can't bring myself to read the piece of trash paper blowin by.

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    sure, we have guns and the right to have them in the US. but, why do we *need* assault rifles, large amounts of ammo and body armor? this isn't for hunting, it's for wacky "end times" conspiracy nutters.

    I don't want the only guns to be in the hands of government, either; but stockpiling insanely powerful weapons and wishing for a violent "end times" can only lead to wish fulfillment. maybe gun culture could slow down a tad? you think? they can keep their guns, but let's figure out a way to slow it down and calm down. fanaticism is never really healthy.

    then, after the gun people take a step back, maybe we can start looking at the other causes of these violent outbreaks? the reasons for Sandy Hook and other mass shootings are more to do with our selfish, hopeless, overly entitled culture of nothingness; which leaves people burnt out on the inside. we would rather shop than talk to our neighbor. we would rather watch tv than respectfully discuss social systems with our neighbor. after we've bought a ton of worthless products and watched hours upon hours of pointless television, and endless hours staring at our "smart phones". we are now unable to function as human beings. this *might* have something to do with it?

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    If the head is split, ACQUIT!
    If the nose is broke, MURDER 2 is a JOKE!
    Better a wanna be cop than a wanna be gang banger.
    By now, we all know the media prefers wanna be cops to wanna be gang bangers.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 24 weeks ago

    where? Please cite references.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 24 weeks ago

    Insulting the author instead of addressing the comment shows your closed mind and unwillingness to think.

  • Gov. Walker Trusts Teachers with Guns, But Not With Collective Bargaining   11 years 24 weeks ago

    You lean way too far to the extreme radical left. Correction is needed.

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    The two men that you reference were not "good guys". That's the difference. They were not trained security officials. They were crazy old men. Do you really think the outcome would have been any different if he had brought a knife or baseball bat over to that van? There are too many variables that could maybe stop violence. Thing is, it is literally impossible to stop all of the variables. Harp on the nra all you want. It's pure ignorance to think that a armed a police officer at that school in Newtown wouldn't have made a difference. Take Away his mom's guns and he just builds a bomb. Or waits 2 years till he can "print" his own gun on a 3d printer. Criminals don't follow the law!! For proof, just look at Chicago and LA... Two of the strictest gun laws in the country hard at work there. Lol. Look at facts people. Use your brain.

  • The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"   11 years 24 weeks ago

    its like this, In the American prison system they'll melt down toothbrushes and come at you in gang numbers and with ex.treme vilonce shank you to death. Violence will always be here, thats a fact, when you arm the people there will be violence yet it will go down unless you live in a city were the pill a size of a match head has more value than life or the dollar. Yet in the areas that the strong preys upon the weak, as far as mugging or rape or burglaries goes when that area is armmed. the violence and Crimes will go way down.
    In a country that has people weighing in at 6 foot to 250 on the average and their prey is the old or the weak you need a bleeping gun!!!

  • Suspicious Minds: Will There Be a Special Session in Wisconsin?   11 years 24 weeks ago

    CAN refers to the "Controller Area Network" - in an OBD over CAN a central network combines the data from additional inputs in the vehicle to allow Geotab to report non-engine related data using the same OBD connection in the vehicle. An example of non-engine data would include: seatbelt use monitoring and passenger detection in light duty vehicles or the automatic detection and reporting on PTO use in heavy duty vehicles. AUTOCOM CDP