Readers' Comments

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 25 weeks ago

    This story about Meli confronting the Clackamas Mall shooter was reported by Meli to a local TV station and repeated on every right wing and gun rights website, but was apparently unnoticed by any witnesses, not reported to the police, and not corroborated by any legitimate news organization.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Testing for trace elements ignores one of the worst problems which is pharmaceuticals.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Shouldn't $h!† where we eat. Sewage sludge contains heavy metals and other waste products that are absorbed into crop foods through a process called phytoremediation (google it). Even "trace amounts" (if you want to call them that) of these toxins don't belong in our soils. They need to be processed and disposed of properly, not fed to the cycle to cause disease to sell more medicine. I'd love to find out how these entities are tied to big medicine.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    As someone who is currently creating a job analysis and selection procedures for soil scientists..."

    Would it compromise your anonymity too much to tell us specifically what organization, agency or company is employing you to create this job analysis and selection procedure?

    Where should I submit my resume if I were interested in applying?

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Yes, I agree, but my background extends in a slightly different direction. Human waste has been used for thousands of years to fertilize fields. I remember around twenty years ago a college professor friend who went to China to study cultural and political topics. He wrote about "honey buckets." You can assess what these were about from the expression, but these were buckets in which people deposited their urin and feces. The buckets were taken to the fields and dumped. The contents of the buckets were prized, and it was, in the context in which the professor was working, a compliment to deposit in somone's honey bucket.

    Granted, China has changed, and industry and scale make a difference, but I agree that negatively reacting to use of human manure for fertilizer is probably not merited. If there is a problem, it is not the fertilizer itself so much as the materials that accumulate in our sewer systems, mercury and lead being two of them. But EPA and other people who have knowledge of environmental engineering can deal with such things, and in the end, we might make better use of a fairly constant element of human life. With over seven billion of us, it would be cool if we could figure out some better approaches to closing ecological cycles. Industrial phosphates are fine, but so is natural fertilizer.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Come on. Human shit to grow our foods. Soylent Green will be next I guess.
    There are other ways to grow our food. Keep human waste out of it.

  • To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 25 weeks ago

    The comment is made in here that all "sane" countries reserve what most Americans consider decent hunting firearms for the military. I assume they are talking about such countries as Mexico, where only the military and the police are allowed, legally, to have anything more powerful than a popgun. If that is the case, perhaps they should ask why, if only the military and police are allowed to own these weapons, there are so very many murders committed with semi and full automatic weapons NOT under the direct control of either the military OR the police. The countries with the fewest gun deaths actually have MORE guns out among the population than does even the US, Switzerland being one of the top members of that group. IF they anticipate 12,00 illegal gun murders a year over the next four years, perhaps they should do more about controlling the gangs who go in for mass killings like that. We have not had that many gun deaths in the last four years altogether, so seems someone is selling a big scare job, again.

  • Rep. Tim Scott, an ALEC Alum, Nominated to U.S. Senate   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Mr. Fischer, you are perpetuating am inaccuracy. Why does everyone say Jim DeMint 'retired' from the senate? He didn't retire, he RESIGNED. He submitted a letter of resignation to go for a higher paying job. Voters in SC relied on him to represent them in congress and he used his position and influence as a Senator to get a better job and then quit on us. Please correct this error.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    I'm trying to restrain myself, it's difficult. Initially, your vested interests are waving a very large RED flag. Secondly, I think you might be full of that very topic you claim to have recently studied. It is thoroughly accepted in the scientific community that the stuff that is flushed IS NOT and cannot be "treated" with our current water treatment
    facilities. They weren't even designed to remove or handle the everyday "contaminants" entering the sewer systems. In large part, the chemicals were not even in existence when these treatment facilities were built. The pharmaceuticals people poop are left to "act on" anyone or anything that comes in contact with their residues, not to mention, paints, solvents, landscape fertilizers, "round-up" type herbicides. The
    half-life of these ingredients is a Pandora's box and if you want to see just how healthy it really is ask that the bio-solid's CEOs subject their
    grandchildren to eating from vegetables raised in it exclusively. Do as I say, NOT as I do! I appreciate the hard work this responsible citizen put out to bring us some incredibly valuable information. I believe he has probably saved lives of those who may have health challenges and thought they were doing the right thing, spending extra money to eat "healthy" foods from certain stores.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    "to not be able to have significant impacts" OK...what's a significant impact? Does that mean I could be affected in ways that won't impair my body function to a large degree, but would indeed have a less than beneficial affect, especially long term?

    And "delineate all but the trace amounts of such elements, of which some "could" be toxic in large quantities." Boy! Is that a dodgy answer or what?? What if the person eating these foods is in less than excellent health? What if these foods are being fed to infants and young children?? What if the person is a vegetarian?

    I am not impressed with this answer! When you start putting quotes around a word it's an effort to diminish the impact of that word. And in science that is not acceptable!

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Just so that its known, the earth is covered by a thin layer of animal waste. Its that thin layer of waste that makes it possible to grow plants, which in turn feed us animals so that we can - once again - feed the plants. Maybe its just me, but it seems to be a beautiful thing. Plants use solar energy and our waste products to produce food for us. We use that concentrated solar energy to move our bodies and return plant food to the cycle.

    Whether you realize it or not, the earth is a closed system. All the raw materials we will ever use are already here, and most of them have been used before by our ancestors or other life forms. That water you are enjoying out of that plastic bottle was at one time or another the urine of someone or some thing. Failure to see this does not make it false.

    Using sterilized human waste to grow food for humans keeps that waste out of the rivers and streams and causes it to shorten the cycle that MUST happen to keep us all alive.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 25 weeks ago

    I don't hear anybody in the legislature talking about restricting existing concealed carry permits.
    I do however have an article that contests your stories about concealed carry saving lives stories.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Thanks for you interesting comment, however seems that you may have a conflict of interest given your position.

    Fine for you not to be concerned about 'trace' amounts. Accidents happen, and food is an exceptional product.

    As pointed out in the post above, Whole Foods needs to 'walk the talk' of their slogans. People shop at Whole Foods because they trust the company to go the extra mile and verify what their suppliers are doing. Customers deserve to know that human waste is being spread on their food.

  • The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   11 years 25 weeks ago

    thats the problem, the dumb ass sheeple scream and whine about health care (socialism) but then the ppl like the lady above is too weak or uninformed to speak up. Fcuk those idiots, your closed mouth is what is letting them get away with spending over 60% of taxes on military and war profiteering, kickbacks and free rein to energy, telecom, big pharma and insurance companies and the entitlement mentality of US Health care providers. They make more $ than anywhere in the world, prices are highly inflated compared to elsewhere (esp drugs). Corporate takeover of govt is complete bcuz u sat there and "didnt want to start anything" allowing the propagandized sheeple to spit out the soundbites they heard on FOX. Liberals suck for exactly this reason. They think govt=more laws help things and are afraid to fight back against the massive disinfo provided by MSM. The middle class who have a little, want more...actually believe Obama is not the worst tyrant we have had, worst civil and constitutional rights record by far. His healthcare program is a giveaway to the interests above. I just got Medicaid thru it, all happy...then I found that very few (elitist) doctors will take it and I am still unable to receive quality health care! The only clinic that accepts has the WORST incompetent doctors and staff that barely understand English and truthfully all the patients are illegal immigrants when i've been there (and with their six kids)All ppl deserve health care but all this does is create a third tier of so-called "health care fopr the poor and working classes that cant afford. The richest country in the world has no public health care and spends 300% more than the nearest country in on miltarism and 20% more ppl in prisons doing slave labor than the nearest country caging largely political prisoners, or economic. Make doctors- all doctors- take a certain % of Medicaid patients and not have it plastered across the file so they know who is and who isnt too.If you arent angry, you need to wake up! If you have friends like this educate them or leave them to find like minded friends, its intellectual bullying-a prime sign of fascism. They are the enemy and you are too if you continue to "not speak up." Real friends would learn from each other, and be GOOD PPL that believe we should help ppl not kill and cage them.

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Who defines the "standards" for sludge and who enforces those standards?

  • CMD's Lisa Graves Honored by Wisconsin Association for Justice   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Congratulations, Lisa Graves! and Thank You from the bottom of my heart for your tireless efforts to expose ALEC, creation of sister sites, and being the leaning post we all needed!!!!

  • Sneaky Manufacturers Shrink Packaging, While Keeping Prices the Same   11 years 25 weeks ago

    I really appreciate this post. Thank you for sharing.

  • Sneaky Manufacturers Shrink Packaging, While Keeping Prices the Same   11 years 25 weeks ago

    informative post :)

  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 25 weeks ago

    As someone who is currently creating a job analysis and selection procedures for soil scientists, I have been given great insight into biosolids, soil chemistry, microbiology, agronomy etc. to complete these tasks. The information I have gathered from the usage of biosolids on plants is not something that should be met with such backlash. Yes, there are trace elements in these pelletized biolsolids, but strict measures are taken to ensure that "if" the state even allows the use of biosolids on plants for direct human consumption, of which Illinois and various others ARE NOT allowed by regulations, these trace elements are kept under close scrutiny so as to not be able to have significant impacts on human health. The standards that this "sludge" goes through is a very sophisticated and arduous process that is able to delineate all but the trace amounts of such elements, of which some "could" be toxic in large quantities. As someone who tries to eat organic at all costs, I don't see this as being the huge problem you are making it out to be. As long as the regulations are in place to ensure these very trace elements, of which are already found in some types of soil depending on your location, then the usage of pelletized biosolids on should not pose any direct risk to one's health.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 25 weeks ago

    I have struggled with this question of semi automatic guns for years. Probably since the first ban was signed into law in 1994. As someone who has hunted and been around guns for years, I do have an opinion on gun laws. I also have hunted with a semi auto 22lr for small game. (looks nothing like bushmaster, and certainly more practical for hunting)
    First let me say there is absolutely no reason to have a clip holding more than 10 rounds period. Not for target practice, not for hunting, not for self defense , no not for any reason. There is no accuracy when shooting rapid fire with a semi auto. So if your hunting usually one shot is all you will get. Perhaps if your lucky the animal will stick around. So you get off 2 more rounds. After that your target is gone. If your target shooting you want to take your time there as well, so why on earth have a large capacity clip?. It has to be some macho thing that comes into play here. Or perhaps some delusional thinking, and you believe you are partaking in a video game. Even if you believe you will use your Bushmaster for self defense . How many rounds do you need to take out one or two intruders? If you shoot more than 10 you are probably killing your neighbors, and other innocents 2 blocks over.
    I think that we can all agree sensible limits are in order here. And I for one could agree to eliminating 30 round clips ASAP
    Unless we are going to war and want mass casualties

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 25 weeks ago

    Also, the shooter was NOT representative of gun owners..."

    As far as we know, the shooter wasn't an owner at all; it was his mom who owned those guns.

    Was she representative? I'm guessing she thought so, and I'm guessing she considered herself the very model of responsible gun ownership. Nonetheless, her negligence in keeping those guns and all that ammo, in a house she shared with a son with a troubled history, enabled those killings, her own first.

    The pro-gun side talks about Connecticut's "strict gun laws," but Newtown was already well along in being taken over by gun nuts:

    ...Yet recent efforts by the police chief and other town leaders to gain some control over the shooting and the weaponry turned into a tumultuous civic fight, with traditional hunters and discreet gun owners opposed by assault weapon enthusiasts, and a modest tolerance for bearing arms competing with the staunch views of a gun industry trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which has made Newtown its home.

    If you're "shooting for responsibility" you need to aim better.

  • Fracking for Foreigners? New Report from Feds Backs More Natural Gas Exports   11 years 25 weeks ago

    It's hard to believe these companies can forge ahead without government restraint. The corporations, the media and government regulators are all blind to our purpose and seek only their own profit, at the world's expense.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 26 weeks ago

    The issue is not who is a hypocrite... The agenda is not to make anyone hypocrites by exacting polices that protect the innocent.

    I am not against having a gun by taking away the right to bear arms. I am for every law possible that saves innocent lives. How that comes about I believe is through honest dialogue and if a new law(s) diminishes the possibility of innocent people be murdered and limits access to the wrong parts of society obtaining weapons, then I'm interested in that conversation.

    I see no benefit in shutting down the dialogue in advance that may have the potential for a safer society.

    Yes, there are starving people out there that needs resolution too.

  • At ALEC Meeting, Indiana Regulator Advises Coal Companies on Delaying EPA Climate Rules   11 years 26 weeks ago

    Maybe you could investigate the type of organized bullying called gangstalking and how the police and firemen are in on doing the bullying of innocent people.

  • Backgrounder: the History of the NRA/ALEC Gun Agenda   11 years 26 weeks ago

    Auto deaths are the lowest since 1949 and still over 32,000 a year. Even they've been regulated much more than guns. Estimated 310,000,000 guns vs. 254,212,610 autos in the U.S. Do the math,what kills more ? Yet anyone can buy a car.
    The 2nd amendment wasn't designed for hunting or sport shooting. It was designed for protection from criminals and a tyrannical government, which our keeps getting closer to every with the loss of our own freedoms to protect ourselves. We have a right to form a militia. Yet the Govt. raids any formed to take away guns now deemed illegal. How can we possibly defend ourselves and our nation if the Govt. is allowed to have the very weapons not available to us. The very first thing all tyrannical govts. do is disarm the citizens. Usually with the citizens approval not knowing what will come.