Chris Brown's Cleanup Crew

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R&B singer Chris Brown has reportedly hired two PR agents specializing in crisis management to help rehabilitate his image following reports that he beat up his girlfriend, pop star Rihanna. PR Week reports that Brown has hired Michael Sitrick, who released a brief statement in Brown's name, expressing sorrow and sadness over the incident while admitting no guilt. Sitrick's previous clients have included Rush Limbaugh during his Oxycontin arrest scandal, Halle Berry following her hit-and-run incident, and Kim Basinger when she filed for bankruptcy. The Boston Herald reports that Brown has also hired Alan Nierob, the Hollywood publicist who previously represented Mel Gibson after the actor spewed anti-Semitic comments at a police officer while being arrested for drunk driving. Nierob's other clients have included singer/actress Courtney Love (who credited Gibson with helping her get sober), actor Robert Downey, Jr. during his drug troubles, and some other celebrities who appear relatively harmless.


Chris Brown Beats Women!

Who cares who that coward hired. He BEAT a woman! He should be put in jail. It is amazing the doble standards that celebs have. The book should be thrown at him to set an example for our youth that it is WRONG to BEAT women!

chris brown

see that's why we live in a free country. If you don't like him why read about it. hmm.