Political Ads, Not Just For Elections

Within 24 hours of George Bush's announcement of his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Progress for America, a group with close ties to the White House, had an ad supporting John Roberts ready to roll. The 30-second spot, entitled "Brilliant," is airing on current affairs cable channels and during Sunday morning talk shows. "The ad's argument is that Roberts is not out of the mainstream and doesn't rise to the level of an extraordinary circumstance," the Associated Press reports. The ad is part of PFA's "initial one-week, $1,000,000 advertising, grass roots, and e-campaign to persuade opinion leaders in Washington, DC and across America that Judge John G. Roberts is a fair judge who deserves a fair up or down vote." Political observers say the ad marks a growing trend of year-round political campaigning. Liberal groups MoveOn.Org Political Action and People for the American Way also quickly launched campaigns countering Roberts.
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