Center for Media and Democracy - Weekly Radio Spin, September 19, 2008
Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, we look at CEOs' parachutes, next generation Swift Boaters, and meddling in Bolivia. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin'," we look at the pedigree of the American Issues Project. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at to let us know. Thanks!
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Bailing out Wall Street
It is obvious that the US Congress is going to stampede to solve problems for financial firms. The cover story is all about how they are going to help the home owners. The problems are real.
This is the time to get one set of tax returns. The current system that allows shareholders and governments to obtain two different documents that often tell two stories is counter-productive. The USA needs sunshine on finances, and there is no better time to start than right now.
Taxpayers will be on the hook for many billions of dollars with murky definitions of what is in the public interest. There are no corporations with American interests at heart, only money managers that are squirming for taxpayer dollars. Taxpayers should get one set of books -- Now!