Weekly Radio Spin

Visibility Rally

Event Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011 - 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Taking place at:
Bowman Park
919 Bowman Road
Wisconsin Dells, WI

Contact: (Scott Wright 920-450-2121)

Help Bring Back the Weekly Radio Spin

In early 2009, we discontinued our weekly radio program on spin and propaganda. Please listen to this message if you are interested in bringing back our radio podcasts.

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A Roadmap to the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference

Next week, up to 20,000 people will descend on Copenhagen for the COP15 climate change conference, which aims to negotiate a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. Aside from the thousands of members comprising the 192 national delegations, there will be thousands more lobbyists from numerous industry lobby groups.

Weekly Radio Spin: The Vast, Left-Wing Conspiracy

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, nuclear spies, the dirty oil lobby and a drive-thru pawn shop. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" Grover Norquist. Unfortunately, this will be the last episode of the Weekly Radio Spin, due to resource constraints. To help us bring back the show, please make a tax-deductible contribution to CMD.


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Weekly Radio Spin: NATO Is Neato!

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, NATO raises its profile, ghostwriters, and hijacking choice. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" DC Navigators. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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Weekly Radio Spin: Piling on Smokers

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, Fox's darlings, anger management and pulling out the lobbying stops. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" Glenn Beck. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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Weekly Radio Spin: The World's Water or a Private Pool?

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, PR dollars move to Afghanistan, Iraqis feel safe and Shell's non-answers. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" the Suez water company. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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Weekly Radio Spin: Downsizing U.S. Spin in Iraq

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, Wal-Mart's new PR strategy, industry plans for healthcare reform, and flacking for a tax haven. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" Burson-Marsteller. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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Weekly Radio Spin: Philip Morris Gets a Gift

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, lobbyists line up for climate change, the economy gives the Army a break and shameless AIG. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" D.C. Navigators. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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Weekly Radio Spin: Obama's Lobbying Stimulus

Listen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, corporate healthcare gets the vapors, GM's new spinmeister and Monsanto's top-secret seeds. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin,'" one PR firm's many corporate front groups. The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on www.prwatch.org/audio or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at editor@prwatch.org to let us know. Thanks!

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