Center for Media and Democracy - Weekly Radio Spin, June 20, 2008

The Weekly Radio SpinListen to this week's edition of the "Weekly Radio Spin," the Center for Media and Democracy's audio report on the stories behind the news. This week, we look at the spin around same-sex marriage, Christine Todd Whitman's job pitch and how Wikipedia threatens the PR industry. In "Six Degrees of Spin and Fakin'," how are same-sex marriage opponents linked to Iraq war proponents? The Weekly Radio Spin is freely available for personal and broadcast use. Podcasters can subscribe to the XML feed on or via iTunes. If you air the Weekly Radio Spin on your radio station, please email us at to let us know. Thanks!

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Gay Marriage

It is impossible for this nation to fabricate equal justice to all Americans or the world. In the thousands of years of human history, homosexual behavior has always been considered a relationship out side of marriage. By heavenly design or by nature, men and women or not equal in many ways.Personally, I feel its God's way of explaining things to those who seek the truth. In the heavenly realm the Angels and other creatures both great and small do not have the need or the ability to procreate. While in heaven they are all equal and whole in the eyes of GOD. When God divided up the soul of man to create both Adam and Eve, it was by design to teach us about our salvation that was taken away from us by Sataan. In the hetero-sexual marriage the soul of mankind was put back together in the making of a child. That can not be done in a same sex marriage. Personelly, I do not care if people want to get married as long as they do not use the name of my God in vain. They can not use God's name in nain in any way in word or deed or on paper or even on the state seal that would sanction the same sex union on paper. I do not see how allowing same sex marriage to exist, as if we are eqauls, that the state allows my faith or my God to be highjacked. Everybody talks about the rule of law; but, now, all our elected officials have done is to make an exception in nature for homosexuals.It seems that in Washington all it has been doing for the last 10 years is to look for reasons to break the law. Who died and made them GOD! Finally; Sodom and Gomorrah was not destroyed because it was a gated homosexual city. It was the straw that broke the camels back. These cities were destroyed because the leader's of the city(Washington) violated all of the 10 commandments without any remorse. The city became the beast made for the slaughter as the elite used the poor to escape the curse of the cursed earth: The path way of Cain. The elite created their own god, whom they could control like the rule of law in America is worshipped like democracy and capitalism is treated like the salvation of the world. It is not. In the bible thier is only a good King or bad King. Their is no President, no democracy, or communism. We all have our failures. The whole purpose of believing in a GOD is to play by the same rules that everyone else has to play by or there is no GOD, who has a right to punish us or to reward us. I believe in the love of GOD. If we allow same sex marriage it will put the world on the path to hell that hurts all of society. It will destroy our children right to grow up has GOD had intended them too. It is a wilfull sin! It is another nail in our funeral. If the moral behavior does not kill this nation; then, the RULE OF LAW will. It protects cold blooded capitalism that refuse's to accept any responsiblity according to the teachings of Milton Friedman. He destroyed all the nations of the third world with all his prophets of destruction and the economic hitman, who works for the World Bank. Iraq is the next nation to fall: With the House that JD Rockefeller built. The Chicago University. Economic department.