And the Torture bill is for what? All the president has done is to make the world a more dangerous place. The leaked CIA report documents this.
Do you feel safer? Heck no.
This congress and the president have gone mad.
Liberty is never defined by the whip...
Its time to reclaim the ideals of liberty and human decency.
If its a question of what action. Well it's time to do what Martin Luther king did in the 60's and just flat Speak out and start by refusing to play by their games.
And that is to stop living in fear and to start acting out in humanity .
The question is , where is the leader to speak up and pull the people together on the issue?
It's our choice as voting citizens as to whether or not we want a singlely-owned media to operate as our King.
I've heard it said by people who happen to have inside information on stories that come out in media news outlets, that every time they happen to have personal information about something, that the news got the main jist of the stories totally wrong. Sometimes the news seems to work in collusion with other outfits, such as someone situated in a governmental agency, to concoct an essentially fabricated story, such as using reports that are mere allegations that have been refuted, etc., as if they were be all, end all truth.
This can only get worse in a society with only one singlely-owned "megaphone."
I have now seen it for myself, at least twice, that the news outlets are not reporting the news so much as creating it. And it is quite rare that I happen to have inside information on anything in the news. IT STANDS TO REASON THAT ALMOST EVERYTHING THEY REPORT MUST BE RIFE WITH FABRICATIONS -- made to look as though they are something, and yet when all the facts are scrutinized, they are nothing.
To someone, this set-up (of only a very few people owning media megaphones) is very convenient for their personal uses and pleasures. Maybe they sit around and laugh every time they fool people and it actually works, and put another feather in their caps.
This is exactly how egomaniacs go off the deep end. They start telling themselves that they are somehow "better" (eg. smarter, or what not) than other people. Now I'm not saying that everyone should be in total love with total strangers. But more and more, they bypass their consciences with this excuse that they are better than other people (so what the hell with others), as they sink deeper and deeper into sociopathy.
SOCIOPATHY IS QUITE TRENDY THESE DAYS. And we have the media as our example every day, to set these trends for the rest of society and the naive crop of new youth, etc., for whom we have no time to socialize with ourselves or to bequeath our own experience/s.
Who the hell thought this was a good idea to allow only a few people to own media megaphones? Is it some marketeering ploy to monopolize markets? Someone afraid of being found out, because they have a shady past? This can only end in dictatorship, and that is just fine with those who think they are going to have the reins.
If they are justifying this to themselves for something like "in the name of God" --- well if that is some Christiany slant then I would like to remind them that it is one of the Ten Commandments to not bear false witness against thy neighbor, and that lying is really not that cool in the eyes of this God whose name they use for advantage.
I keep thinking of how Jesus was crucified with a thief, and that is exactly what these control freak sorts do today, too. They incriminate and bunch together anyone who does not kiss up to their drum as if they are something in need of crucifixion or the like. Our world is very very pathetic. Is it not strange, that in two thousand years, we cannot learn?
The [ Associated Press reports]:
Rep. [[Robert Andrews]], D-N.J., who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said he would be asking the Department of Defense for information about how this "controversial" vendor was chosen, saying the choice of the Lincoln Group "concerns me greatly."
But, Andrews said he's more concerned about the fact that the contract was awarded at all, not just to the Lincoln Group.
"I wish that our problem in Iraq was that the military wasn't getting good PR," Andrews said. "The problem seems to be that the country is sliding into civil war."
I suggest a Karl Rove Propaganda Award for President Bush following his comment about medias revealing parts of the intel report on terror and Iraq. According to King Dubya, the said medias did "create confusion in the minds of the American people", which could be translated into "did their jobs" or "exposed our propaganda machine".
Things to read : interesting papers from Newsweek (20061002 issue) about :
- Hizbullah's propaganda machine : "Winning Hearts and Minds"
- The Architect's new proteges (Todd Olsen, Terry Nelson...) : "In Rove's Footsteps"
Stephane MOT -
As "Americans" (as if there were a certain predictable type), we seem to know all about what constitutes "terrorism."
But when it comes to "torture" or what constitutes cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners, now that, we have to have defined for us.
Okay how come we do not simply know this as a matter of common sense? Has no one in this country ever considered "the Golden Rule" --- ?????
We are too steeped in walking the tight-rope, sociopathic walk of confidence men (con men) --- using trust on the one hand, and secretly violating that trust of the public on the other.
We have confused trust with trustworthiness so much and so often and as a daily practice, that now we are confused ourselves --- even about what the Golden Rule is. We cannot even fathom such a thing, really.
Let's think about it folks. Gee -- is it torture to not have one's morning latte -- all as if the issue was something trivial as that.
What a joke, only it isn't a joke. We can't figure out that things like intimidation and duress are inappropriate, and that they do not make human beings into anything but stoic, jaded robots.
My God. No further comment. People will have to figure some things out for themselves, instead of having it all regurgitated and spoon-fed to them on the news. Listening to that news is almost like eating someone else's vomit, in a way. Figuratively, anyway.
Dear All,
I am an Italian lawyer interested in food law. I was wondering if somebody would mail me ( some others issues relating to this case or others relating to healthy claim regulation or case studies under US law.
As you know EU healthy claim regulation proposal is still hanging so that new legislative framework, providing narrow limits for marketing topics related to health or well-being, remains blogged down.
It was interesting to see Karen suggest a grassroot movement. By definition, that comes from the people, NOT the government?
I just watched 9/11, "Press For The Truth" and, certainly, I am more skeptical of this administration than ever before. Before I saw it, I only thought that they were liars.
Hasn't Karen, George and the rest of them heard about "preaching to the choir?" The rest of us, perhaps, think they ought to go read "the emperor's new clothes!"
''Israel will be much more secured with more fiends than foes in the Middle East.'' see above letter!!!! you meant friends mate
Your freudian slip gives you away here!! haha
We know who you dont like....dont pretend its anything else - why try to hide it with fancy? rhetoric?
You also gave yourself away ...
''Never before in world history have so few people gotten so much global attention stirring up so much resentment''
Ok, so what are you trying to say?. You are one of the perpertrators of resentment obviously, and its not the first time in history!!!This global resentment has always been the case thanks to people like you!!
And by the way I checked out your webblog - just incase I was imagining, and I got the proof I needed - your point of view is clearly outlined and very one sided.
unexamined diet research cofactors: formaldehyde from tobacco and wood smoke, it also forms from methanol in dark wines and liquors and 11% methanol part of aspartame: Murray 2006.09.16
aspartame groups and books: updated research review of 2004.07.16:
Murray 2006.05.11
toxicity in rat brains from aspartame, Vences-Mejia A,
Espinosa-Aguirre JJ et al 2006 Aug: Murray 2006.09.06
Connecticut bans artificial sweeteners in schools, Nancy Barnes,
New Milford Times: Murray 2006.05.25
carcinogenic effect of inhaled formaldehyde, Federal Institute of Risk
Assessment, Germany -- same safe level as for Canada:
Murray 2006.06.02
Home sickness -- indoor air often worse, as our homes seal in pollutants
[one is formaldehyde, also from the 11% methanol part of aspartame],
Megan Gillis, Murray 2006.06.01
"Of course, everyone chooses, as a natural priority,
to actively find, quickly share, and positively act upon the facts
about healthy and safe food, drink, and environment."
Rich Murray, MA Room For All
505-501-2298 1943 Otowi Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
group with 77 members, 1,368 posts in a public, searchable archive
methanol (formaldehyde, formic acid) disposition: Bouchard M
et al, full plain text, 2001: substantial sources are
degradation of fruit pectins, liquors, aspartame, smoke:
Murray 2005.04.02
NIH NLM ToxNet HSDB Hazardous Substances Data Bank
inadequate re aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid):
Murray 2006.08.19
HSDB Hazardous Substances Data Bank: Aspartame
formaldehyde from 11% methanol part of aspartame or from red wine
causes same toxicity (hangover) harm: Murray 2006.05.24
Dark wines and liquors, as well as aspartame, provide
similar levels of methanol, above 120 mg daily, for
long-term heavy users, 2 L daily, about 6 cans.
Within hours, methanol is inevitably largely turned into formaldehyde,
and thence largely into formic acid -- the major causes of the dreaded
symptoms of "next morning" hangover.
Fully 11% of aspartame is methanol -- 1,120 mg aspartame
in 2 L diet soda, almost six 12-oz cans, gives 123 mg
methanol (wood alcohol). If 30% of the methanol is turned
into formaldehyde, the amount of formaldehyde, 37 mg,
is 18.5 times the USA EPA limit for daily formaldehyde in
drinking water, 2.0 mg in 2 L average daily drinking water.
Any unsuspected source of methanol, which the body always quickly
and largely turns into formaldehyde and then formic acid, must be
monitored, especially for high responsibility occupations, often with
night shifts, such as pilots and nuclear reactor operators.
Aspartame Toxicity Information Center Mark D. Gold
12 East Side Drive #2-18 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-2100
"Scientific Abuse in Aspartame Research"
Human Health Effects:
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
. . . Adverse effects: urticaria, angiodema, granulomatous
panniculitis, cross-reactivity with sulfonamides,
renal tubular acidosis (with large amounts) /From table/
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 996]
Human Health Effects:
Toxicity Summary:
Methanol occurs naturally in humans, animals and plants.
It is a natural constituent in blood, urine, saliva and expired air.
... The two most important sources of background body burdens
for methanol and formate are diet and metabolic processes.
Methanol is available in the diet principally from fresh fruits and
vegetables, fruit juices ... fermented beverages
... and diet foods (principally soft drinks).
The artificial sweetner aspartame is widely used and, on hydrolysis,
10% (by weight) of the molecule is converted to free methanol,
which is available for absorption. ... Exposures to methanol can occur
in occupational settings through inhalation or dermal contact.
... Methanol is readily absorbed by inhalation, ingestion and dermal
exposure, and it is rapidly distributed to tissues according to the
distribution of body water. A small amount of methanol is excreted
unchanged by the lungs and kidneys.
[ Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1997 Aug; 21(5): 939-43.
Endogenous production of methanol after the consumption of fruit.
Lindinger W, Taucher J, Jordan A, Hansel A, Vogel W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Leopold Franzens Universitat Innsbruck,
After the consumption of fruit, the concentration of methanol in the
human body increases by as much as an order of magnitude.
This is due to the degradation of natural pectin
(which is esterified with methyl alcohol) in the human colon.
[ by bacteria ]
In vivo tests performed by means of proton-transfer-reaction mass
spectrometry show that consumed pectin in either a pure form
(10 to 15 g)
or a natural form (in 1 kg of apples) induces a significant increase of
methanol in the breath (and by inference in the blood) of humans.
The amount generated from pectin (0.4 to 1.4 g) [ 400 to 1400 mg ]
is approximately equivalent to the total daily endogenous production
(measured to be 0.3 to 0.6 g/day) [ 300 to 600 mg ]
or that obtained from 0.3 liters of 80-proof brandy
(calculated to be 0.5 g). [ 500 mg ]
This dietary pectin may contribute to the development
of nonalcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. PMID: 9267548
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995 Oct; 19(5): 1147-50.
Methanol in human breath.
Taucher J, Lagg A, Hansel A, Vogel W, Lindinger W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Universitat Innsbruck, Austria.
Using proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry for trace gas analysis
of the human breath, the concentrations of methanol and ethanol have
been measured for various test persons consuming alcoholic beverages
and various amounts of fruits, respectively.
The methanol concentrations increased from a natural (physiological)
level of approximately 0.4 ppm up to approximately 2 ppm a few hours
after eating about 1/2 kg of fruits,
and about the same concentration was reached
after drinking of 100 ml brandy
containing 24% volume of ethanol and 0.19% volume of methanol.
PMID: 8561283 [ My earlier errors were corrected 2005.07.11:
24 ml means 19 g ethanol,
and 0.19 ml means 0.15 g = 150 mg methanol.
One L diet soda has 61.5 mg methanol in the aspartame molecule,
so 100 ml diet soda has 6.15 mg methanol,
so the brandy has 24.4 times more methanol than diet soda.
A pound of fruit gives about as much methanol as 2 L
(nearly 6 cans) diet soda. ] ]
... Methanol is metabolized primarily in the liver
by sequential oxidative steps
to formaldehyde, formic acid and carbon dioxide.
The initial step
involves oxidation to formaldehyde by hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase
... In step 2, formaldehyde is oxidized by formaldehyde dehydrogenase
to formic acid/or formate depending on the pH.
In step 3, formic acid is detoxified to carbon dioxide
by folate-dependent reactions.
Elimination of methanol from the blood via the urine and exhaled air
and by metabolism appears to be slow in all species,
especially when compared to ethanol.
... It is the rate of metabolic detoxification, or removal of formate
that is vastly different between rodents and primates and is the
basis for the dramatic differences in methanol toxicity observed
between rodents and primates.
The acute and short term toxicity of methanol varies greatly
between different species, toxicity being highest in species with a
relatively poor ability to metabolize formate.
In such cases of poor metabolism of formate,
fatal methanol poisoning occurs as a result of metabolic acidosis
and neuronal toxicity, whereas, in animals that readily metabolize
formate, consequences of CNS depression (coma, respiratory
failure, etc.) are usually the cause of death.
Sensitive primate species (humans and monkeys)
develop increased blood formate concentrations following methanol
exposure, while resistant rodents, rabbits and dogs do not.
Humans and non-human primates are uniquely sensitive
to the toxic effects of methanol.
Overall methanol has a low acute toxicity to non-primate animals.
... In the rabbit, methanol is a moderate irritant to the eye.
It was not skin sensitizing ... There is no evidence from animal
studies to suggest that methanol is a carcinogen
... The inhalation of methanol by pregnant rodents throughout the
period of embryogenesis induces a wide range of
concentration-dependent teratogenic and embryolethal effects.
Treatment-related malformations, primarily extra or rudimentary
cervical ribs and urinary or cardiovascular defects, were found
in fetuses of rats ... Increased incidences of exencephaly and cleft
palate were found in the offspring of ... mice ... There was increased
embryo/fetal death ... and an increasing incidence of full litter
resorptions. Reduced fetal weight was observed
... Fetal malformations ... included neural and ocular defects,
cleft palate, hydronephrosis and limb anomalies.
Humans (and non-human primates) are uniquely sensitive to
methanol poisoning and the toxic effects in these species are
characterized by formic acidemia, metabolic acidosis,
ocular toxicity, nervous system depression, blindness, coma and death.
Nearly all of the available information on methanol toxicity
in humans relates to the consequences of acute
rather than chronic exposures.
A vast majority of poisonings involving methanol have occurred
from drinking adulterated beverages and from methanol-containing
products. Although ingestion dominates as the most frequent route
of poisoning, inhalation of high concentrations of methanol vapor
and percutaneous absorption of methanolic liquids are as effective
as the oral route in producing acute toxic effects.
The most noted health consequences of longer term exposure
to lower levels of methanol is a broad range of ocular effects.
... The toxicity is manifest if formate generation continues at a rate
that exceeds its rate of metabolism.
... The minimum lethal dose of methanol in the absence of
medical treatment is between 0.3 and 1 g/kg.
The minimum dose causing permanent visual defects is unknown.
... Wide interindividual variability of the toxic dose is a prominent
feature in acute methanol poisoning.
Two important determinants of human susceptibility
to methanol toxicity appear to be
(1) concurrent ingestion of ethanol, which slows the entrance of
methanol into the metabolic pathway, and
(2) hepatic folate status, which governs the rate
of formate detoxification.
The symptoms and signs of methanol poisoning, which may not appear
until after an asymptomatic period ... include visual disturbances,
nausea, abdominal and muscle pain, dizziness, weakness and
disturbances of consciousness ranging from coma to clonic seizures.
Visual disturbances ... range from mild photophobia and misty or
blurred vision to markedly reduced visual acuity
and complete blindness.
In extreme cases death results.
The principal clinical feature is severe metabolic acidosis of the
anion-gap type. The acidosis is largely attributed to the
formic acid produced when methanol is metabolized.
... Visual disturbances of several types (blurring, constriction of
the visible field, changes in color perception, and temporary or
permanent blindness) have been reported in workers
... No other adverse effects of methanol have been reported
in humans except minor skin and eye irritation. ... Methanol is of
low toxicity to aquatic organisms, and effects due to environmental
exposure to methanol are unlikely to be observed,
except in the case of a spill.
[Environmental Health Criteria 196: Methanol pp. 1-9 (1997)
by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS)
under the joint sponsorship of the
United Nations Environment Programme,
the International Labour Organisation and
the World Health Organization.]**PEER REVIEWED**
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ ...Teacher aides who
worked at or near spirit duplicators that used a 99% methanol
duplicator fluid /were studied/. The exposures ranged
from 1 hr/day for 1 day/wk to 8 hr/day for 5 days/wk
and had occurred for 3 years.
Since the introduction of the equipment, the aides
began to experience headaches, dizziness and eye irritation,
blurred vision and nausea/upset stomach while working
near the machines.
Fifteen-minute breathing zone samples near 21 operating machines
contained between 475 and 4000 mg/cu m of methanol vapor.
Fifteen of these samples exceeded the NIOSH recommended
15-min standard of 1050 mg/cu m (800 ppm).
The aides were also exposed while collating and stapling papers
impregnated with the fluid up to 3 hr earlier and these exposures
ranged from 235-1140 mg/cu m .
The results suggested that chronic effects may occur when
methanol concentrations exceed the threshold limit value (TLV)
of 260 mg/cu m (200 ppm). The effects reported in the study
... were similar in nature but appeared less severe than those
reported from acute poisoning by methanol
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria 196: Methanol p.111 (1997).
Available from:
as of July 19, 2005. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
Human Health Effects:
Evidence for Carcinogenicity:
CLASSIFICATION: B1; probable human carcinogen.
BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION: Based on limited evidence
in humans, and sufficient evidence in animals.
Human data include nine studies that show statistically significant
associations between site-specific respiratory neoplasms and exposure
to formaldehyde or formaldehyde-containing products.
An increased incidence of nasal squamous cell carcinomas
as observed in long-term inhalation studies in rats and in mice.
The classification is supported by in vitro genotoxicity data
and formaldehyde's structural relationships to other
carcinogenic aldehydes such as acetaldehyde.
[U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
Integrated Risk Information System
(IRIS) on Formaldehyde (50-00-0)
Available from:
on the Substance File List as of March 15, 2000]**PEER REVIEWED**
A. Inhalation:
1. Irritation of mucous membranes, especially of eyes,
nose & upper respiratory tract.
2. With higher concn, cough, dysphagia, bronchitis, pneumonia,
edema or spasm of the larynx. Pulmonary edema is uncommon.
B. Ingestion.
1. Immediate intense pain in mouth, pharynx & stomach.
2. Nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal pain & occasionally
diarrhea (which may be bloody).
3. Pale, clammy skin & other signs of shock.
4. Difficult micturition, hematuria, anuria.
5. Vertigo, convulsions, stupor, & coma.
6. Death due to respiratory failure.
C. Skin contact:
1. Irritation & hardening of skin. Strong solutions produce
coagulation necrosis.
2. Dermatitis & hypersensitivity from prolonged or repeated exposure.
[Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge.
Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984., p. III-197]
. . . The effect of formaldehyde exposure on medical students
conducting dissections in the gross anatomy laboratory course
/was evaluated using/ self-administered questionnaires designed
to assess the frequency of occurrence of various symptoms
indicating the acute effects of formaldehyde exposure.
The questionnaires were given to a cohort of 1st-yr medical students
on completion of the gross anatomy lab course.
Air sampling of formaldehyde levels in the anatomy labs
was carried out on one day during the time in which these students
were conducting dissections.
... Although the results of the air sampling showed formaldehyde levels
to be well below current occupational standards,
significant numbers of students reported experiencing symptoms
associated with formaldehyde exposure.
Estimates of the relative risk of experiencing formaldehyde-related
symptoms in the anatomy laboratories compared to the control
laboratories ranged from 2.0-19.0,
depending on the particular symptom.
In addn, it was found that female students were 3 times more likely
to report formaldehyde-related symptoms than male students.
[Fleischer JM; NY J Med 87 (7): 385-8 (1987)]
Inhalation: rhinitis & anosmia (loss of sense of smell);
pharyngitis, laryngospasm; tracheitis & bronchitis;
pulmonary edema, cough, constriction in chest;
dypsnea (difficult breathing), headache, weakness,
palpitation (rapid heart beat), gastro enteritis (inflammation of the
stomach & intestines).
Ingestion: Burning in mouth & esophagus; nausea & vomiting;
abdominal pain, diarrhea, vertigo (dizziness), unconsciousness,
jaundice, albuminuria, hematuria, anuria, acidosis, convulsions.
[ITII. Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual.
Tokyo, Japan:
The International Technical Information Institute, 1988., p. 249]
. . . Four groups of patients with long-term inhalation exposure to
formaldehyde were compared with controls who had short-term
periodic exposure to formaldehyde.
The following were determined for all groups:
total white cell, lymphocyte, and T cell counts;
helper/suppressor ratios;
total Ta1+, IL2+, and B cell counts;
antibodies to formaldehyde-human serum albumin conjugate
and autoantibodies.
When compared with the controls, the patients
had significantly higer antibody titers to formaldehyde-human
serum albumin.
In addition, significant increases in Ta1+, IL2+, and B cells and
autoantibodies were observed.
Immune activation, autoantibodies, and anti formaldehyde-human
erum albumin antibodies are associated with long-term
formaldehyde inhalation.
[Thrasher JD et al; Arch Environ Health 45 (4): 217-23 (1990)]
Thrasher (2001): "The major difference is that the Japanese
demonstrated the incorporation of FA and its metabolites
into the placenta and fetus.
The quantity of radioactivity remaining in maternal and fetal tissues
at 48 hours was 26.9% of the administered dose." [ Ref. 14-16 ]
Arch Environ Health 2001 Jul-Aug; 56(4): 300-11.
Embryo toxicity and teratogenicity of formaldehyde. [100 references]
Thrasher JD, Kilburn KH.
Sam-1 Trust, Alto, New Mexico, USA. full text full text
Jack Dwayne Thrasher, Alan Broughton, Roberta Madison.
Immune activation and autoantibodies in humans with long-term
inhalation exposure to formaldehyde.
Archives of Environmental Health. 1990; 45: 217-223.
PMID: 2400243 ]
... measured the formation of DNA-protein cross links in peripheral
white blood cells of occupationally exposed workers (n=12)
& unexposed controls (n=8).
The avg length of ... exposure was 13 yr.
... Venous blood samples were collected ... .
Personal & room concn of formaldehyde were collected at
various periods during the working day among the exposed subjects,
with formaldehyde room concn ranging from 1.38-1.6 ppm.
Personal monitoring devices indicated formaldehyde concn
of 2.8-3.1 ppm during peak work & an
avg concn of 1.46 ppm at times when work was usually completed.
Exposure to formaldehyde resulted in a significant incr in the
incidence of DNA-protein cross links.
Mean ... incidences in exposed & nonexposed workers were
28 + or - 6 & 22 + or - 6%, respectively.
Within the exposed workers group,
technicians had significantly greater levels of DNA-protein cross links
than physicians (32.3 + or - 4.3 & 26.3 + or - 4.4%, respectively).
A linear relationship between yr of exposure & DNA-protein cross
links formation was also detected.
When the data were analyzed considering worker smoking habits,
DNA-protein cross links was consistently elevated among
formaldehyde-exposed versus corresponding controls (p=0.03).
[DHHS/ATSDR; Toxicological Profile for Formaldehyde p. 86 (1999)]
. . . No biologic monitoring techniques exist at present, either for
the reliable determineation of formaldehyde levels in tissue or for the
determination of formaldehyde adducts formed with macromolecules.
Techniques are under development for nonspecific monitoring of
exposure through periodic assessment of chromosome damage
(micronucleus formation or sister chromatid exchange frequency)
in workers exposed to formaldehyde.
[Rom, W.N. (ed.). Environmental and Occupational Medicine. 2nd ed.
Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1992., p. 868]
. . . The assessment of formaldehyde exposure can be accomplished
through measurement of the metabolite formic acid. Formic acid is also
an endogenously produced substance
formed by the degradation of glycine.
There was no information in the literature that showed a correlation
between urinary formic acid levels & formaldehyde exposure levels.
This measurement is also a poor indicator of the extent of formaldehyde
absorption, due to the high endogenous levels of formic acid.
Urine Reference Ranges:
Normal-normal population level: 21 mg/l
(endogenously produced formic acid);
Exposed- not established; Toxic- not established.
[Ryan, R.P., C.E. Terry, S.S. Leffingwell (eds.)
Toxicology Desk Reference 5th ed. Volumes 1-2.
Taylor & Francis Philadelphia, PA. 2000, p. 714]
. . . Release of /formaldehyde/ vapors in mobile homes
has been associated with headache & pulmonary & dermal irritation.
/Occupants of mobile homes are possibly exposed/.
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 1214]
. . . Smokers and persons who live in a home with a cigarette smoker
also may be exposed to higher levels of formaldehyde.
Environmental tobacco smoke, which is a combination of diluted
sidestream smoke released form a cigarette's burning end and
mainstream smoke exhaled by an active smoker,
can contribute 10-25% (0.1-1 mg/day) of the total average indoor
exposure to formadehyde ... .
[DHHS/ATSDR; Toxicological Profile for Formaldehye p. 311 (1999)]
faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile:
Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok,
Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid,
acetaldehyde, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging, Lyme disease:
Murray 2004.08.08 ]
. . . Cigarette smoke and products of combustion
contain formaldehyde(1).
Cigarette smoke contains 15 to 20 mg formaldehyde per cigarette(1).
Avg formaldehyde exposure from passive smoking
is between 0.23 to 0.27 ppm(1).
A 'pack-a-day' smoker may inhale
as much as 0.4-2.0 mg formaldehyde(1).
[ See below for
Federal Drinking Water Guidelines:
EPA 1000 ug/l [ 1.0 mg/l gives 2 mg for daily 2 l drinking water ]]
[(1) Bingham E et al, eds; Patty's Toxicology. 5th ed.
NY, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 5: 980-3 (2001)]
Food Survey Values:
Formaldehyde occurs naturally in foods,
and foods may be contaminated as a result of fumigation
(of e.g. grain),
cooking (as a combustion product) and
release from formaldehyde resin-based tableware(1).
It has been used as a bacteriostatic agent in some foods,
such as cheese(1).
Fruits and vegetables typically contain 3-60 mg/kg,
and meat and fish, 6-20 mg/kg(1).
[(1) IARC; Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk
of Chemicals to Man. Geneva, Switzerland:
WHO 62: 243 (1995)]**PEER REVIEWED**
Federal Drinking Water Guidelines:
EPA 1000 ug/l [ 1.0 mg/l gives 2 mg for daily 2 l drinking water ]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State
Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and
Guidelines (11/93), p. ]**QC REVIEWED**
Human Health Effects:
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
...Workers exposed to formic /acid/ ... in a textile plant complained
of nausea. Air tests in the area revealed concentrations
... averaging 15 ppm.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values
and Biological Exposure Indices. 5th ed.
Cincinnati, OH:
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
1986., p. 279]**PEER REVIEWED**
Formic acid produced by bees, wasps, and ants
will cause tissue irritation upon contact or injection.
[Doull, J., C.D. Klaassen, and M. D. Amdur (eds.).
Casarett and Doull's Toxicology. 2nd ed. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980., p. 558]**PEER REVIEWED**
. . . /CASE REPORTS/ In a human case of formaldehyde poisoning,
toxic concentrations of formate (7-8 mm) were detected within 30 min
of ingestion, confirming rapid metabolism of formaldehyde to formate
in humans.
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria 196: Methanol p.62 (1997).
Available from:
as of July 14, 2005. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
/CASE REPORTS/ Two patients were studied who presented
with methanol poisoning.
Formate accumulation was marked with initial blood levels ranging
from 11.1-26.0 meq/L.
Decrease in blood bicarbonate concentration of similar
magnitude coincided with the increase in formate accumulation.
Accumulation of formic acid thus plays a major part in the acidosis
observed in human subjects poisoned with methanol.
[McMartin KE et al; Am J Med 68 (3): 414-8 (1980) ]
Developmental or Reproductive Toxicity/
Sprague-Dawley rat embryo cultures (9th day of gestation)
were treated with sodium formate or formic acid at concentrations
of 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 ug/mL (sodium formate)
or 140, 270, 540, 810, 1080 ug/mL (formic acid).
The pH of the medium was no longer corrected after addition of the
test substance.
Both after 24- and after 48-h incubation with sodium formate,
there was a significant and concentration-dependent reduction of
the developmental parameters yolk sac diameter (YSD),
crown-rump length (CRL), head length (HL), somite number (SN)
and developmental score (DEVSC).
Embryolethality was significantly increased only in the highest
concentration after 48-h incubation.
The number of anomalies (mainly CNS: open anterior and posterior
neuropores and erratic neurorrhaphy)
was significantly increased
at 1.6 and 2.0 mg/mL after 24 h and at 0.8 and 2.0 mg/mL
after 48-h incubation.
The protein and DNA levels showed a significant
and concentration-dependent reduction.
Incubations with formic acid also showed a significant
and concentration-dependent reduction of
YSD, CRL, HL, SN and DEVSC after 24-h incubation
and of CRL, HL, SOM and DEVSC after 48 h.
Embryolethality was significantly increased in the highest
after 24 h and in the two highest concentrations after 48 h.
Protein and DNA concentrations showed significant and concentration
dependent decreases in both cases.
The number of anomalies (open anterior and posterior neuropores,
rotatory defects and enlarged maxillary process) showed a significant
increase only at 0.81 mg/mL after 48-h incubation.
To sum up, concentration-dependent embryotoxic and dysmorphic
changes were detected in the culture both using formate and formic acid
in this test system.
[EPA/Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics;
High Production Volume (HPV)
Challenge Program's Robust Summaries and Test Plans.
Available from:
on Formates (December 2001) as of July 12, 2005. ]
Food Survey Values:
Formic acid is a natural constituent
of some fruits, nuts, and dairy products(1).
Fruit wine, desert wine, and brandies contain formic acid(2).
Formic acid concns in wine and brandies produced from apples, pears,
plums, and apricots ranged from 2.7-87 mg/L(2).
Formic acid has been identified as a meat volatile(3).
[(1) Bingham E et al, eds; Patty's Industrial Hygiene
and Toxicology 5th ed,
NY, NY: John Wiley Sons. 5: 693 (2001)
(2) Sponholz WR et al;
Deutche-Lebensmittel-Rundshaw 85: 247-51 (1989)
(3) Shahidi F et al; CRC
Crit Rev Food Sci Nature 24: 141-243 (1986) ]
. . . Indirect food substance additives affirmed as generally
as safe.
(a) Formic acid (CH2O2, CAS Reg. No. 64?18?6)
is also referred to as methanoic acid or hydrogen carboxylic acid.
It occurs naturally in some insects and is contained in the free acid
state in a number of plants.
Formic acid is prepared by the reaction of sodium formate
with sulfuric acid and is isolated by distillation.
(b) Formic acid is used as a constituent of paper and paperboard
used for food packaging.
(c) The ingredient is used at levels not to exceed good manufacturing
practice in accordance with ?186.1(b)(1).
(d) Prior sanctions for formic acid different from the uses
established in this section do not exist or have been waived.
[21 CFR 186.1316; U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration's Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
Available from: as of June 1, 2005 ]
State Drinking Water Guidelines:
(FL) FLORIDA 14,000 ug/L
[ 14.0 mg/L gives 28 mg in 2 L daily drinking water ]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology
and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and
Guidelines (11/93), p. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
hangover research relevant to toxicity of 11% methanol in aspartame
(formaldehyde, formic acid): Calder I (full text): Jones AW:
Murray 2004.08.05 rmforall
Since no adaquate data has ever been published on the exact disposition
of toxic metabolites in specific tissues in humans of the 11% methanol
component of aspartame, the many studies on morning-after hangover
from the methanol impurity in alcohol drinks are the main available
resource to date.
Jones AW (1987) found next-morning hangover from red wine with
100 to 150 mg methanol
(9.5% w/v ethanol, 100 mg/l methanol, 0.01%,
one part in ten thousand).
Pharmacol Toxicol. 1987 Mar; 60(3): 217-20.
Elimination half-life of methanol during hangover.
Jones AW.
Department of Forensic Toxicology, University Hospital,
SE-581 85 Linkoping, Sweden.
This paper reports the elimination half-life of methanol
in human volunteers.
Experiments were made during the morning after the subjects had
consumed 1000-1500 ml red wine
(9.5% w/v ethanol, 100 mg/l methanol) the
previous evening. [ 100 to 150 mg methanol ]
The washout of methanol from the body coincided
with the onset of hangover.
The concentrations of ethanol and methanol in blood were determined
indirectly by analysis of end-expired alveolar air.
In the morning when blood-ethanol dropped below the Km of liver
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) of about 100 mg/l (2.2 mM),
the disappearance half-life of ethanol
was 21, 22, 18 and 15 min. in 4 test subjects respectively.
The corresponding elimination half-lives of methanol
were 213, 110, 133 and 142 min. in these same individuals.
The experimental design outlined in this paper can be used to obtain
useful data on elimination kinetics of methanol
in human volunteers without undue ethical limitations.
Circumstantial evidence is presented to link methanol or its toxic
metabolic products, formaldehyde and formic acid,
with the pathogenesis of hangover. PMID: 3588516
methanol products (formaldehyde and formic acid) are main cause of
alcohol hangover symptoms [same as from similar amounts of
methanol, the 11% part of aspartame]: YS Woo et al, 2005 Dec:
Murray 2006.01.20
Addict Biol. 2005 Dec;10(4): 351-5.
Concentration changes of methanol in blood samples during
an experimentally induced alcohol hangover state.
Woo YS, Yoon SJ, Lee HK, Lee CU, Chae JH, Lee CT, Kim DJ.
Chuncheon National Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,
The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
Songsin Campus: 02-740-9714 Songsim Campus: 02-2164-4116
Songeui Campus: 02-2164-4114 eight hospitals
[ Han-Kyu Lee ]
A hangover is characterized by the unpleasant physical and mental
symptoms that occur between 8 and 16 hours after drinking alcohol.
After inducing experimental hangover in normal individuals,
we measured the methanol concentration prior to
and after alcohol consumption
and we assessed the association between the hangover condition
and the blood methanol level.
A total of 18 normal adult males participated in this study.
They did not have any previous histories of psychiatric
or medical disorders.
The blood ethanol concentration prior to the alcohol intake
(2.26+/-2.08) was not significantly different from that
13 hours after the alcohol consumption (3.12+/-2.38).
However, the difference of methanol concentration
between the day of experiment (prior to the alcohol intake)
and the next day (13 hours after the alcohol intake)
was significant (2.62+/-1.33/l vs. 3.88+/-2.10/l, respectively).
[ So, the normal methanol level was 2.62 mg per liter,
and increasing that by 50% = 1.3 mg per liter to 3.88 mg per liter
caused hangover symptoms. The human body has about
5.6 liters blood, so adding 1.3 mg per liter gives an estimate
of 7.3 mg added methanol, as much as 4 oz diet soda.
Diet soda is about 200 mg aspartame per 12 oz can,
which is 22 mg (11% methanol), 1.83 mg methnol per ounce.
This suggests that alcohol drinkers are more sensitive to methanol
than the average diet soda drinker, some of whom find symptoms
from a third of a diet soda.]
A significant positive correlation was observed
between the changes of blood methanol concentration
and hangover subjective scale score increment when covarying
for the changes of blood ethanol level (r=0.498, p<0.05).
This result suggests the possible correlation of methanol
as well as its toxic metabolite to hangover. PMID: 16318957
[ The "toxic metabolite" of methanol is formaldehyde, which in turn
partially becomes formic acid -- both potent cumulative toxins
that are the actual cause of the toxicity of methanol.]
Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Interest 1984: Monte:
Murray 2002.09.23
Humans suffer "toxic syndrome" (54) at a minimum lethal dose
of <1 gm/kg, much less than that of monkeys, 3-6 g/kg (42, 59).
The minimum lethal dose of methanol
in the rat, rabbit, and dog is 9.5, 7.0 , and 8.0 g/kg, respectively
ethyl alcohol is more toxic than methanol to these test animals (43)."
As a medical layman, I suggest that evidence mandates immediate
exploration of the role of these ubiquitious, potent formaldehyde
sources as co-factors in epidemiology, research, diagnosis,
and treatment in a wide variety of disorders.
Folic acid, from fruits and vegetables, plays a role by powerfully
protecting against methanol (formaldehyde) toxicity.
Many common drugs, such as aspirin, interfere with folic acid,
as do some mutations in relevant enzymes.
The majority of aspartame reactors are female.
European Food Safety Authority to decide aspartame safety by May:
caffeine diet drinks cause female hypertension, WC Winkelmayer et al,
JAMA 2005.11.09: PubMed lists 50 items for "diet soft drinks" since
2004 Oct.: Murray 2006.01.24
all three aspartame metabolites harm human erythrocyte [red blood cell]
membrane enzyme activity, KH Schulpis et al, two studies in 2005,
Athens, Greece, 2005.12.14: 2004 research review, RL Blaylock:
Murray 2006.01.14
aspartame (aspartic acid, phenylalanine) binding to DNA:
Karikas July 1998: Murray 2003.01.05 rmforall
Karikas GA, Schulpis KH, Reclos GJ, Kokotos G
Measurement of molecular interaction of aspartame and
its metabolites with DNA. Clin Biochem 1998 Jul; 31(5): 405-7.
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece;
K.H. Schulpis; G.J. Reclos;
combining aspartame and quinoline yellow, or MSG and brilliant blue,
harms nerve cells, eminent C. Vyvyan Howard et al, 2005, Felicity Lawrence: Murray 2005.12.21
aspartame or MSG affects circadian rhythms in rats, two studies,
P. Subramanian, T. Manivasagam et al 2004:
Murray 2006.04.27
aspartame puts formaldehyde adducts into tissues, Part 1/2
full text Trocho & Alemany 1998.06.26
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona : Murray 2002.12.22
PubMed abstract: aspartame (methanol becoming formaldehyde) causes
many cancers in rats, Ramazzini Foundation, M Soffritti et al:
Murray 2006.03.06 free full text
Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar; 114(3): 379-85.
First experimental demonstration of the multipotential carcinogenic
effects of aspartame administered in the feed to sprague-dawley rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Esposti DD,
Lambertini L, Tibaldi E, Rigano A.
Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini
Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
The Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European
Ramazzini Foundation has conducted a long-term bioassay on
aspartame (APM), a widely used artificial sweetener.
APM was administered with feed to 8-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats
(100-150/sex/group), at concentrations of
100,000, 50,000, 10,000, 2,000, 400, 80, or 0 ppm.
The treatment lasted until natural death, at which time
all deceased animals underwent complete necropsy.
Histopathologic evaluation of all pathologic lesions and of all organs
and tissues collected was routinely performed
on each animal of all experimental groups.
The results of the study show for the first time that APM,
in our experimental conditions, causes
a) an increased incidence of malignant-tumor-bearing animals
with a positive significant trend in males (p 0.05)
and in females (p 0.01),
in particular those females treated at 50,000 ppm (p 0.01);
b) an increase in lymphomas and leukemias
with a positive significant trend in both males (p 0.05)
and females (p 0.01),
in particular in females treated at doses of
100,000 (p 0.01), 50,000 (p 0.01), 10,000 (p 0.05),
2,000 (p 0.05), or 400 ppm (p 0.01);
c) a statistically significant increased incidence,
with a positive significant trend (p 0.01),
of transitional cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter and
precursors (dysplasias) in females treated at
100,000 (p 0.01), 50,000 (p 0.01), 10,000 (p 0.01),
2,000 (p 0.05), or 400 ppm (p 0.05);
and d) an increased incidence of malignant schwannomas
of peripheral nerves with a positive trend (p 0.05) in males.
The results of this mega-experiment indicate that APM
is a multipotential carcinogenic agent,
even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight,
much less than the current acceptable daily intake. [ 50 mg/kg bw ]
On the basis of these results,
a reevaluation of the present guidelines
on the use and consumption of APM is urgent
and cannot be delayed.
Address correspondence to M. Soffritti, Cesare Maltoni Cancer
Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and
Environmental Sciences, Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3,
40010 Bentivoglio, Bologna, Italy. 39-051-6640460
Fax: 39-051-6640223
We thank the U.S. National Toxicology Program for convening a group
of pathologists at the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
to provide a second opinion for a set of malignant lesions and their
precursors related to aspartame treatment, and for their help in
statistical analysis.
We also thank all of the staff involved in the project.
This research was supported by the European Ramazzini Foundation of
Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.
Received 3 October 2005; accepted 16 November 2005.
[ transcribed to plain text ]
Table 1. Beverages and diet products studied at the CMCRC/ERF:
status of studies.
Study---------------------------No. of bioassays
---Products-------------------------Species---------No. Study status
1 Water in
polyvinyl chloride bottles---------2 rat a--------------2,200 P b
2 Coca-Cola---------------------4 rat a--------------1,999 RP
3 Pepsi Cola----------------------1 rat-----------------400 E
4 Ethyl alcohol--------------------4 rat, mouse a------1,458 P c
5 Sucrose-------------------------1 rat-----------------400 E
6 Aspartame (APM)--------------6 rat, mouse a------4,460 BO, PP d
7 Sucralose (Splenda)-------------1 mouse *-----------760 BO
8 Caffeine-------------------------1 rat-----------------800 E
9 Vitamin A-----------------------5 rat----------------5,100 E
10 Vitamin C----------------------5 rat----------------3,680 E
11 Vitamin E----------------------5 rat----------------3,680 E
12 Feed sterilized by--------------1 rat a---------------2,000 E
gamma radiation
BO, biophase ongoing
E, in elaboration
P, published
PP, partially published
RP, ready for publication
a, treatment started from embryonic life
b, data from Maltoni et al. (1997)
c, data from Soffritti et al. (2002a)
d, data from Soffritti et al. (2005).
*, data from Soffritti et al. (1992)
Investigations into the metabolism of APM have shown that,
in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans,
it is metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract
into three constituents --
aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol --
which are absorbed into the systemic circulation (Ranney et al. 1976).
For each molecule of APM,
one molecule of each constituent is produced.
After absorption, they are then used, metabolized, and/or excreted by
the body following the same metabolic pathways
as when consumed through the ordinary diet:
aspartate is transformed into alanine plus oxaloacetate (Stegink 1984);
phenylalanine is transformed mainly into tyrosine and, to a smaller
extent, phenylethylamine and phenylpyruvate (Harper 1984);
and methanol is transformed into formaldehyde and then to formic acid
(Opperman 1984).
Morando Soffritti 1, Fiorella Belpoggi 1, Davide Degli Esposti 1, Luca
Lambertini 1, Eva Tibaldi 1,
and Anna Rigano 1
1 Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and
Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy
Address of the institution:
Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3, 40010 Bentivoglio,
Bologna, Italy
+39/051/6640460 Fax +39/051/6640223
Address correspondence to
Dr. M. Soffritti, M.D., Scientific Director of the Cesare Maltoni
Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation
of Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3, 40010 Bentivoglio,
Bologna, Italy
+39/051/6640460 Fax +39/051/6640223
Acknowledgements: A special thanks to the
US National Toxicology Program (NTP)
for convening a group of pathologists at NIEHS
in order to provide a second opinion
for a set of lesions of malignancies and their precursors
related to the APM treatment, and for the help in statistical analysis.
aspartame causes cancer in rats at levels approved for humans,
Morando Soffritti et al, Ramazzini Foundation, Italy &
National Toxicology Program
of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
2005.11.17 Env. Health Pers. 35 pages: Murray
USA National Institutes of Health National Toxicology
Program aids eminent Ramazzini Foundation, Bologna, Italy,
in more results on cancers in rats from lifetime low levels
of aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde), Felicity Lawrence, Murray 2005.09.30
aspartame induces lymphomas and leukaemias in rats, full plain text,
M Soffritti, F Belpoggi, DD Esposti, L Lambertini: Ramazzini
Foundation study 2005.07.14: main results agree with their previous
methanol and formaldehyde studies: Murray 2005.09.03
Michael F Jacobson of CSPI now and in 1985 re aspartame
toxicity, letter to FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford;
California OEHHA aspartame critique 2004.03.12; Center for
Consumer Freedom denounces CSPI: Murray 2005.07.27
President Bush & formaldehyde (aspartame) toxicity:
Ramazzini Foundation carcinogenicity results Dec 2002:
Soffritti: Murray 2003.08.03 rmforall
p. 88 "The sweetening agent aspartame hydrolyzes in the
gastrointestinal tract to become free methyl alcohol,
which is metabolized in the liver
to formaldehyde, formic acid, and CO2. (11)"
Medinsky MA & Dorman DC. 1994; Assessing risks of low-level
methanol exposure. CIIT Act. 14: 1-7.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Dec; 982: 87-105.
Results of long-term experimental studies on the carcinogenicity of
formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Lambertin L,
Lauriola M, Padovani M, Maltoni C.
Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation for Oncology
and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
Formaldehyde was administered for 104 weeks in drinking water
supplied ad libitum at concentrations of
1500, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, or 0 mg/L
to groups of 50 male and 50 female Sprague-Dawley rats beginning at
seven weeks of age.
Control animals (100 males and 100 females) received tap water only.
Acetaldehyde was administered to 50 male and 50 female
Sprague-Dawley rats beginning at six weeks of age at concentrations of
2,500, 1,500, 500, 250, 50, or 0 mg/L.
Animals were kept under observation until spontaneous death.
Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were found to produce an increase
in total malignant tumors in the treated groups
and showed specific carcinogenic effects on various organs and tissues.
PMID: 12562630
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Dec; 982: 46-69.
Results of long-term experimental studies on the carcinogenicity of
methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Cevolani D,
Guarino M, Padovani M, Maltoni C.
Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation for Oncology
and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
Methyl alcohol was administered in drinking water
supplied ad libitum at doses of
20,000, 5,000, 500, or 0 ppm to groups of male and female
Sprague-Dawley rats 8 weeks old at the start of the experiment.
Animals were kept under observation until spontaneous death.
Ethyl alcohol was administered by ingestion in drinking water at a
concentration of 10% or 0% supplied ad libitum to groups of male and
female Sprague-Dawley rats; breeders and offspring were included in
the experiment.
Treatment started at 39 weeks of age (breeders), 7 days before mating,
or from embryo life (offspring)
and lasted until their spontaneous death.
Under tested experimental conditions, methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol
were demonstrated to be carcinogenic for various organs and tissues.
They must also be considered multipotential carcinogenic agents.
In addition to causing other tumors, ethyl alcohol induced malignant
tumors of the oral cavity, tongue, and lips.
These sites have been shown to be target organs in man by
epidemiologic studies.
Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 12562628
The Comet assay can quickly show whether aspartame or its body
products (methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid -- the same as in
hangovers from dark wines and liquors) are genotoxic:
Murray 2006.05.09
Comet assay finds DNA damage from sucralose, cyclamate, saccharin,
aspartame in mice: Sasaki YF & Tsuda S Aug 2002:
Murray 2006.05.08
[ Borderline evidence, in this pilot study of 39 food additives,
using test groups of 4 mice, for DNA damage from for stomach, colon,
liver, bladder, and lung 3 hr after oral dose of 2000 mg/kg
aspartame -- a very high dose.
Methanol is the only component of aspartame that
can lead to DNA damage. ]
genotoxins, Comet assay in mice: Ace-K, stevia fine; aspartame poor;
sucralose, cyclamate, saccharin bad: Y.F. Sasaki Aug 2002:
Murray 2003.01.27 [A detailed look at the data] ]
EFSA, European Food Safety Authority says Ramazzini aspartame
cancer study is flawed, while Soffritti is half way through second huge
study, Felicity Lawrence, Murray 2006.05.15
Obfuscation of the iatrogenic autism epidemic re mercury in kid
vaccines, Kenneth P. Stoller, Pediatrics 2006.05.06;
aspartame toxicity 2005.11.10: Comet assay can test genotoxicity,
EFSA admits ignorance re methanol residues, Murray 2006.05.10
Morando Soffritti of Ramazzini Foundation rebuts EFSA AFC critique, Murray 2006.05.05
European Food Safety Authority discounts Ramazzini study re many
cancers in 1800 rats fed lifetime doses of aspartame:
Calorie Control Council press release: Murray 2006.05.05
Aspartame: The healthy option? Richard A. Lovett, The New Scientist
2006.05.04: Murray 2006.05.08
safety of aspartame Part 1/2 12.4.2: EC HCPD-G SCF:
Murray 2003.01.12 rmforall EU Scientific Committee on Food,
a whitewash
Mark Gold exhaustively critiques European Commission Scientific
Committee on Food re aspartame ( 2002.12.04 ):
59 pages, 230 references
Arsenic in Ground Water of the Willamette Basin, Oregon
"The Global Failure to Disclose Carcinogenic Contaminants in Bottled
Drinks Consumed By Children"
I ran for Lane Community College in 2003 against Jay Boziviech. He used the flag in all his yard signs and fliers.. He was spreading rumors to smear me.. He did every thing to profile me..
In May 2005, I ran for the Eugene, Oregon School Board , against the executive of Pepsi cola Eric Forrest. I was followed, stalked, telephone harassment, hate emails, more than 5 a day on my blog, and ran over several times on my way home. I was almost going to be killed. Just because of the corruption of Corporate Power and some of our elected officials!
The previous superintendent David Piercy and his wife Mayor Kitty Piercy, had played a bigger role in destroying me. KEZI our local TV station paraded me with the help of Chamber of Commerce.
They picked up a Jewish woman Aria Seligmann to run against me, to spilt the progressive community. So, all the Zionists came after me.
I had to file a stalking order to stop Aria and her campaign manager "Green Party chair" William Maxwell.
My two legislators' Sen. Vicki Walker -defended Pepsi executive: By blaming the obesity of the children on their family. Vicki said the "the children come to school obese. It is not the soda in the school to be blamed"- Rep. Bob Ackerman who had forged my family's signature and defrauded us, sold my family's condo, that worth $150, 000.00 by giving us only $41,000.00!-
Then Mr. Ackerman listed the condo by a higher price than he actually sold it!
My commissioner Bobby Green, my councilman Gray Pape, and three other Councilors endorsed Eric Forrest. And the so called, progressive Commissioner Pete Sorenson "The REAL Democrat" & Councilors Bonny Bettman, Andréa Ortiz and "Mayor for all Eugene", -but not the Arabs or Muslims- Kitty Piercy endorsed the other candidate who was not even democrat or qualified! And of course the previous Mayor Jim Torrey, who's running now for legislature seat,. Jim Torrey headed the kids Sport to hide his agenda of supporting junk food in the schools !
All the elected members of the Eugene school Board endorsed and appointed Eric Forrest to the Board.
The 4J Superintendent George Russell, with our Superintendent Susan Castillo too were very much supportive of Eric Forrest and Soda in the Schools.
Even Stand for the Children & all the Oregon School Association OSSA & Eugene, EESA , did not endorse me.They ended up endorsing & giving Erik Forrest the money..
My life was in peril & still is, just, because of $320.000.00 contribution from the soda executives. This contribution was not even invested in a good healthy food!
We must put stop to this kind of abuse and corruption. We need to hold our elected official accountable for their misconduct and greed.
PS: 25 applicants were interviewed for this position on Jan. 2005. When were asked if we're going to file on May 2005 election. All of us said YES. However, none had filed for this position but "ME". All the rest of the applicants were informed & warned NOT to file against the Pepsi executive Eric Forrest! I was set to be killed!!
Suit Claims Coca-Cola's School Soda Contracts Illegal
The Organic Consumers Association website:
PR Watch is usually insightful and on the cutting edge of reporting about unethical PR and media collusion. But you really ought to get off the "Bash McDonald's" bandwagon.
It's one thing for Dow Chemical or DuPont to poison a river and the people who live around it, and deny it ever happened.
It's quite another when individuals choose to stuff their faces with fast food several times daily and then blame the golden arches for their predicament. And as interesting a movie as it was, I, too, criticize "Super Size Me"...for how absurd was it for Morgan Spurlock -- or anyone, for any reason -- to live off a diet of fast food for 30 days straight? I have been patronizing McDonald's as long as I can remember, and I am in my late 40s. And I cannot recall one instance of that corporation telling me that its food was "healthy." As for when I was a child, guess who determined my meals? My mom. Doh!
There is, or ought to be, some notion of personal responsibility in this country. As I've said before, anyone who doesn't know that a diet of fast food is not good for one is culpably ignorant. And anyone who is too lazy to otherwise provide for his or her nutrition in a more healthy and sensible fashion deserves what he or she gets.
CMD's coverage of this topic is a disgraceful low point in your otherwise laudable crusade.
And consider this: How about if, when an "obviously" obese person walks into a fast food outlet - or even a grocery - he or she is denied anything but salad and bottled water?
If anyone knows how I can address the issues of both cases and get results:
The reason I'm emailing you is back in 1988. I had lost a baby through medical malpractice that went without any reconition. I never got a burial for my baby. My rights as a parent was taken. This baby I lost was a twin. And during the pregnancy there weren't any awareness. In the 4th month there was an acknowledgement of two heartbeats. But when the physician I had from my hometown went to check again there weren't any clearification. The second time around. So this happens to be part of the problem over the whole matter that I had experience along with my family-illness being involved. I never got any justice because of how my baby's death went down. Her death was caused by a vacuum extraction. That was placed on my other daughter that had survived. I recently learned this procedure is very dangerous to the newborn. I know in my heart the pressure from this procedure (suction cup-vacuum extraction)was too much on my other baby. Me and my daughter that was the twin left this place sick. And I have a rare blood type and because of what went down I almost lost my other baby I had in the next pregnany in 1990(she's same blood type as mine). This same place told my physician from my hometown to tell me go home and put my feet up. When I was hemmoraging. This phyisician was very upset with this place. But they kept sending me there for delivery. Well I have a sibling that was never good to me growing up and now. This sibling is going around spreading lies about my baby's death. And making remarks about me not getting the opportunity of burying my baby. Saying if I lost a baby then why didn't I get the burial for my baby. My baby was carried away on a dust pan by a nurse. The nurse had called my baby a blood clot. When I happened to know my baby was under her own placenta. I had seen two of her fingers. But this sibling now is lieing saying I had said I saw her whole hand. When I never had said this. This sibling is claiming she was there when I lost my baby. Which I have proof a witness the baby's dad knowing he was the last one to leave. And does acknowledge that I had went back in labor. Shortly after this sibling and my mother had left. The baby's dad regrets leaving when I happened to go back in labor. But this sibling is claiming that I never lost a baby. When she was no where around. And now she is telling everyone that I amagined my baby's death. And that I'm mentally ill. Comparing me to the real life story "It's a beautiful mind"- staring russell crowe. Back in 1985 I had an early miscarriage. Caused by a pregnancy prevention form that a company had made. This procedure allowed women to get pregnant when it wasn't suppost to. And caused them to miscarry. The company was sued and the product is off the shelf now. I hear today they are using this form for abortions. From what I hear now anyway. But this sibling spread lies about that pregnancy also. Is there anything I'm able to do? These slandering lies are disrupting my life. And is building a wedge between my relationship with others. Including my son that was born in 1987. This sibling now has my son believing all her lies! I've tried to get my family away from this woman. But she has a big influence on my family and others. I hear my mother is involved with these lies. She defends this sibling alot. And participates also. My mother has done this my whole life. And my dad defends my mother if you approach her. These people have made a false statement to the welfare in 1993. And I was told this had became my mothers idea. She had done something similar to my other sister. So I believe what I had heard. I heard my son was being coached to be taped. Over my ex when I was involved with him at the time. Stating he was abusive to my son. And I had received a horrible letter also from this sibling based over my parenting skills. At this time she was verbally attacking me in the letter and when I'd run into her also (verbally attacking me). And once she tried to attack me physically over me asking her in a letter what did I do. These people have had alot of influences over my companionship. And this sibling would run my reputation down. And claim she was innocent(like a hallo image). She'd be calling me slut without saying the word. But she had numerous of relationships in her past. And I wouldn't say anything about her. I do speak about it now by her judging me, me wondering why. She has always wanted to play the (fake) good samaritian hero image. And if she's not a witness by her presents then she'd say this never took place. And this is when she'd win others over. Once during my marriage to my ex now. My mother knew we were having problems so she had arranged a date. And told this guy this was ok we were having marital problems. And told him he could bring me gifts. But these people claim they never did anything wrong. And I'm getting accused of being mean toward my mother. When I choose to not be their target me moving away. I tried to explain to them I'm not a door mat. Or a target practice.I'm unable to get anything accomplished over my baby's death. These people keeps saying my baby was flushed. This sibling had slipped up recently and said " Or we would've have never let anyone just dispose of it". Referring to the baby I lost. And this conversation to this sibling was about wondering if these people were contacted by the hospital on phone after they had left the hospital. My baby is referred as an it by these people. And I keep hearing from the sibling "This would've been my neice or nephew if you lost a baby". Likerred as an it by these people. And I keep hearing from the sibling "This would've been my neice or nephew if you lost a baby". Like she is saying this claiming my baby didn't exist and knowing this is affensive. Over the comment about the dispose I feel this comment wasn't suppost to of been made to me. These people had left this hospital because this was way early in the morning and they wanted to get home and see their husbands off to work and to get some rest. The labor pains I experienced again took place after they left and the nurses kept saying I was having after pains. And I addressed the matter of this feeling like labor again. I was correct but I also was ignored. I'm unable to get anything done because of hidden evidences. Now my records cannot be found. And dealing with it being a tramatic ordeal I had blocked this out for a period of time. Until one day I was talking to a friend and this is when this all came back to me. Like reliving it all over again. And now I'm hearing the statue of limitation has ran out. Some changes in the law seriously needs to be made. I have tried everything you can think of. I've contacted the DHS-Health department. They'd have me running back and forth through contacting them. I've contacted the congressmens-senators-supreme court-lawyers. I've even contacted one's in washington D.C. But I keep hearing about the statue of law from others. And this whole matter becomes dismissed. Now the congressmens and the senators have responded by saying they will discuss this whole matter over the medical department. But we need results really bad!!!!! The sibling that is abusive has put me in harms way of being molested when we were little. Like I was used as a guinee pig to spare her from anymore harm being placed upon her. Because she was experiencing this same abuse over being molested. I'd get hit by her and she'd call me names and would have others to participate. And my parents especially my mother would defend this sibling. When we were teens I went to ride her horse with her. I had talked her into it. And she became angry. But I never thought she'd go this far. She knew I was about to fall off the horse. I kept telling her I was about to fall off. So she made this horse go faster so I'd get knocked off. And that's exactly what happened. This woman goes around making me look like the one that's being unreasonable. I tried to move away from all of this. But it's like she follows me by telling my kids her lies. And her telling other family members and friends lies. She's even went up to strangers telling them lies about my babies death. And pretending I'm a horrible person. Her lies over my babies death is what is hurting me the most. Some changes in the medical field needs to be done. This is still murder when they committ a crime and don't face up to the choices they've made. Even if an individual holds a certificate. That's only a peice of paper without the medical intelligence behind this medical degree. And everyone needs to know sibling abuse does "very much exist"!! And so does these phyicians/nurses that can cause bodily harm!! What can I do over the mental anguish I'm experiences? If your able to help in anyway I'd appreciate this so much. And I know this can prevent future pain for others.
Thank you,
Karen Johnson
This is all child abuse (sibling abuse) what I experienced growing up and today. And what happened to the baby I lost was child abuse!!
website over my songs written and one for the baby I lost. Inspired over my loss but for all grieving parents.
Sherie S. makes a good point: readers should have a look at the sponsorship list of the International Congress. That said, the speakers' conflicts or potential conflicts of interest would seem to count most in this case, so we noted and linked the conference's main critic, the Center for Consumer Freedom (though CCF does not disclose its own list of donors). We are not aware of such conflicts by the referenced speakers, but that's what this comment section is for.
There was a job that needed to be done, so obviously these people "needed" to be lied to. (Or more correctly stated, someone ELSE had a "need" to lie to them.) I wonder if they even wore masks at all.
By the way, not NECESSARILY having to do with this blog thread, but perhaps, for all I know:
What do you call a corrupt official who allows him or herself to be bought/paid off (who is "on the take")?
Answer: A SLAVE!!!!! (Since they have been "bought")
For as "great" as America seems, lately I'm seeing it more as a house of cards, just waiting for the next breeze to blow it over --- the economy, everything. Doesn't this always happen in civilizations at some point shortly after corruption sets in? and is rampant, and not the exception but the rule for officials to be corrupt, and corruptable? You can almost expect it and guess it ahead of time (corruption).
These people must know so very little about history, and what has happened before in societies that decided lies were better than truth --- lying about the character of others, victimizing the whistle blower, etc. (There's no time in our society to learn history, or do much any kind of introspection, for that matter.) How pathetic. And how incredibly hypocritical!!!
There might be some short term gain in being paid off, but they will be haunted for the rest of their lives by what they did.
Now if they don't have a conscience, or are sociopathic (and apparently this is trendy state of being, as of late), then maybe they would be spared from being haunted by their conscience --- if it didn't exist.
It is not just food industry who has made the connection between
sponsorship of this bogus conference and the antiobesity hysteria
they are promoting! Their own sponsorship page lists all the diet
and pharmaceutical companies that are involved. They may have a few
experts who are truly concerned with junk food, but that whole angle
can also be a front to provide them credibility! One of their main purposes is to keep the public obsessed with weight and keep their cash registers ringing at all cost. Because God knows, things like global warming and the decline of democracy might provide a temporary distraction from our scales.
I would like to add that neither myself, nor my fellow size acceptance advocates are getting paid by anyone, and I have the disasterous financial records to prove it. But I have to say, I am so disgusted by liberals, muckrakers, and progressives giving the diet industry and pharmaceuticals a free ride in all this antifat hysteria, it makes me want to sign up with the food companies to get the other side of the story out. Obviously, fat hatred serves such a function in our society, even do gooders can't be counted on for fairness.
p.s. If this damn conference really cared about childhood obesity, they would tell women to stop dieting. Because some studies have shown dieting, even before pregnancy can increase the risk of a low birthweight child who has a greater risk of both obesity and heart disease later in life. And the sponsors of this conference are the very same who promote diets.
"Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared more about CO2 than BMI there might still be time."
Don't forget Mikie Fumento who bashes fat people, then tells us second hand smoke, global warming and pesticides aren't so bad. He
has to be on someone's payroll. Something as tacky as him in
bikini briefs had to have been bought and paid for, not even an
attention hound like him would do that for free. Yuck, about as
sexy as a hicky from Karl Rove!
I am so tired of the media (or rather, the hand that hides itself in the glove we know as "the media") working its will on the people. It is a joke that they report the news instead of create it. They report just enough actual news to keep us guessing, when they report a story.
What gets me is this: So often these news sources wear shrouds of things like "conservatism" as if that makes them more next-to-God or something, or like it authorizes them to take on a more PARENTAL role towards the rest of society, like the rest of us are small children, if they cannot just incriminate us entirely, such as turning someone who gives another person a drink of water into a felon, if that person happens to be an unregistered alien from another country, etc.
Okay on this "next-to-God" guise --- so many people can hardly tell when this (so-presumed) "next-to-God" apparatus is lying, or severely twisting the truth with unsubstantiated allegations, and ones that have all been refuted at that. But if one does know, it sheds a different light. Then you know that it is not a matter that just maybe they are not telling the truth.
Anyway as I was starting to say (before I almost "spilled the beans" on something else), on this "next-to-God" guise --- well it is such a total farce. I might not know too much about God or his magnamity, but I think I do know that it is one of the ten commandments is to not "bear false witness against thy neighbor."
Okay sorry but I see straight through that, when they are lying and I happen to know the facts from a small insider's perspective, that if God meant anything by making it one of the ten commandments to not lie about other people, that they are ANYTHING BUT NEXT TO GOD!!!
They can use the word "conservative" on themselves all they want and until they are blue in the face, but as far as this word making them next-to-God, it just ain't true when they are going to make a practice, hobby, or vocation of lying in order to work their own will upon the people and yes even macro-society as a whole.
"Conservative," next-to-God, my foot. I don't know what else to say. But this is a total farce --- the media is a total farce.
Someone once said that anything they ever read in the paper that they also happened to have personal information about, that the paper got it grossly twisted and wrong. Well excuse me but I also notice that on the rare instances I happen to know about something too (that not many others would), it is a predictable pattern that the paper gets it wrong --- severely wrong, and on important matters, and it all boils down to violating the one of the ten commandments to "not bear false witness against thy neighbor," so this idea that they are next-to-God is a total farce.
Do we want the media to "serve" as our dictatorship? Do we want dollar bills to "serve" as our dictatorship? It's up to us. Meanwhile, I'm sure that "the media" will try to get as much mileage out of their lies as possible, until we all catch on. They're treading on thin ice with me. And no, I cannot "worship" a liar, or even appreciate one very much.
Was this ABC/Disney vehicle for unemployed actors really such a secret that you folks with all of your resources actually didn't know anything about it?
In other words, were you truly blindsided by this?
If so, then you know as well as anybody that there is no way to counter the fantasies that you are complaining about, except with your own.
So, you had better get cracking.
The election is just around the corner.
It's show time!
How about a flick about neocon foreign policy architects, Wolfowitz or Perle...or even Mr. Giuliani when he split his command & control on September 11th...or how about a movie about when Iraq became a U.S. client state for the Carter administration in 1979 (and continued to be one through the Reagan & Bush years until 1990)...or how the backroom boys decided that the U.S. would be better off running its own oil-rich client state instead of continuing to allow Saddam al-Tikriti Hussein to do it? Have you got the guts to do this...and the unemployed actors? It sounds like great election-eve entertainment to me!
Only 50% of the U.S. electorate (those of eligible voting age) bothers to vote. The U.S. electorate totals about 75% of the U.S. population, i.e., 225 million of 300 million Americans.
Unfortunate but true: In the eyes of the roughly 25% of the right end of the U.S. electorate who have been electing presidents and congressional majorities in the last few years...truth doesn't matter so much as entertainment and fear.
So, you had better stop trying to confuse the 25% of the right end with facts, denials & rebuttals (by so called principals).
You're wasting your breath.
Just ask Ann Richards, John McCain and John Kerry.
Messrs: Clarke, Berger, Ben-Veniste and especially Ms. Albright aren't children and ought to know better how to handle these Rove-like tactics by now. They aren't shrinking violets when they don't want to be...especially when those of these four are out selling books of personal redemption.
A better use of your time: Registering the other 25% of the left end of the U.S. electorate who don't vote, and persuading them that truth does matter more than fantasy. If you spent your time and resources doing that, 75% of the U.S. electorate would be voting this November, 2/3 of them for truth, justice and the American way.
Yes, the Bush camp can still win the 2006 elections. After all, Ken Mehlman remains an ace and Karl Rove remains the ultimate opponent-destroying-propaganda machine. The aim of the game, as usual, is to steal the elections by counterfighting where you're supposed to be the weakest.
Iraq, for example, about which the Dems are considering the pros and cons of a withdrawal, exposing themselves to an intense guerilla from "Turd Blossom". I wish they instead made clear in the minds of the public the most vital thing for the US is to withdraw from the Bush doctrine. First behave well, then act responsively, sane decisions will come naturally. And they propably won't include a withdrawal of all troops anytime soon. The least America must do is to fix the damage Bush's Amerika has done.
For the moment, the "flip flop" specter is hovering above the Democrats, and Karl will very likely have Bush talk as the boss in charge : we've been waging a nasty war that's true, but we nailed most of 'em bastards and we proved bein' tough could prevent new attacks on our soil. You have the power to decide ; to be either with us or with them - not them Dems, but them terrorist thugs.
The actual truth should be exposed : right after 9/11, terrorists were the only bad guys around and the whole world was supporting the US, expecting a responsible answer from a model democracy - but this excuse for an administration managed to damage the image of democracy so badly the US are now considered a rogue state and terrorists heroes. Not only did the US invite terrorists where they weren't (Iraq), they made the World a much less safer place by fueling terror, fanatism and hatred all across the world. The US need a strong administration all right, but should remain a model democracy as well : you have the choice between supporting fascists and fundamentalists on one hand (those ruling the country these days as well as the terrorists, their supposed enemies), and restoring the values that made America respected on the other (all you have to do is to get rid of these madhatters).
Stephane MOT -
Other sponsors of this International Obesity Conference include:
Sanofi-Aventis (third-largest pharma company, makes diet pills)
Reductil (diet pill)
Roche (another big pharma with diet pills on its product list)
Jenny Craig
Weight Watchers
Novartis Medical Nutrition (sells diet and "health" products)
Merck Sharp & Dohme
If I had to vote for worst sensationalist comment out of this whole tacky commercial it would be obesity is as big a threat as global warming. Even if they weren't exaggerating the health claims, obesity takes a few years off the lives of people in Western societies who don't even know how they are going to handle that many seniors anyway. Global warming can destory life as we know it for future generations. Can one really compare a few years off the life of a 75yr old to the aftermath of Katrina times 100 (or even one Katrina for that matter.) It is absolutely disgusting. What is even more disgusting is this scare mongering headlines have been going on for decades. Meanwhile crash dieting makes us fatter, but that is good for business. Risky diet pills and surgery make us sick, but that is good for business too. Billions of dollars a year go into this sick obsession (and the hands of few who control the business
On the other hand, it we declared a truce on the war on fat for 5 years and just walked instead of using cars when possible, obsessing over our carbon footprints instead of our waistlines, we could spread that money around and do some good, have healthier bodies even if they are not going to be as thin as we have been lead to believe, and possible save the planet. Too simple I guess!!!!!!!
"Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared more about CO2 than BMI there would still be time."
The link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues.
The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying the environment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peaceful when attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature.
Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.
Subject : Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys the planet.
Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist.
Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.
If there are no gaps there is no emotion.
Today people are thinking all the time and are mistaking thought (words/ language) for emotion.
When society switches-over from physical work (agriculture) to mental work (scientific/ industrial/ financial/ fast visuals/ fast words ) the speed of thinking keeps on accelerating and the gaps between thinking go on decreasing.
There comes a time when there are almost no gaps.
People become incapable of experiencing/ tolerating gaps.
Emotion ends.
Man becomes machine.
A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A ( travelling )society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A society that entertains itself daily experiences every non-entertaining moment as Depression / Anxiety.
Since this appears to be the few venues on earth where these issues are discussed intelligently, it might be useful to go into some detail about the kind of work the Rendon Group actually does since that seems to have been left out of the narrative.
I don't know Rendon's background or training, but essentially what he offers the government is a privatized version of psychological warfare operations, something I'm fairly certain Lt. Brand has more than a passing acquaintance with.
Some of Rendon's greatest hits:
* Created the propaganda agaist Manuel Noriega which greased the chute for the Bush I adminstration invasion/civilian massacre in Panama in 1989.
* Produced the carefully choreographed lie-fest that sold Americans on the idea of dying to liberate Kuiwait. (The false "babies taken out of incubators" story.)
* Marketed falsified atrocity stories to get the US involved on the side of the Kosovo Liberation Army, a terrorist organization which supported itself through drug trafficking and extortion (Source: Interpol) and against the sovereign state of Yugoslavia.
"I am an information warrior and a perception manager" Rendon stated matter of factly in a talk at the US Air Force Academy in 1996.
Like Brand, Rendon is a part of a group of amoral technicians in the tradition of Edward Bernays who've decided that democracy is a bad idea and working covertly on behalf of the existing power structure, however that power structure chooses to conduct itself, is the wise path.
Though fighter planes and battleships get most of the glory, the military makes a significant investment in psychological warfare operations and considers it an essential element in its efforts.
During World War I, the British taught the US that US civilians were a fit and proper target for such operations.
This lesson was greatly expanded upon by the boatloads of Nazis who were embraced by US intelligence after World War II.
The CIA and other intelligence organizations absorbed the Nazi world view and their tactics and have used them liberally around the world and at home ever since.
Brand's chemical warfare operation against US civilians - the mass dosing of an activist, anti-war generation with LSD - was, quite frankly one of the masterpieces of psychological operations of the Cold War era. It was all the more remarkable because he carried it out in broad daylight and, to date at least, has been able to maintain the illusion he is an intellectual with no particular political loyalties.
His immensely cynical presentation of John Rendon as a source of refreshing and insightful insights into the "war on terror" - itself a joke to anyone who has made even a casual inquiry into it - was pushing his luck.
Whether or not the news is fake, and how much of it is fake, is one matter.
It obviously comes from a very warped and single strata of social perspective (corporate), rather than from any cross section of society. (Sometimes the news is made to APPEAR more or less from a cross section of perspectives, or it even does when the matters are more or less trivial and non-threatening to corporate agendas.)
Anyway what I wanted to harp on was the bone-chilling report done on one of the major evening news broadcasts the evening after Steve Irwin's tragic death.
His death was so very tragic to begin with, but what I found somewhat bone chilling was how on their news report they could only excitedly talk about the genetic make-up of risk takers.
This was a death God damn it and here they were in their usual excited pep talk voice, excitedly talking about the genetic make-up of risk takers. Obviously they were not prepared for a story on his death and were just grabbing something out of the hat.
Since this pep talk voice was business as usual, I was not too very shocked. But nevertheless I did find it a morbid and inappropriate way to announce a death, and proceed with a "story" on it. It was not about his life so much as excited talk about his hot genetic make-up, like it was a hot commodity or something.
Anyway this is going to sound even more morbid yet but to be frank, they sounded like they just couldn't wait to dissect his body to find his valuable genetic make-up (since he had "risk taker" genes), and like market up his genes or something. That is exactly how this news story sounded to me.
No they did not actually SAY they wanted to dissect him to harvest his genetic make-up. But the way the story was reported, it might have been little wonder if they had said this.
Anyway what sort of perspective it is that we get our news, to me is obviously something weird.
And the Torture bill is for what? All the president has done is to make the world a more dangerous place. The leaked CIA report documents this.
Do you feel safer? Heck no.
This congress and the president have gone mad.
Liberty is never defined by the whip...
Its time to reclaim the ideals of liberty and human decency.
If its a question of what action. Well it's time to do what Martin Luther king did in the 60's and just flat Speak out and start by refusing to play by their games.
And that is to stop living in fear and to start acting out in humanity .
The question is , where is the leader to speak up and pull the people together on the issue?
any ideas? Maybe Christopher Walken?
He said he would take the job of prez :)
It's our choice as voting citizens as to whether or not we want a singlely-owned media to operate as our King.
I've heard it said by people who happen to have inside information on stories that come out in media news outlets, that every time they happen to have personal information about something, that the news got the main jist of the stories totally wrong. Sometimes the news seems to work in collusion with other outfits, such as someone situated in a governmental agency, to concoct an essentially fabricated story, such as using reports that are mere allegations that have been refuted, etc., as if they were be all, end all truth.
This can only get worse in a society with only one singlely-owned "megaphone."
I have now seen it for myself, at least twice, that the news outlets are not reporting the news so much as creating it. And it is quite rare that I happen to have inside information on anything in the news. IT STANDS TO REASON THAT ALMOST EVERYTHING THEY REPORT MUST BE RIFE WITH FABRICATIONS -- made to look as though they are something, and yet when all the facts are scrutinized, they are nothing.
To someone, this set-up (of only a very few people owning media megaphones) is very convenient for their personal uses and pleasures. Maybe they sit around and laugh every time they fool people and it actually works, and put another feather in their caps.
This is exactly how egomaniacs go off the deep end. They start telling themselves that they are somehow "better" (eg. smarter, or what not) than other people. Now I'm not saying that everyone should be in total love with total strangers. But more and more, they bypass their consciences with this excuse that they are better than other people (so what the hell with others), as they sink deeper and deeper into sociopathy.
SOCIOPATHY IS QUITE TRENDY THESE DAYS. And we have the media as our example every day, to set these trends for the rest of society and the naive crop of new youth, etc., for whom we have no time to socialize with ourselves or to bequeath our own experience/s.
Who the hell thought this was a good idea to allow only a few people to own media megaphones? Is it some marketeering ploy to monopolize markets? Someone afraid of being found out, because they have a shady past? This can only end in dictatorship, and that is just fine with those who think they are going to have the reins.
If they are justifying this to themselves for something like "in the name of God" --- well if that is some Christiany slant then I would like to remind them that it is one of the Ten Commandments to not bear false witness against thy neighbor, and that lying is really not that cool in the eyes of this God whose name they use for advantage.
I keep thinking of how Jesus was crucified with a thief, and that is exactly what these control freak sorts do today, too. They incriminate and bunch together anyone who does not kiss up to their drum as if they are something in need of crucifixion or the like. Our world is very very pathetic. Is it not strange, that in two thousand years, we cannot learn?
The [ Associated Press reports]:
I suggest a Karl Rove Propaganda Award for President Bush following his comment about medias revealing parts of the intel report on terror and Iraq. According to King Dubya, the said medias did "create confusion in the minds of the American people", which could be translated into "did their jobs" or "exposed our propaganda machine".
Things to read : interesting papers from Newsweek (20061002 issue) about :
- Hizbullah's propaganda machine : "Winning Hearts and Minds"
- The Architect's new proteges (Todd Olsen, Terry Nelson...) : "In Rove's Footsteps"
Stephane MOT -
As "Americans" (as if there were a certain predictable type), we seem to know all about what constitutes "terrorism."
But when it comes to "torture" or what constitutes cruel and unusual treatment of prisoners, now that, we have to have defined for us.
Okay how come we do not simply know this as a matter of common sense? Has no one in this country ever considered "the Golden Rule" --- ?????
We are too steeped in walking the tight-rope, sociopathic walk of confidence men (con men) --- using trust on the one hand, and secretly violating that trust of the public on the other.
We have confused trust with trustworthiness so much and so often and as a daily practice, that now we are confused ourselves --- even about what the Golden Rule is. We cannot even fathom such a thing, really.
Let's think about it folks. Gee -- is it torture to not have one's morning latte -- all as if the issue was something trivial as that.
What a joke, only it isn't a joke. We can't figure out that things like intimidation and duress are inappropriate, and that they do not make human beings into anything but stoic, jaded robots.
My God. No further comment. People will have to figure some things out for themselves, instead of having it all regurgitated and spoon-fed to them on the news. Listening to that news is almost like eating someone else's vomit, in a way. Figuratively, anyway.
Dear All,
I am an Italian lawyer interested in food law. I was wondering if somebody would mail me ( some others issues relating to this case or others relating to healthy claim regulation or case studies under US law.
As you know EU healthy claim regulation proposal is still hanging so that new legislative framework, providing narrow limits for marketing topics related to health or well-being, remains blogged down.
Thank you
It was interesting to see Karen suggest a grassroot movement. By definition, that comes from the people, NOT the government?
I just watched 9/11, "Press For The Truth" and, certainly, I am more skeptical of this administration than ever before. Before I saw it, I only thought that they were liars.
Hasn't Karen, George and the rest of them heard about "preaching to the choir?" The rest of us, perhaps, think they ought to go read "the emperor's new clothes!"
''Israel will be much more secured with more fiends than foes in the Middle East.'' see above letter!!!! you meant friends mate
Your freudian slip gives you away here!! haha
We know who you dont like....dont pretend its anything else - why try to hide it with fancy? rhetoric?
You also gave yourself away ...
''Never before in world history have so few people gotten so much global attention stirring up so much resentment''
Ok, so what are you trying to say?. You are one of the perpertrators of resentment obviously, and its not the first time in history!!!This global resentment has always been the case thanks to people like you!!
And by the way I checked out your webblog - just incase I was imagining, and I got the proof I needed - your point of view is clearly outlined and very one sided.
unexamined diet research cofactors: formaldehyde from tobacco and wood smoke, it also forms from methanol in dark wines and liquors and 11% methanol part of aspartame: Murray 2006.09.16
aspartame groups and books: updated research review of 2004.07.16:
Murray 2006.05.11
toxicity in rat brains from aspartame, Vences-Mejia A,
Espinosa-Aguirre JJ et al 2006 Aug: Murray 2006.09.06
Connecticut bans artificial sweeteners in schools, Nancy Barnes,
New Milford Times: Murray 2006.05.25
carcinogenic effect of inhaled formaldehyde, Federal Institute of Risk
Assessment, Germany -- same safe level as for Canada:
Murray 2006.06.02
Home sickness -- indoor air often worse, as our homes seal in pollutants
[one is formaldehyde, also from the 11% methanol part of aspartame],
Megan Gillis, Murray 2006.06.01
"Of course, everyone chooses, as a natural priority,
to actively find, quickly share, and positively act upon the facts
about healthy and safe food, drink, and environment."
Rich Murray, MA Room For All
505-501-2298 1943 Otowi Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
group with 77 members, 1,368 posts in a public, searchable archive
methanol (formaldehyde, formic acid) disposition: Bouchard M
et al, full plain text, 2001: substantial sources are
degradation of fruit pectins, liquors, aspartame, smoke:
Murray 2005.04.02
NIH NLM ToxNet HSDB Hazardous Substances Data Bank
inadequate re aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid):
Murray 2006.08.19
HSDB Hazardous Substances Data Bank: Aspartame
formaldehyde from 11% methanol part of aspartame or from red wine
causes same toxicity (hangover) harm: Murray 2006.05.24
Dark wines and liquors, as well as aspartame, provide
similar levels of methanol, above 120 mg daily, for
long-term heavy users, 2 L daily, about 6 cans.
Within hours, methanol is inevitably largely turned into formaldehyde,
and thence largely into formic acid -- the major causes of the dreaded
symptoms of "next morning" hangover.
Fully 11% of aspartame is methanol -- 1,120 mg aspartame
in 2 L diet soda, almost six 12-oz cans, gives 123 mg
methanol (wood alcohol). If 30% of the methanol is turned
into formaldehyde, the amount of formaldehyde, 37 mg,
is 18.5 times the USA EPA limit for daily formaldehyde in
drinking water, 2.0 mg in 2 L average daily drinking water.
Any unsuspected source of methanol, which the body always quickly
and largely turns into formaldehyde and then formic acid, must be
monitored, especially for high responsibility occupations, often with
night shifts, such as pilots and nuclear reactor operators.
Aspartame Toxicity Information Center Mark D. Gold
12 East Side Drive #2-18 Concord, NH 03301 603-225-2100
"Scientific Abuse in Aspartame Research"
Human Health Effects:
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
. . . Adverse effects: urticaria, angiodema, granulomatous
panniculitis, cross-reactivity with sulfonamides,
renal tubular acidosis (with large amounts) /From table/
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of
Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 996]
Human Health Effects:
Toxicity Summary:
Methanol occurs naturally in humans, animals and plants.
It is a natural constituent in blood, urine, saliva and expired air.
... The two most important sources of background body burdens
for methanol and formate are diet and metabolic processes.
Methanol is available in the diet principally from fresh fruits and
vegetables, fruit juices ... fermented beverages
... and diet foods (principally soft drinks).
The artificial sweetner aspartame is widely used and, on hydrolysis,
10% (by weight) of the molecule is converted to free methanol,
which is available for absorption. ... Exposures to methanol can occur
in occupational settings through inhalation or dermal contact.
... Methanol is readily absorbed by inhalation, ingestion and dermal
exposure, and it is rapidly distributed to tissues according to the
distribution of body water. A small amount of methanol is excreted
unchanged by the lungs and kidneys.
[ Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1997 Aug; 21(5): 939-43.
Endogenous production of methanol after the consumption of fruit.
Lindinger W, Taucher J, Jordan A, Hansel A, Vogel W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Leopold Franzens Universitat Innsbruck,
After the consumption of fruit, the concentration of methanol in the
human body increases by as much as an order of magnitude.
This is due to the degradation of natural pectin
(which is esterified with methyl alcohol) in the human colon.
[ by bacteria ]
In vivo tests performed by means of proton-transfer-reaction mass
spectrometry show that consumed pectin in either a pure form
(10 to 15 g)
or a natural form (in 1 kg of apples) induces a significant increase of
methanol in the breath (and by inference in the blood) of humans.
The amount generated from pectin (0.4 to 1.4 g) [ 400 to 1400 mg ]
is approximately equivalent to the total daily endogenous production
(measured to be 0.3 to 0.6 g/day) [ 300 to 600 mg ]
or that obtained from 0.3 liters of 80-proof brandy
(calculated to be 0.5 g). [ 500 mg ]
This dietary pectin may contribute to the development
of nonalcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. PMID: 9267548
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995 Oct; 19(5): 1147-50.
Methanol in human breath.
Taucher J, Lagg A, Hansel A, Vogel W, Lindinger W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Universitat Innsbruck, Austria.
Using proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry for trace gas analysis
of the human breath, the concentrations of methanol and ethanol have
been measured for various test persons consuming alcoholic beverages
and various amounts of fruits, respectively.
The methanol concentrations increased from a natural (physiological)
level of approximately 0.4 ppm up to approximately 2 ppm a few hours
after eating about 1/2 kg of fruits,
and about the same concentration was reached
after drinking of 100 ml brandy
containing 24% volume of ethanol and 0.19% volume of methanol.
PMID: 8561283 [ My earlier errors were corrected 2005.07.11:
24 ml means 19 g ethanol,
and 0.19 ml means 0.15 g = 150 mg methanol.
One L diet soda has 61.5 mg methanol in the aspartame molecule,
so 100 ml diet soda has 6.15 mg methanol,
so the brandy has 24.4 times more methanol than diet soda.
A pound of fruit gives about as much methanol as 2 L
(nearly 6 cans) diet soda. ] ]
... Methanol is metabolized primarily in the liver
by sequential oxidative steps
to formaldehyde, formic acid and carbon dioxide.
The initial step
involves oxidation to formaldehyde by hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase
... In step 2, formaldehyde is oxidized by formaldehyde dehydrogenase
to formic acid/or formate depending on the pH.
In step 3, formic acid is detoxified to carbon dioxide
by folate-dependent reactions.
Elimination of methanol from the blood via the urine and exhaled air
and by metabolism appears to be slow in all species,
especially when compared to ethanol.
... It is the rate of metabolic detoxification, or removal of formate
that is vastly different between rodents and primates and is the
basis for the dramatic differences in methanol toxicity observed
between rodents and primates.
The acute and short term toxicity of methanol varies greatly
between different species, toxicity being highest in species with a
relatively poor ability to metabolize formate.
In such cases of poor metabolism of formate,
fatal methanol poisoning occurs as a result of metabolic acidosis
and neuronal toxicity, whereas, in animals that readily metabolize
formate, consequences of CNS depression (coma, respiratory
failure, etc.) are usually the cause of death.
Sensitive primate species (humans and monkeys)
develop increased blood formate concentrations following methanol
exposure, while resistant rodents, rabbits and dogs do not.
Humans and non-human primates are uniquely sensitive
to the toxic effects of methanol.
Overall methanol has a low acute toxicity to non-primate animals.
... In the rabbit, methanol is a moderate irritant to the eye.
It was not skin sensitizing ... There is no evidence from animal
studies to suggest that methanol is a carcinogen
... The inhalation of methanol by pregnant rodents throughout the
period of embryogenesis induces a wide range of
concentration-dependent teratogenic and embryolethal effects.
Treatment-related malformations, primarily extra or rudimentary
cervical ribs and urinary or cardiovascular defects, were found
in fetuses of rats ... Increased incidences of exencephaly and cleft
palate were found in the offspring of ... mice ... There was increased
embryo/fetal death ... and an increasing incidence of full litter
resorptions. Reduced fetal weight was observed
... Fetal malformations ... included neural and ocular defects,
cleft palate, hydronephrosis and limb anomalies.
Humans (and non-human primates) are uniquely sensitive to
methanol poisoning and the toxic effects in these species are
characterized by formic acidemia, metabolic acidosis,
ocular toxicity, nervous system depression, blindness, coma and death.
Nearly all of the available information on methanol toxicity
in humans relates to the consequences of acute
rather than chronic exposures.
A vast majority of poisonings involving methanol have occurred
from drinking adulterated beverages and from methanol-containing
products. Although ingestion dominates as the most frequent route
of poisoning, inhalation of high concentrations of methanol vapor
and percutaneous absorption of methanolic liquids are as effective
as the oral route in producing acute toxic effects.
The most noted health consequences of longer term exposure
to lower levels of methanol is a broad range of ocular effects.
... The toxicity is manifest if formate generation continues at a rate
that exceeds its rate of metabolism.
... The minimum lethal dose of methanol in the absence of
medical treatment is between 0.3 and 1 g/kg.
The minimum dose causing permanent visual defects is unknown.
... Wide interindividual variability of the toxic dose is a prominent
feature in acute methanol poisoning.
Two important determinants of human susceptibility
to methanol toxicity appear to be
(1) concurrent ingestion of ethanol, which slows the entrance of
methanol into the metabolic pathway, and
(2) hepatic folate status, which governs the rate
of formate detoxification.
The symptoms and signs of methanol poisoning, which may not appear
until after an asymptomatic period ... include visual disturbances,
nausea, abdominal and muscle pain, dizziness, weakness and
disturbances of consciousness ranging from coma to clonic seizures.
Visual disturbances ... range from mild photophobia and misty or
blurred vision to markedly reduced visual acuity
and complete blindness.
In extreme cases death results.
The principal clinical feature is severe metabolic acidosis of the
anion-gap type. The acidosis is largely attributed to the
formic acid produced when methanol is metabolized.
... Visual disturbances of several types (blurring, constriction of
the visible field, changes in color perception, and temporary or
permanent blindness) have been reported in workers
... No other adverse effects of methanol have been reported
in humans except minor skin and eye irritation. ... Methanol is of
low toxicity to aquatic organisms, and effects due to environmental
exposure to methanol are unlikely to be observed,
except in the case of a spill.
[Environmental Health Criteria 196: Methanol pp. 1-9 (1997)
by the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS)
under the joint sponsorship of the
United Nations Environment Programme,
the International Labour Organisation and
the World Health Organization.]**PEER REVIEWED**
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
/HUMAN EXPOSURE STUDIES/ ...Teacher aides who
worked at or near spirit duplicators that used a 99% methanol
duplicator fluid /were studied/. The exposures ranged
from 1 hr/day for 1 day/wk to 8 hr/day for 5 days/wk
and had occurred for 3 years.
Since the introduction of the equipment, the aides
began to experience headaches, dizziness and eye irritation,
blurred vision and nausea/upset stomach while working
near the machines.
Fifteen-minute breathing zone samples near 21 operating machines
contained between 475 and 4000 mg/cu m of methanol vapor.
Fifteen of these samples exceeded the NIOSH recommended
15-min standard of 1050 mg/cu m (800 ppm).
The aides were also exposed while collating and stapling papers
impregnated with the fluid up to 3 hr earlier and these exposures
ranged from 235-1140 mg/cu m .
The results suggested that chronic effects may occur when
methanol concentrations exceed the threshold limit value (TLV)
of 260 mg/cu m (200 ppm). The effects reported in the study
... were similar in nature but appeared less severe than those
reported from acute poisoning by methanol
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria 196: Methanol p.111 (1997).
Available from:
as of July 19, 2005. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
Human Health Effects:
Evidence for Carcinogenicity:
CLASSIFICATION: B1; probable human carcinogen.
BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION: Based on limited evidence
in humans, and sufficient evidence in animals.
Human data include nine studies that show statistically significant
associations between site-specific respiratory neoplasms and exposure
to formaldehyde or formaldehyde-containing products.
An increased incidence of nasal squamous cell carcinomas
as observed in long-term inhalation studies in rats and in mice.
The classification is supported by in vitro genotoxicity data
and formaldehyde's structural relationships to other
carcinogenic aldehydes such as acetaldehyde.
[U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
Integrated Risk Information System
(IRIS) on Formaldehyde (50-00-0)
Available from:
on the Substance File List as of March 15, 2000]**PEER REVIEWED**
A. Inhalation:
1. Irritation of mucous membranes, especially of eyes,
nose & upper respiratory tract.
2. With higher concn, cough, dysphagia, bronchitis, pneumonia,
edema or spasm of the larynx. Pulmonary edema is uncommon.
B. Ingestion.
1. Immediate intense pain in mouth, pharynx & stomach.
2. Nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, abdominal pain & occasionally
diarrhea (which may be bloody).
3. Pale, clammy skin & other signs of shock.
4. Difficult micturition, hematuria, anuria.
5. Vertigo, convulsions, stupor, & coma.
6. Death due to respiratory failure.
C. Skin contact:
1. Irritation & hardening of skin. Strong solutions produce
coagulation necrosis.
2. Dermatitis & hypersensitivity from prolonged or repeated exposure.
[Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge.
Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984., p. III-197]
. . . The effect of formaldehyde exposure on medical students
conducting dissections in the gross anatomy laboratory course
/was evaluated using/ self-administered questionnaires designed
to assess the frequency of occurrence of various symptoms
indicating the acute effects of formaldehyde exposure.
The questionnaires were given to a cohort of 1st-yr medical students
on completion of the gross anatomy lab course.
Air sampling of formaldehyde levels in the anatomy labs
was carried out on one day during the time in which these students
were conducting dissections.
... Although the results of the air sampling showed formaldehyde levels
to be well below current occupational standards,
significant numbers of students reported experiencing symptoms
associated with formaldehyde exposure.
Estimates of the relative risk of experiencing formaldehyde-related
symptoms in the anatomy laboratories compared to the control
laboratories ranged from 2.0-19.0,
depending on the particular symptom.
In addn, it was found that female students were 3 times more likely
to report formaldehyde-related symptoms than male students.
[Fleischer JM; NY J Med 87 (7): 385-8 (1987)]
. . . Symptoms:
Local: Conjunctivitis, corneal burns; brownish discoloration of skin;
dermatitis, urticaria (hives), pustulovesicular eruption.
Inhalation: rhinitis & anosmia (loss of sense of smell);
pharyngitis, laryngospasm; tracheitis & bronchitis;
pulmonary edema, cough, constriction in chest;
dypsnea (difficult breathing), headache, weakness,
palpitation (rapid heart beat), gastro enteritis (inflammation of the
stomach & intestines).
Ingestion: Burning in mouth & esophagus; nausea & vomiting;
abdominal pain, diarrhea, vertigo (dizziness), unconsciousness,
jaundice, albuminuria, hematuria, anuria, acidosis, convulsions.
[ITII. Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Safety Manual.
Tokyo, Japan:
The International Technical Information Institute, 1988., p. 249]
. . . Four groups of patients with long-term inhalation exposure to
formaldehyde were compared with controls who had short-term
periodic exposure to formaldehyde.
The following were determined for all groups:
total white cell, lymphocyte, and T cell counts;
helper/suppressor ratios;
total Ta1+, IL2+, and B cell counts;
antibodies to formaldehyde-human serum albumin conjugate
and autoantibodies.
When compared with the controls, the patients
had significantly higer antibody titers to formaldehyde-human
serum albumin.
In addition, significant increases in Ta1+, IL2+, and B cells and
autoantibodies were observed.
Immune activation, autoantibodies, and anti formaldehyde-human
erum albumin antibodies are associated with long-term
formaldehyde inhalation.
[Thrasher JD et al; Arch Environ Health 45 (4): 217-23 (1990)]
formaldehyde toxicity: Thrasher & Kilburn: Shaham: EPA: Gold:
Wilson: CIIN: Murray 2002.12.12 rmforall
Thrasher (2001): "The major difference is that the Japanese
demonstrated the incorporation of FA and its metabolites
into the placenta and fetus.
The quantity of radioactivity remaining in maternal and fetal tissues
at 48 hours was 26.9% of the administered dose." [ Ref. 14-16 ]
Arch Environ Health 2001 Jul-Aug; 56(4): 300-11.
Embryo toxicity and teratogenicity of formaldehyde. [100 references]
Thrasher JD, Kilburn KH.
Sam-1 Trust, Alto, New Mexico, USA. full text full text
Jack Dwayne Thrasher, Alan Broughton, Roberta Madison.
Immune activation and autoantibodies in humans with long-term
inhalation exposure to formaldehyde.
Archives of Environmental Health. 1990; 45: 217-223.
PMID: 2400243 ]
... measured the formation of DNA-protein cross links in peripheral
white blood cells of occupationally exposed workers (n=12)
& unexposed controls (n=8).
The avg length of ... exposure was 13 yr.
... Venous blood samples were collected ... .
Personal & room concn of formaldehyde were collected at
various periods during the working day among the exposed subjects,
with formaldehyde room concn ranging from 1.38-1.6 ppm.
Personal monitoring devices indicated formaldehyde concn
of 2.8-3.1 ppm during peak work & an
avg concn of 1.46 ppm at times when work was usually completed.
Exposure to formaldehyde resulted in a significant incr in the
incidence of DNA-protein cross links.
Mean ... incidences in exposed & nonexposed workers were
28 + or - 6 & 22 + or - 6%, respectively.
Within the exposed workers group,
technicians had significantly greater levels of DNA-protein cross links
than physicians (32.3 + or - 4.3 & 26.3 + or - 4.4%, respectively).
A linear relationship between yr of exposure & DNA-protein cross
links formation was also detected.
When the data were analyzed considering worker smoking habits,
DNA-protein cross links was consistently elevated among
formaldehyde-exposed versus corresponding controls (p=0.03).
[DHHS/ATSDR; Toxicological Profile for Formaldehyde p. 86 (1999)]
. . . No biologic monitoring techniques exist at present, either for
the reliable determineation of formaldehyde levels in tissue or for the
determination of formaldehyde adducts formed with macromolecules.
Techniques are under development for nonspecific monitoring of
exposure through periodic assessment of chromosome damage
(micronucleus formation or sister chromatid exchange frequency)
in workers exposed to formaldehyde.
[Rom, W.N. (ed.). Environmental and Occupational Medicine. 2nd ed.
Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1992., p. 868]
. . . The assessment of formaldehyde exposure can be accomplished
through measurement of the metabolite formic acid. Formic acid is also
an endogenously produced substance
formed by the degradation of glycine.
There was no information in the literature that showed a correlation
between urinary formic acid levels & formaldehyde exposure levels.
This measurement is also a poor indicator of the extent of formaldehyde
absorption, due to the high endogenous levels of formic acid.
Urine Reference Ranges:
Normal-normal population level: 21 mg/l
(endogenously produced formic acid);
Exposed- not established; Toxic- not established.
[Ryan, R.P., C.E. Terry, S.S. Leffingwell (eds.)
Toxicology Desk Reference 5th ed. Volumes 1-2.
Taylor & Francis Philadelphia, PA. 2000, p. 714]
. . . Release of /formaldehyde/ vapors in mobile homes
has been associated with headache & pulmonary & dermal irritation.
/Occupants of mobile homes are possibly exposed/.
[Ellenhorn, M.J., S. Schonwald, G. Ordog, J. Wasserberger.
Ellenhorn's Medical Toxicology:
Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. 2nd ed.
Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins, 1997., p. 1214]
. . . Smokers and persons who live in a home with a cigarette smoker
also may be exposed to higher levels of formaldehyde.
Environmental tobacco smoke, which is a combination of diluted
sidestream smoke released form a cigarette's burning end and
mainstream smoke exhaled by an active smoker,
can contribute 10-25% (0.1-1 mg/day) of the total average indoor
exposure to formadehyde ... .
[DHHS/ATSDR; Toxicological Profile for Formaldehye p. 311 (1999)]
faults in 1999 July EPA 468-page formaldehyde profile:
Elzbieta Skrzydlewska PhD, Assc. Prof., Medical U. of Bialystok,
Poland, abstracts -- ethanol, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid,
acetaldehyde, lipid peroxidation, green tea, aging, Lyme disease:
Murray 2004.08.08 ]
. . . Cigarette smoke and products of combustion
contain formaldehyde(1).
Cigarette smoke contains 15 to 20 mg formaldehyde per cigarette(1).
Avg formaldehyde exposure from passive smoking
is between 0.23 to 0.27 ppm(1).
A 'pack-a-day' smoker may inhale
as much as 0.4-2.0 mg formaldehyde(1).
[ See below for
Federal Drinking Water Guidelines:
EPA 1000 ug/l [ 1.0 mg/l gives 2 mg for daily 2 l drinking water ]]
[(1) Bingham E et al, eds; Patty's Toxicology. 5th ed.
NY, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 5: 980-3 (2001)]
Food Survey Values:
Formaldehyde occurs naturally in foods,
and foods may be contaminated as a result of fumigation
(of e.g. grain),
cooking (as a combustion product) and
release from formaldehyde resin-based tableware(1).
It has been used as a bacteriostatic agent in some foods,
such as cheese(1).
Fruits and vegetables typically contain 3-60 mg/kg,
and meat and fish, 6-20 mg/kg(1).
[(1) IARC; Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk
of Chemicals to Man. Geneva, Switzerland:
WHO 62: 243 (1995)]**PEER REVIEWED**
Federal Drinking Water Guidelines:
EPA 1000 ug/l [ 1.0 mg/l gives 2 mg for daily 2 l drinking water ]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State
Toxicology and Risk Analysis Committee
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and
Guidelines (11/93), p. ]**QC REVIEWED**
Human Health Effects:
Human Toxicity Excerpts:
...Workers exposed to formic /acid/ ... in a textile plant complained
of nausea. Air tests in the area revealed concentrations
... averaging 15 ppm.
[American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.
Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values
and Biological Exposure Indices. 5th ed.
Cincinnati, OH:
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,
1986., p. 279]**PEER REVIEWED**
Formic acid produced by bees, wasps, and ants
will cause tissue irritation upon contact or injection.
[Doull, J., C.D. Klaassen, and M. D. Amdur (eds.).
Casarett and Doull's Toxicology. 2nd ed. New York:
Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980., p. 558]**PEER REVIEWED**
. . . /CASE REPORTS/ In a human case of formaldehyde poisoning,
toxic concentrations of formate (7-8 mm) were detected within 30 min
of ingestion, confirming rapid metabolism of formaldehyde to formate
in humans.
[WHO; Environ Health Criteria 196: Methanol p.62 (1997).
Available from:
as of July 14, 2005. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
/CASE REPORTS/ Two patients were studied who presented
with methanol poisoning.
Formate accumulation was marked with initial blood levels ranging
from 11.1-26.0 meq/L.
Decrease in blood bicarbonate concentration of similar
magnitude coincided with the increase in formate accumulation.
Accumulation of formic acid thus plays a major part in the acidosis
observed in human subjects poisoned with methanol.
[McMartin KE et al; Am J Med 68 (3): 414-8 (1980) ]
Developmental or Reproductive Toxicity/
Sprague-Dawley rat embryo cultures (9th day of gestation)
were treated with sodium formate or formic acid at concentrations
of 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 ug/mL (sodium formate)
or 140, 270, 540, 810, 1080 ug/mL (formic acid).
The pH of the medium was no longer corrected after addition of the
test substance.
Both after 24- and after 48-h incubation with sodium formate,
there was a significant and concentration-dependent reduction of
the developmental parameters yolk sac diameter (YSD),
crown-rump length (CRL), head length (HL), somite number (SN)
and developmental score (DEVSC).
Embryolethality was significantly increased only in the highest
concentration after 48-h incubation.
The number of anomalies (mainly CNS: open anterior and posterior
neuropores and erratic neurorrhaphy)
was significantly increased
at 1.6 and 2.0 mg/mL after 24 h and at 0.8 and 2.0 mg/mL
after 48-h incubation.
The protein and DNA levels showed a significant
and concentration-dependent reduction.
Incubations with formic acid also showed a significant
and concentration-dependent reduction of
YSD, CRL, HL, SN and DEVSC after 24-h incubation
and of CRL, HL, SOM and DEVSC after 48 h.
Embryolethality was significantly increased in the highest
after 24 h and in the two highest concentrations after 48 h.
Protein and DNA concentrations showed significant and concentration
dependent decreases in both cases.
The number of anomalies (open anterior and posterior neuropores,
rotatory defects and enlarged maxillary process) showed a significant
increase only at 0.81 mg/mL after 48-h incubation.
To sum up, concentration-dependent embryotoxic and dysmorphic
changes were detected in the culture both using formate and formic acid
in this test system.
[EPA/Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics;
High Production Volume (HPV)
Challenge Program's Robust Summaries and Test Plans.
Available from:
on Formates (December 2001) as of July 12, 2005. ]
Food Survey Values:
Formic acid is a natural constituent
of some fruits, nuts, and dairy products(1).
Fruit wine, desert wine, and brandies contain formic acid(2).
Formic acid concns in wine and brandies produced from apples, pears,
plums, and apricots ranged from 2.7-87 mg/L(2).
Formic acid has been identified as a meat volatile(3).
[(1) Bingham E et al, eds; Patty's Industrial Hygiene
and Toxicology 5th ed,
NY, NY: John Wiley Sons. 5: 693 (2001)
(2) Sponholz WR et al;
Deutche-Lebensmittel-Rundshaw 85: 247-51 (1989)
(3) Shahidi F et al; CRC
Crit Rev Food Sci Nature 24: 141-243 (1986) ]
. . . Indirect food substance additives affirmed as generally
as safe.
(a) Formic acid (CH2O2, CAS Reg. No. 64?18?6)
is also referred to as methanoic acid or hydrogen carboxylic acid.
It occurs naturally in some insects and is contained in the free acid
state in a number of plants.
Formic acid is prepared by the reaction of sodium formate
with sulfuric acid and is isolated by distillation.
(b) Formic acid is used as a constituent of paper and paperboard
used for food packaging.
(c) The ingredient is used at levels not to exceed good manufacturing
practice in accordance with ?186.1(b)(1).
(d) Prior sanctions for formic acid different from the uses
established in this section do not exist or have been waived.
[21 CFR 186.1316; U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration's Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
Available from: as of June 1, 2005 ]
State Drinking Water Guidelines:
(FL) FLORIDA 14,000 ug/L
[ 14.0 mg/L gives 28 mg in 2 L daily drinking water ]
[USEPA/Office of Water; Federal-State Toxicology
and Risk Analysis Committee (FSTRAC).
Summary of State and Federal Drinking Water Standards and
Guidelines (11/93), p. ]**PEER REVIEWED**
hangover research relevant to toxicity of 11% methanol in aspartame
(formaldehyde, formic acid): Calder I (full text): Jones AW:
Murray 2004.08.05 rmforall
Since no adaquate data has ever been published on the exact disposition
of toxic metabolites in specific tissues in humans of the 11% methanol
component of aspartame, the many studies on morning-after hangover
from the methanol impurity in alcohol drinks are the main available
resource to date.
Jones AW (1987) found next-morning hangover from red wine with
100 to 150 mg methanol
(9.5% w/v ethanol, 100 mg/l methanol, 0.01%,
one part in ten thousand).
Pharmacol Toxicol. 1987 Mar; 60(3): 217-20.
Elimination half-life of methanol during hangover.
Jones AW.
Department of Forensic Toxicology, University Hospital,
SE-581 85 Linkoping, Sweden.
This paper reports the elimination half-life of methanol
in human volunteers.
Experiments were made during the morning after the subjects had
consumed 1000-1500 ml red wine
(9.5% w/v ethanol, 100 mg/l methanol) the
previous evening. [ 100 to 150 mg methanol ]
The washout of methanol from the body coincided
with the onset of hangover.
The concentrations of ethanol and methanol in blood were determined
indirectly by analysis of end-expired alveolar air.
In the morning when blood-ethanol dropped below the Km of liver
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) of about 100 mg/l (2.2 mM),
the disappearance half-life of ethanol
was 21, 22, 18 and 15 min. in 4 test subjects respectively.
The corresponding elimination half-lives of methanol
were 213, 110, 133 and 142 min. in these same individuals.
The experimental design outlined in this paper can be used to obtain
useful data on elimination kinetics of methanol
in human volunteers without undue ethical limitations.
Circumstantial evidence is presented to link methanol or its toxic
metabolic products, formaldehyde and formic acid,
with the pathogenesis of hangover. PMID: 3588516
methanol products (formaldehyde and formic acid) are main cause of
alcohol hangover symptoms [same as from similar amounts of
methanol, the 11% part of aspartame]: YS Woo et al, 2005 Dec:
Murray 2006.01.20
Addict Biol. 2005 Dec;10(4): 351-5.
Concentration changes of methanol in blood samples during
an experimentally induced alcohol hangover state.
Woo YS, Yoon SJ, Lee HK, Lee CU, Chae JH, Lee CT, Kim DJ.
Chuncheon National Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,
The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
Songsin Campus: 02-740-9714 Songsim Campus: 02-2164-4116
Songeui Campus: 02-2164-4114 eight hospitals
[ Han-Kyu Lee ]
A hangover is characterized by the unpleasant physical and mental
symptoms that occur between 8 and 16 hours after drinking alcohol.
After inducing experimental hangover in normal individuals,
we measured the methanol concentration prior to
and after alcohol consumption
and we assessed the association between the hangover condition
and the blood methanol level.
A total of 18 normal adult males participated in this study.
They did not have any previous histories of psychiatric
or medical disorders.
The blood ethanol concentration prior to the alcohol intake
(2.26+/-2.08) was not significantly different from that
13 hours after the alcohol consumption (3.12+/-2.38).
However, the difference of methanol concentration
between the day of experiment (prior to the alcohol intake)
and the next day (13 hours after the alcohol intake)
was significant (2.62+/-1.33/l vs. 3.88+/-2.10/l, respectively).
[ So, the normal methanol level was 2.62 mg per liter,
and increasing that by 50% = 1.3 mg per liter to 3.88 mg per liter
caused hangover symptoms. The human body has about
5.6 liters blood, so adding 1.3 mg per liter gives an estimate
of 7.3 mg added methanol, as much as 4 oz diet soda.
Diet soda is about 200 mg aspartame per 12 oz can,
which is 22 mg (11% methanol), 1.83 mg methnol per ounce.
This suggests that alcohol drinkers are more sensitive to methanol
than the average diet soda drinker, some of whom find symptoms
from a third of a diet soda.]
A significant positive correlation was observed
between the changes of blood methanol concentration
and hangover subjective scale score increment when covarying
for the changes of blood ethanol level (r=0.498, p<0.05).
This result suggests the possible correlation of methanol
as well as its toxic metabolite to hangover. PMID: 16318957
[ The "toxic metabolite" of methanol is formaldehyde, which in turn
partially becomes formic acid -- both potent cumulative toxins
that are the actual cause of the toxicity of methanol.]
Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Interest 1984: Monte:
Murray 2002.09.23
Humans suffer "toxic syndrome" (54) at a minimum lethal dose
of <1 gm/kg, much less than that of monkeys, 3-6 g/kg (42, 59).
The minimum lethal dose of methanol
in the rat, rabbit, and dog is 9.5, 7.0 , and 8.0 g/kg, respectively
ethyl alcohol is more toxic than methanol to these test animals (43)."
As a medical layman, I suggest that evidence mandates immediate
exploration of the role of these ubiquitious, potent formaldehyde
sources as co-factors in epidemiology, research, diagnosis,
and treatment in a wide variety of disorders.
Folic acid, from fruits and vegetables, plays a role by powerfully
protecting against methanol (formaldehyde) toxicity.
Many common drugs, such as aspirin, interfere with folic acid,
as do some mutations in relevant enzymes.
The majority of aspartame reactors are female.
European Food Safety Authority to decide aspartame safety by May:
caffeine diet drinks cause female hypertension, WC Winkelmayer et al,
JAMA 2005.11.09: PubMed lists 50 items for "diet soft drinks" since
2004 Oct.: Murray 2006.01.24
all three aspartame metabolites harm human erythrocyte [red blood cell]
membrane enzyme activity, KH Schulpis et al, two studies in 2005,
Athens, Greece, 2005.12.14: 2004 research review, RL Blaylock:
Murray 2006.01.14
aspartame (aspartic acid, phenylalanine) binding to DNA:
Karikas July 1998: Murray 2003.01.05 rmforall
Karikas GA, Schulpis KH, Reclos GJ, Kokotos G
Measurement of molecular interaction of aspartame and
its metabolites with DNA. Clin Biochem 1998 Jul; 31(5): 405-7.
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Athens, Greece;
K.H. Schulpis; G.J. Reclos;
combining aspartame and quinoline yellow, or MSG and brilliant blue,
harms nerve cells, eminent C. Vyvyan Howard et al, 2005, Felicity Lawrence: Murray 2005.12.21
aspartame or MSG affects circadian rhythms in rats, two studies,
P. Subramanian, T. Manivasagam et al 2004:
Murray 2006.04.27
aspartame puts formaldehyde adducts into tissues, Part 1/2
full text Trocho & Alemany 1998.06.26
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona : Murray 2002.12.22
PubMed abstract: aspartame (methanol becoming formaldehyde) causes
many cancers in rats, Ramazzini Foundation, M Soffritti et al:
Murray 2006.03.06 free full text
Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar; 114(3): 379-85.
First experimental demonstration of the multipotential carcinogenic
effects of aspartame administered in the feed to sprague-dawley rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Esposti DD,
Lambertini L, Tibaldi E, Rigano A.
Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini
Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
The Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center of the European
Ramazzini Foundation has conducted a long-term bioassay on
aspartame (APM), a widely used artificial sweetener.
APM was administered with feed to 8-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats
(100-150/sex/group), at concentrations of
100,000, 50,000, 10,000, 2,000, 400, 80, or 0 ppm.
The treatment lasted until natural death, at which time
all deceased animals underwent complete necropsy.
Histopathologic evaluation of all pathologic lesions and of all organs
and tissues collected was routinely performed
on each animal of all experimental groups.
The results of the study show for the first time that APM,
in our experimental conditions, causes
a) an increased incidence of malignant-tumor-bearing animals
with a positive significant trend in males (p 0.05)
and in females (p 0.01),
in particular those females treated at 50,000 ppm (p 0.01);
b) an increase in lymphomas and leukemias
with a positive significant trend in both males (p 0.05)
and females (p 0.01),
in particular in females treated at doses of
100,000 (p 0.01), 50,000 (p 0.01), 10,000 (p 0.05),
2,000 (p 0.05), or 400 ppm (p 0.01);
c) a statistically significant increased incidence,
with a positive significant trend (p 0.01),
of transitional cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis and ureter and
precursors (dysplasias) in females treated at
100,000 (p 0.01), 50,000 (p 0.01), 10,000 (p 0.01),
2,000 (p 0.05), or 400 ppm (p 0.05);
and d) an increased incidence of malignant schwannomas
of peripheral nerves with a positive trend (p 0.05) in males.
The results of this mega-experiment indicate that APM
is a multipotential carcinogenic agent,
even at a daily dose of 20 mg/kg body weight,
much less than the current acceptable daily intake. [ 50 mg/kg bw ]
On the basis of these results,
a reevaluation of the present guidelines
on the use and consumption of APM is urgent
and cannot be delayed.
Key words: artificial sweetener, aspartame, carcinogenicity,
lymphomas, malignant schwannomas, rats, renal pelvis carcinomas.
PMID: 16507461 Feb 24 2006 04:49:50
Address correspondence to M. Soffritti, Cesare Maltoni Cancer
Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and
Environmental Sciences, Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3,
40010 Bentivoglio, Bologna, Italy. 39-051-6640460
Fax: 39-051-6640223
We thank the U.S. National Toxicology Program for convening a group
of pathologists at the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
to provide a second opinion for a set of malignant lesions and their
precursors related to aspartame treatment, and for their help in
statistical analysis.
We also thank all of the staff involved in the project.
This research was supported by the European Ramazzini Foundation of
Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.
Received 3 October 2005; accepted 16 November 2005.
[ transcribed to plain text ]
Table 1. Beverages and diet products studied at the CMCRC/ERF:
status of studies.
Study---------------------------No. of bioassays
---Products-------------------------Species---------No. Study status
1 Water in
polyvinyl chloride bottles---------2 rat a--------------2,200 P b
2 Coca-Cola---------------------4 rat a--------------1,999 RP
3 Pepsi Cola----------------------1 rat-----------------400 E
4 Ethyl alcohol--------------------4 rat, mouse a------1,458 P c
5 Sucrose-------------------------1 rat-----------------400 E
6 Aspartame (APM)--------------6 rat, mouse a------4,460 BO, PP d
7 Sucralose (Splenda)-------------1 mouse *-----------760 BO
8 Caffeine-------------------------1 rat-----------------800 E
9 Vitamin A-----------------------5 rat----------------5,100 E
10 Vitamin C----------------------5 rat----------------3,680 E
11 Vitamin E----------------------5 rat----------------3,680 E
12 Feed sterilized by--------------1 rat a---------------2,000 E
gamma radiation
BO, biophase ongoing
E, in elaboration
P, published
PP, partially published
RP, ready for publication
a, treatment started from embryonic life
b, data from Maltoni et al. (1997)
c, data from Soffritti et al. (2002a)
d, data from Soffritti et al. (2005).
*, data from Soffritti et al. (1992)
Investigations into the metabolism of APM have shown that,
in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans,
it is metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract
into three constituents --
aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol --
which are absorbed into the systemic circulation (Ranney et al. 1976).
For each molecule of APM,
one molecule of each constituent is produced.
After absorption, they are then used, metabolized, and/or excreted by
the body following the same metabolic pathways
as when consumed through the ordinary diet:
aspartate is transformed into alanine plus oxaloacetate (Stegink 1984);
phenylalanine is transformed mainly into tyrosine and, to a smaller
extent, phenylethylamine and phenylpyruvate (Harper 1984);
and methanol is transformed into formaldehyde and then to formic acid
(Opperman 1984).
Morando Soffritti 1, Fiorella Belpoggi 1, Davide Degli Esposti 1, Luca
Lambertini 1, Eva Tibaldi 1,
and Anna Rigano 1
1 Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and
Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy
Address of the institution:
Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3, 40010 Bentivoglio,
Bologna, Italy
+39/051/6640460 Fax +39/051/6640223
Address correspondence to
Dr. M. Soffritti, M.D., Scientific Director of the Cesare Maltoni
Cancer Research Center,
European Ramazzini Foundation
of Oncology and Environmental Sciences.
Castello di Bentivoglio, Via Saliceto, 3, 40010 Bentivoglio,
Bologna, Italy
+39/051/6640460 Fax +39/051/6640223
Acknowledgements: A special thanks to the
US National Toxicology Program (NTP)
for convening a group of pathologists at NIEHS
in order to provide a second opinion
for a set of lesions of malignancies and their precursors
related to the APM treatment, and for the help in statistical analysis.
aspartame causes cancer in rats at levels approved for humans,
Morando Soffritti et al, Ramazzini Foundation, Italy &
National Toxicology Program
of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
2005.11.17 Env. Health Pers. 35 pages: Murray
USA National Institutes of Health National Toxicology
Program aids eminent Ramazzini Foundation, Bologna, Italy,
in more results on cancers in rats from lifetime low levels
of aspartame (methanol, formaldehyde), Felicity Lawrence, Murray 2005.09.30
aspartame induces lymphomas and leukaemias in rats, full plain text,
M Soffritti, F Belpoggi, DD Esposti, L Lambertini: Ramazzini
Foundation study 2005.07.14: main results agree with their previous
methanol and formaldehyde studies: Murray 2005.09.03
Michael F Jacobson of CSPI now and in 1985 re aspartame
toxicity, letter to FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford;
California OEHHA aspartame critique 2004.03.12; Center for
Consumer Freedom denounces CSPI: Murray 2005.07.27
President Bush & formaldehyde (aspartame) toxicity:
Ramazzini Foundation carcinogenicity results Dec 2002:
Soffritti: Murray 2003.08.03 rmforall
p. 88 "The sweetening agent aspartame hydrolyzes in the
gastrointestinal tract to become free methyl alcohol,
which is metabolized in the liver
to formaldehyde, formic acid, and CO2. (11)"
Medinsky MA & Dorman DC. 1994; Assessing risks of low-level
methanol exposure. CIIT Act. 14: 1-7.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Dec; 982: 87-105.
Results of long-term experimental studies on the carcinogenicity of
formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Lambertin L,
Lauriola M, Padovani M, Maltoni C.
Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation for Oncology
and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
Formaldehyde was administered for 104 weeks in drinking water
supplied ad libitum at concentrations of
1500, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, or 0 mg/L
to groups of 50 male and 50 female Sprague-Dawley rats beginning at
seven weeks of age.
Control animals (100 males and 100 females) received tap water only.
Acetaldehyde was administered to 50 male and 50 female
Sprague-Dawley rats beginning at six weeks of age at concentrations of
2,500, 1,500, 500, 250, 50, or 0 mg/L.
Animals were kept under observation until spontaneous death.
Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were found to produce an increase
in total malignant tumors in the treated groups
and showed specific carcinogenic effects on various organs and tissues.
PMID: 12562630
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Dec; 982: 46-69.
Results of long-term experimental studies on the carcinogenicity of
methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol in rats.
Soffritti M, Belpoggi F, Cevolani D,
Guarino M, Padovani M, Maltoni C.
Cancer Research Center, European Ramazzini Foundation for Oncology
and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy.
Methyl alcohol was administered in drinking water
supplied ad libitum at doses of
20,000, 5,000, 500, or 0 ppm to groups of male and female
Sprague-Dawley rats 8 weeks old at the start of the experiment.
Animals were kept under observation until spontaneous death.
Ethyl alcohol was administered by ingestion in drinking water at a
concentration of 10% or 0% supplied ad libitum to groups of male and
female Sprague-Dawley rats; breeders and offspring were included in
the experiment.
Treatment started at 39 weeks of age (breeders), 7 days before mating,
or from embryo life (offspring)
and lasted until their spontaneous death.
Under tested experimental conditions, methyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol
were demonstrated to be carcinogenic for various organs and tissues.
They must also be considered multipotential carcinogenic agents.
In addition to causing other tumors, ethyl alcohol induced malignant
tumors of the oral cavity, tongue, and lips.
These sites have been shown to be target organs in man by
epidemiologic studies.
Publication Types: Review Review, Tutorial PMID: 12562628
The Comet assay can quickly show whether aspartame or its body
products (methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid -- the same as in
hangovers from dark wines and liquors) are genotoxic:
Murray 2006.05.09
Comet assay finds DNA damage from sucralose, cyclamate, saccharin,
aspartame in mice: Sasaki YF & Tsuda S Aug 2002:
Murray 2006.05.08
[ Borderline evidence, in this pilot study of 39 food additives,
using test groups of 4 mice, for DNA damage from for stomach, colon,
liver, bladder, and lung 3 hr after oral dose of 2000 mg/kg
aspartame -- a very high dose.
Methanol is the only component of aspartame that
can lead to DNA damage. ]
24 recent formaldehyde toxicity [Comet assay] reports:
Murray 2002.12.31
genotoxins, Comet assay in mice: Ace-K, stevia fine; aspartame poor;
sucralose, cyclamate, saccharin bad: Y.F. Sasaki Aug 2002:
Murray 2003.01.27 [A detailed look at the data] ]
EFSA, European Food Safety Authority says Ramazzini aspartame
cancer study is flawed, while Soffritti is half way through second huge
study, Felicity Lawrence, Murray 2006.05.15
Obfuscation of the iatrogenic autism epidemic re mercury in kid
vaccines, Kenneth P. Stoller, Pediatrics 2006.05.06;
aspartame toxicity 2005.11.10: Comet assay can test genotoxicity,
EFSA admits ignorance re methanol residues, Murray 2006.05.10
Morando Soffritti of Ramazzini Foundation rebuts EFSA AFC critique, Murray 2006.05.05
European Food Safety Authority discounts Ramazzini study re many
cancers in 1800 rats fed lifetime doses of aspartame:
Calorie Control Council press release: Murray 2006.05.05
Aspartame: The healthy option? Richard A. Lovett, The New Scientist
2006.05.04: Murray 2006.05.08
safety of aspartame Part 1/2 12.4.2: EC HCPD-G SCF:
Murray 2003.01.12 rmforall EU Scientific Committee on Food,
a whitewash
Mark Gold exhaustively critiques European Commission Scientific
Committee on Food re aspartame ( 2002.12.04 ):
59 pages, 230 references
Arsenic in Ground Water of the Willamette Basin, Oregon
"The Global Failure to Disclose Carcinogenic Contaminants in Bottled
Drinks Consumed By Children"
I ran for Lane Community College in 2003 against Jay Boziviech. He used the flag in all his yard signs and fliers.. He was spreading rumors to smear me.. He did every thing to profile me..
In May 2005, I ran for the Eugene, Oregon School Board , against the executive of Pepsi cola Eric Forrest. I was followed, stalked, telephone harassment, hate emails, more than 5 a day on my blog, and ran over several times on my way home. I was almost going to be killed. Just because of the corruption of Corporate Power and some of our elected officials!
The previous superintendent David Piercy and his wife Mayor Kitty Piercy, had played a bigger role in destroying me. KEZI our local TV station paraded me with the help of Chamber of Commerce.
They picked up a Jewish woman Aria Seligmann to run against me, to spilt the progressive community. So, all the Zionists came after me.
I had to file a stalking order to stop Aria and her campaign manager "Green Party chair" William Maxwell.
My two legislators' Sen. Vicki Walker -defended Pepsi executive: By blaming the obesity of the children on their family. Vicki said the "the children come to school obese. It is not the soda in the school to be blamed"- Rep. Bob Ackerman who had forged my family's signature and defrauded us, sold my family's condo, that worth $150, 000.00 by giving us only $41,000.00!-
Then Mr. Ackerman listed the condo by a higher price than he actually sold it!
My commissioner Bobby Green, my councilman Gray Pape, and three other Councilors endorsed Eric Forrest. And the so called, progressive Commissioner Pete Sorenson "The REAL Democrat" & Councilors Bonny Bettman, Andréa Ortiz and "Mayor for all Eugene", -but not the Arabs or Muslims- Kitty Piercy endorsed the other candidate who was not even democrat or qualified! And of course the previous Mayor Jim Torrey, who's running now for legislature seat,. Jim Torrey headed the kids Sport to hide his agenda of supporting junk food in the schools !
All the elected members of the Eugene school Board endorsed and appointed Eric Forrest to the Board.
The 4J Superintendent George Russell, with our Superintendent Susan Castillo too were very much supportive of Eric Forrest and Soda in the Schools.
Even Stand for the Children & all the Oregon School Association OSSA & Eugene, EESA , did not endorse me.They ended up endorsing & giving Erik Forrest the money..
My life was in peril & still is, just, because of $320.000.00 contribution from the soda executives. This contribution was not even invested in a good healthy food!
We must put stop to this kind of abuse and corruption. We need to hold our elected official accountable for their misconduct and greed.
PS: 25 applicants were interviewed for this position on Jan. 2005. When were asked if we're going to file on May 2005 election. All of us said YES. However, none had filed for this position but "ME". All the rest of the applicants were informed & warned NOT to file against the Pepsi executive Eric Forrest! I was set to be killed!!
Suit Claims Coca-Cola's School Soda Contracts Illegal
The Organic Consumers Association website:
Folks interested in opposing military assistance to Indonesia should see
PR Watch is usually insightful and on the cutting edge of reporting about unethical PR and media collusion. But you really ought to get off the "Bash McDonald's" bandwagon.
It's one thing for Dow Chemical or DuPont to poison a river and the people who live around it, and deny it ever happened.
It's quite another when individuals choose to stuff their faces with fast food several times daily and then blame the golden arches for their predicament. And as interesting a movie as it was, I, too, criticize "Super Size Me"...for how absurd was it for Morgan Spurlock -- or anyone, for any reason -- to live off a diet of fast food for 30 days straight? I have been patronizing McDonald's as long as I can remember, and I am in my late 40s. And I cannot recall one instance of that corporation telling me that its food was "healthy." As for when I was a child, guess who determined my meals? My mom. Doh!
There is, or ought to be, some notion of personal responsibility in this country. As I've said before, anyone who doesn't know that a diet of fast food is not good for one is culpably ignorant. And anyone who is too lazy to otherwise provide for his or her nutrition in a more healthy and sensible fashion deserves what he or she gets.
CMD's coverage of this topic is a disgraceful low point in your otherwise laudable crusade.
And consider this: How about if, when an "obviously" obese person walks into a fast food outlet - or even a grocery - he or she is denied anything but salad and bottled water?
If anyone knows how I can address the issues of both cases and get results:
The reason I'm emailing you is back in 1988. I had lost a baby through medical malpractice that went without any reconition. I never got a burial for my baby. My rights as a parent was taken. This baby I lost was a twin. And during the pregnancy there weren't any awareness. In the 4th month there was an acknowledgement of two heartbeats. But when the physician I had from my hometown went to check again there weren't any clearification. The second time around. So this happens to be part of the problem over the whole matter that I had experience along with my family-illness being involved. I never got any justice because of how my baby's death went down. Her death was caused by a vacuum extraction. That was placed on my other daughter that had survived. I recently learned this procedure is very dangerous to the newborn. I know in my heart the pressure from this procedure (suction cup-vacuum extraction)was too much on my other baby. Me and my daughter that was the twin left this place sick. And I have a rare blood type and because of what went down I almost lost my other baby I had in the next pregnany in 1990(she's same blood type as mine). This same place told my physician from my hometown to tell me go home and put my feet up. When I was hemmoraging. This phyisician was very upset with this place. But they kept sending me there for delivery. Well I have a sibling that was never good to me growing up and now. This sibling is going around spreading lies about my baby's death. And making remarks about me not getting the opportunity of burying my baby. Saying if I lost a baby then why didn't I get the burial for my baby. My baby was carried away on a dust pan by a nurse. The nurse had called my baby a blood clot. When I happened to know my baby was under her own placenta. I had seen two of her fingers. But this sibling now is lieing saying I had said I saw her whole hand. When I never had said this. This sibling is claiming she was there when I lost my baby. Which I have proof a witness the baby's dad knowing he was the last one to leave. And does acknowledge that I had went back in labor. Shortly after this sibling and my mother had left. The baby's dad regrets leaving when I happened to go back in labor. But this sibling is claiming that I never lost a baby. When she was no where around. And now she is telling everyone that I amagined my baby's death. And that I'm mentally ill. Comparing me to the real life story "It's a beautiful mind"- staring russell crowe. Back in 1985 I had an early miscarriage. Caused by a pregnancy prevention form that a company had made. This procedure allowed women to get pregnant when it wasn't suppost to. And caused them to miscarry. The company was sued and the product is off the shelf now. I hear today they are using this form for abortions. From what I hear now anyway. But this sibling spread lies about that pregnancy also. Is there anything I'm able to do? These slandering lies are disrupting my life. And is building a wedge between my relationship with others. Including my son that was born in 1987. This sibling now has my son believing all her lies! I've tried to get my family away from this woman. But she has a big influence on my family and others. I hear my mother is involved with these lies. She defends this sibling alot. And participates also. My mother has done this my whole life. And my dad defends my mother if you approach her. These people have made a false statement to the welfare in 1993. And I was told this had became my mothers idea. She had done something similar to my other sister. So I believe what I had heard. I heard my son was being coached to be taped. Over my ex when I was involved with him at the time. Stating he was abusive to my son. And I had received a horrible letter also from this sibling based over my parenting skills. At this time she was verbally attacking me in the letter and when I'd run into her also (verbally attacking me). And once she tried to attack me physically over me asking her in a letter what did I do. These people have had alot of influences over my companionship. And this sibling would run my reputation down. And claim she was innocent(like a hallo image). She'd be calling me slut without saying the word. But she had numerous of relationships in her past. And I wouldn't say anything about her. I do speak about it now by her judging me, me wondering why. She has always wanted to play the (fake) good samaritian hero image. And if she's not a witness by her presents then she'd say this never took place. And this is when she'd win others over. Once during my marriage to my ex now. My mother knew we were having problems so she had arranged a date. And told this guy this was ok we were having marital problems. And told him he could bring me gifts. But these people claim they never did anything wrong. And I'm getting accused of being mean toward my mother. When I choose to not be their target me moving away. I tried to explain to them I'm not a door mat. Or a target practice.I'm unable to get anything accomplished over my baby's death. These people keeps saying my baby was flushed. This sibling had slipped up recently and said " Or we would've have never let anyone just dispose of it". Referring to the baby I lost. And this conversation to this sibling was about wondering if these people were contacted by the hospital on phone after they had left the hospital. My baby is referred as an it by these people. And I keep hearing from the sibling "This would've been my neice or nephew if you lost a baby". Likerred as an it by these people. And I keep hearing from the sibling "This would've been my neice or nephew if you lost a baby". Like she is saying this claiming my baby didn't exist and knowing this is affensive. Over the comment about the dispose I feel this comment wasn't suppost to of been made to me. These people had left this hospital because this was way early in the morning and they wanted to get home and see their husbands off to work and to get some rest. The labor pains I experienced again took place after they left and the nurses kept saying I was having after pains. And I addressed the matter of this feeling like labor again. I was correct but I also was ignored. I'm unable to get anything done because of hidden evidences. Now my records cannot be found. And dealing with it being a tramatic ordeal I had blocked this out for a period of time. Until one day I was talking to a friend and this is when this all came back to me. Like reliving it all over again. And now I'm hearing the statue of limitation has ran out. Some changes in the law seriously needs to be made. I have tried everything you can think of. I've contacted the DHS-Health department. They'd have me running back and forth through contacting them. I've contacted the congressmens-senators-supreme court-lawyers. I've even contacted one's in washington D.C. But I keep hearing about the statue of law from others. And this whole matter becomes dismissed. Now the congressmens and the senators have responded by saying they will discuss this whole matter over the medical department. But we need results really bad!!!!! The sibling that is abusive has put me in harms way of being molested when we were little. Like I was used as a guinee pig to spare her from anymore harm being placed upon her. Because she was experiencing this same abuse over being molested. I'd get hit by her and she'd call me names and would have others to participate. And my parents especially my mother would defend this sibling. When we were teens I went to ride her horse with her. I had talked her into it. And she became angry. But I never thought she'd go this far. She knew I was about to fall off the horse. I kept telling her I was about to fall off. So she made this horse go faster so I'd get knocked off. And that's exactly what happened. This woman goes around making me look like the one that's being unreasonable. I tried to move away from all of this. But it's like she follows me by telling my kids her lies. And her telling other family members and friends lies. She's even went up to strangers telling them lies about my babies death. And pretending I'm a horrible person. Her lies over my babies death is what is hurting me the most. Some changes in the medical field needs to be done. This is still murder when they committ a crime and don't face up to the choices they've made. Even if an individual holds a certificate. That's only a peice of paper without the medical intelligence behind this medical degree. And everyone needs to know sibling abuse does "very much exist"!! And so does these phyicians/nurses that can cause bodily harm!! What can I do over the mental anguish I'm experiences? If your able to help in anyway I'd appreciate this so much. And I know this can prevent future pain for others.
Thank you,
Karen Johnson
This is all child abuse (sibling abuse) what I experienced growing up and today. And what happened to the baby I lost was child abuse!!
website over my songs written and one for the baby I lost. Inspired over my loss but for all grieving parents.
Sherie S. makes a good point: readers should have a look at the sponsorship list of the International Congress. That said, the speakers' conflicts or potential conflicts of interest would seem to count most in this case, so we noted and linked the conference's main critic, the Center for Consumer Freedom (though CCF does not disclose its own list of donors). We are not aware of such conflicts by the referenced speakers, but that's what this comment section is for.
There was a job that needed to be done, so obviously these people "needed" to be lied to. (Or more correctly stated, someone ELSE had a "need" to lie to them.) I wonder if they even wore masks at all.
By the way, not NECESSARILY having to do with this blog thread, but perhaps, for all I know:
What do you call a corrupt official who allows him or herself to be bought/paid off (who is "on the take")?
Answer: A SLAVE!!!!! (Since they have been "bought")
For as "great" as America seems, lately I'm seeing it more as a house of cards, just waiting for the next breeze to blow it over --- the economy, everything. Doesn't this always happen in civilizations at some point shortly after corruption sets in? and is rampant, and not the exception but the rule for officials to be corrupt, and corruptable? You can almost expect it and guess it ahead of time (corruption).
These people must know so very little about history, and what has happened before in societies that decided lies were better than truth --- lying about the character of others, victimizing the whistle blower, etc. (There's no time in our society to learn history, or do much any kind of introspection, for that matter.) How pathetic. And how incredibly hypocritical!!!
There might be some short term gain in being paid off, but they will be haunted for the rest of their lives by what they did.
Now if they don't have a conscience, or are sociopathic (and apparently this is trendy state of being, as of late), then maybe they would be spared from being haunted by their conscience --- if it didn't exist.
It is not just food industry who has made the connection between
sponsorship of this bogus conference and the antiobesity hysteria
they are promoting! Their own sponsorship page lists all the diet
and pharmaceutical companies that are involved. They may have a few
experts who are truly concerned with junk food, but that whole angle
can also be a front to provide them credibility! One of their main purposes is to keep the public obsessed with weight and keep their cash registers ringing at all cost. Because God knows, things like global warming and the decline of democracy might provide a temporary distraction from our scales.
I would like to add that neither myself, nor my fellow size acceptance advocates are getting paid by anyone, and I have the disasterous financial records to prove it. But I have to say, I am so disgusted by liberals, muckrakers, and progressives giving the diet industry and pharmaceuticals a free ride in all this antifat hysteria, it makes me want to sign up with the food companies to get the other side of the story out. Obviously, fat hatred serves such a function in our society, even do gooders can't be counted on for fairness.
p.s. If this damn conference really cared about childhood obesity, they would tell women to stop dieting. Because some studies have shown dieting, even before pregnancy can increase the risk of a low birthweight child who has a greater risk of both obesity and heart disease later in life. And the sponsors of this conference are the very same who promote diets.
"Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared more about CO2 than BMI there might still be time."
Don't forget Mikie Fumento who bashes fat people, then tells us second hand smoke, global warming and pesticides aren't so bad. He
has to be on someone's payroll. Something as tacky as him in
bikini briefs had to have been bought and paid for, not even an
attention hound like him would do that for free. Yuck, about as
sexy as a hicky from Karl Rove!
I am so tired of the media (or rather, the hand that hides itself in the glove we know as "the media") working its will on the people. It is a joke that they report the news instead of create it. They report just enough actual news to keep us guessing, when they report a story.
What gets me is this: So often these news sources wear shrouds of things like "conservatism" as if that makes them more next-to-God or something, or like it authorizes them to take on a more PARENTAL role towards the rest of society, like the rest of us are small children, if they cannot just incriminate us entirely, such as turning someone who gives another person a drink of water into a felon, if that person happens to be an unregistered alien from another country, etc.
Okay on this "next-to-God" guise --- so many people can hardly tell when this (so-presumed) "next-to-God" apparatus is lying, or severely twisting the truth with unsubstantiated allegations, and ones that have all been refuted at that. But if one does know, it sheds a different light. Then you know that it is not a matter that just maybe they are not telling the truth.
Anyway as I was starting to say (before I almost "spilled the beans" on something else), on this "next-to-God" guise --- well it is such a total farce. I might not know too much about God or his magnamity, but I think I do know that it is one of the ten commandments is to not "bear false witness against thy neighbor."
Okay sorry but I see straight through that, when they are lying and I happen to know the facts from a small insider's perspective, that if God meant anything by making it one of the ten commandments to not lie about other people, that they are ANYTHING BUT NEXT TO GOD!!!
They can use the word "conservative" on themselves all they want and until they are blue in the face, but as far as this word making them next-to-God, it just ain't true when they are going to make a practice, hobby, or vocation of lying in order to work their own will upon the people and yes even macro-society as a whole.
"Conservative," next-to-God, my foot. I don't know what else to say. But this is a total farce --- the media is a total farce.
Someone once said that anything they ever read in the paper that they also happened to have personal information about, that the paper got it grossly twisted and wrong. Well excuse me but I also notice that on the rare instances I happen to know about something too (that not many others would), it is a predictable pattern that the paper gets it wrong --- severely wrong, and on important matters, and it all boils down to violating the one of the ten commandments to "not bear false witness against thy neighbor," so this idea that they are next-to-God is a total farce.
Do we want the media to "serve" as our dictatorship? Do we want dollar bills to "serve" as our dictatorship? It's up to us. Meanwhile, I'm sure that "the media" will try to get as much mileage out of their lies as possible, until we all catch on. They're treading on thin ice with me. And no, I cannot "worship" a liar, or even appreciate one very much.
Was this ABC/Disney vehicle for unemployed actors really such a secret that you folks with all of your resources actually didn't know anything about it?
In other words, were you truly blindsided by this?
If so, then you know as well as anybody that there is no way to counter the fantasies that you are complaining about, except with your own.
So, you had better get cracking.
The election is just around the corner.
It's show time!
How about a flick about neocon foreign policy architects, Wolfowitz or Perle...or even Mr. Giuliani when he split his command & control on September 11th...or how about a movie about when Iraq became a U.S. client state for the Carter administration in 1979 (and continued to be one through the Reagan & Bush years until 1990)...or how the backroom boys decided that the U.S. would be better off running its own oil-rich client state instead of continuing to allow Saddam al-Tikriti Hussein to do it? Have you got the guts to do this...and the unemployed actors? It sounds like great election-eve entertainment to me!
Only 50% of the U.S. electorate (those of eligible voting age) bothers to vote. The U.S. electorate totals about 75% of the U.S. population, i.e., 225 million of 300 million Americans.
Unfortunate but true: In the eyes of the roughly 25% of the right end of the U.S. electorate who have been electing presidents and congressional majorities in the last few years...truth doesn't matter so much as entertainment and fear.
So, you had better stop trying to confuse the 25% of the right end with facts, denials & rebuttals (by so called principals).
You're wasting your breath.
Just ask Ann Richards, John McCain and John Kerry.
Messrs: Clarke, Berger, Ben-Veniste and especially Ms. Albright aren't children and ought to know better how to handle these Rove-like tactics by now. They aren't shrinking violets when they don't want to be...especially when those of these four are out selling books of personal redemption.
A better use of your time: Registering the other 25% of the left end of the U.S. electorate who don't vote, and persuading them that truth does matter more than fantasy. If you spent your time and resources doing that, 75% of the U.S. electorate would be voting this November, 2/3 of them for truth, justice and the American way.
Go for it!
Yes, the Bush camp can still win the 2006 elections. After all, Ken Mehlman remains an ace and Karl Rove remains the ultimate opponent-destroying-propaganda machine. The aim of the game, as usual, is to steal the elections by counterfighting where you're supposed to be the weakest.
Iraq, for example, about which the Dems are considering the pros and cons of a withdrawal, exposing themselves to an intense guerilla from "Turd Blossom". I wish they instead made clear in the minds of the public the most vital thing for the US is to withdraw from the Bush doctrine. First behave well, then act responsively, sane decisions will come naturally. And they propably won't include a withdrawal of all troops anytime soon. The least America must do is to fix the damage Bush's Amerika has done.
For the moment, the "flip flop" specter is hovering above the Democrats, and Karl will very likely have Bush talk as the boss in charge : we've been waging a nasty war that's true, but we nailed most of 'em bastards and we proved bein' tough could prevent new attacks on our soil. You have the power to decide ; to be either with us or with them - not them Dems, but them terrorist thugs.
The actual truth should be exposed : right after 9/11, terrorists were the only bad guys around and the whole world was supporting the US, expecting a responsible answer from a model democracy - but this excuse for an administration managed to damage the image of democracy so badly the US are now considered a rogue state and terrorists heroes. Not only did the US invite terrorists where they weren't (Iraq), they made the World a much less safer place by fueling terror, fanatism and hatred all across the world. The US need a strong administration all right, but should remain a model democracy as well : you have the choice between supporting fascists and fundamentalists on one hand (those ruling the country these days as well as the terrorists, their supposed enemies), and restoring the values that made America respected on the other (all you have to do is to get rid of these madhatters).
Stephane MOT -
Other sponsors of this International Obesity Conference include:
Sanofi-Aventis (third-largest pharma company, makes diet pills)
Reductil (diet pill)
Roche (another big pharma with diet pills on its product list)
Jenny Craig
Weight Watchers
Novartis Medical Nutrition (sells diet and "health" products)
Merck Sharp & Dohme
If I had to vote for worst sensationalist comment out of this whole tacky commercial it would be obesity is as big a threat as global warming. Even if they weren't exaggerating the health claims, obesity takes a few years off the lives of people in Western societies who don't even know how they are going to handle that many seniors anyway. Global warming can destory life as we know it for future generations. Can one really compare a few years off the life of a 75yr old to the aftermath of Katrina times 100 (or even one Katrina for that matter.) It is absolutely disgusting. What is even more disgusting is this scare mongering headlines have been going on for decades. Meanwhile crash dieting makes us fatter, but that is good for business. Risky diet pills and surgery make us sick, but that is good for business too. Billions of dollars a year go into this sick obsession (and the hands of few who control the business
On the other hand, it we declared a truce on the war on fat for 5 years and just walked instead of using cars when possible, obsessing over our carbon footprints instead of our waistlines, we could spread that money around and do some good, have healthier bodies even if they are not going to be as thin as we have been lead to believe, and possible save the planet. Too simple I guess!!!!!!!
"Weight obsession is a social disease. If we cared more about CO2 than BMI there would still be time."
The link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues.
The fast-paced, consumerist lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological problems besides destroying the environment. All issues are interlinked. Our Minds cannot be peaceful when attention-spans are down to nanoseconds, microseconds and milliseconds. Our Minds cannot be peaceful if we destroy Nature.
Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
Subject : In a fast society slow emotions become extinct.
Subject : A thinking mind cannot feel.
Subject : Scientific/ Industrial/ Financial thinking destroys the planet.
Subject : Environment can never be saved as long as cities exist.
Emotion is what we experience during gaps in our thinking.
If there are no gaps there is no emotion.
Today people are thinking all the time and are mistaking thought (words/ language) for emotion.
When society switches-over from physical work (agriculture) to mental work (scientific/ industrial/ financial/ fast visuals/ fast words ) the speed of thinking keeps on accelerating and the gaps between thinking go on decreasing.
There comes a time when there are almost no gaps.
People become incapable of experiencing/ tolerating gaps.
Emotion ends.
Man becomes machine.
A society that speeds up mentally experiences every mental slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A ( travelling )society that speeds up physically experiences every physical slowing-down as Depression / Anxiety.
A society that entertains itself daily experiences every non-entertaining moment as Depression / Anxiety.
To read the complete article please follow either of these links :
Since this appears to be the few venues on earth where these issues are discussed intelligently, it might be useful to go into some detail about the kind of work the Rendon Group actually does since that seems to have been left out of the narrative.
I don't know Rendon's background or training, but essentially what he offers the government is a privatized version of psychological warfare operations, something I'm fairly certain Lt. Brand has more than a passing acquaintance with.
Some of Rendon's greatest hits:
* Created the propaganda agaist Manuel Noriega which greased the chute for the Bush I adminstration invasion/civilian massacre in Panama in 1989.
* Produced the carefully choreographed lie-fest that sold Americans on the idea of dying to liberate Kuiwait. (The false "babies taken out of incubators" story.)
* Marketed falsified atrocity stories to get the US involved on the side of the Kosovo Liberation Army, a terrorist organization which supported itself through drug trafficking and extortion (Source: Interpol) and against the sovereign state of Yugoslavia.
"I am an information warrior and a perception manager" Rendon stated matter of factly in a talk at the US Air Force Academy in 1996.
Like Brand, Rendon is a part of a group of amoral technicians in the tradition of Edward Bernays who've decided that democracy is a bad idea and working covertly on behalf of the existing power structure, however that power structure chooses to conduct itself, is the wise path.
Though fighter planes and battleships get most of the glory, the military makes a significant investment in psychological warfare operations and considers it an essential element in its efforts.
During World War I, the British taught the US that US civilians were a fit and proper target for such operations.
This lesson was greatly expanded upon by the boatloads of Nazis who were embraced by US intelligence after World War II.
The CIA and other intelligence organizations absorbed the Nazi world view and their tactics and have used them liberally around the world and at home ever since.
Brand's chemical warfare operation against US civilians - the mass dosing of an activist, anti-war generation with LSD - was, quite frankly one of the masterpieces of psychological operations of the Cold War era. It was all the more remarkable because he carried it out in broad daylight and, to date at least, has been able to maintain the illusion he is an intellectual with no particular political loyalties.
His immensely cynical presentation of John Rendon as a source of refreshing and insightful insights into the "war on terror" - itself a joke to anyone who has made even a casual inquiry into it - was pushing his luck.
Whether or not the news is fake, and how much of it is fake, is one matter.
It obviously comes from a very warped and single strata of social perspective (corporate), rather than from any cross section of society. (Sometimes the news is made to APPEAR more or less from a cross section of perspectives, or it even does when the matters are more or less trivial and non-threatening to corporate agendas.)
Anyway what I wanted to harp on was the bone-chilling report done on one of the major evening news broadcasts the evening after Steve Irwin's tragic death.
His death was so very tragic to begin with, but what I found somewhat bone chilling was how on their news report they could only excitedly talk about the genetic make-up of risk takers.
This was a death God damn it and here they were in their usual excited pep talk voice, excitedly talking about the genetic make-up of risk takers. Obviously they were not prepared for a story on his death and were just grabbing something out of the hat.
Since this pep talk voice was business as usual, I was not too very shocked. But nevertheless I did find it a morbid and inappropriate way to announce a death, and proceed with a "story" on it. It was not about his life so much as excited talk about his hot genetic make-up, like it was a hot commodity or something.
Anyway this is going to sound even more morbid yet but to be frank, they sounded like they just couldn't wait to dissect his body to find his valuable genetic make-up (since he had "risk taker" genes), and like market up his genes or something. That is exactly how this news story sounded to me.
No they did not actually SAY they wanted to dissect him to harvest his genetic make-up. But the way the story was reported, it might have been little wonder if they had said this.
Anyway what sort of perspective it is that we get our news, to me is obviously something weird.
Julia Schopick
Hi, Diane:
This blog entry/article is really amazing! I will be
adding it to my "articles of importance" on my
Thanks for the truly wonderful work you are doing,
and I look forward to talking with you again soon.
Julia Schopick