Further attempts by the right to poison the poor, then complain when folks need healthcare because their diet has made them obese and diabetic, and further the factory farming industry that is abusing animals and destroying the environment. Everyone should have access to wholesome, healthy food. I'd much prefer to see my tax dollars pay for organic cage free eggs and soy milk than pasturize juice drink and bleached flour white bread.
This would not save money. Foodshare costs the same for the state no matter what food people buy. It is not to stop abuse. People on foodshare do work but need the benefits to take care of their families. If you're not ignorant of these facts, you only hate poor people, or you hate organic grocery stores.
All these arguments are only to delay us from calling a spade a spade: you conservatives are evil. Just show people your true colors already so that we can take your ideology to the trash heap of history and move forward.
Stop pussy footing around. Go on and tell us what your plan for the endgame is: you won't stop at taking away what little freedom we have. I understand where this is going. The logical conclusion of all your efforts is concentration camps so the poor can starve out of sight. You're nothing but a bunch of fascists.
Limiting junk/unhealthy/unnecessary for survival food makes sense. Outside of that, who cares if people opt for organic? They will still have the same monthly budget to work with, and once it's gone, it's gone. Opting for value/generic brands would surely stretch the budget further every month, but let the individual/family decide. Caring about what goes into you body isn't a bad thing.
Every person chooses how to budget their own money. You don't know someone else's circumstance. Maybe you choose to drive a nicer car or have material things and you skimp on your food budget. Our family drives 2 used cars and doesn't spend money on clothing etc unless it is hugely discounted or bought used. We don't color our hair or get our nails done or have smart phones or cable TV... We spend our money on whole foods though. We buy farm fresh eggs and organic milk and we make our own bread and such things. I don't get food stamps and our family of 4 live on a meager budget but we still choose healthy unprocessed foods and do a lot of cooking from scratch and don't eat out to make up the difference. For example, you can make a whole lot of delicious healthy yogurt with one gallon of organic milk... Way more than you can get for the same price when buying cheap store brand yogurt by the cup that is loaded with fake sugar. Just sayin'... Limiting people from buying soda and candy I do understand but limiting healthy food choices because some people are ignorant to the health costs that processed foods impose on individuals and on our goverment funded health programs is foolish.
It's not that easy anymore. My fiance was just laid off from his job, has sent in over 30 applications in the past week (he hasn't even gotten his last paycheck yet so he can't apply for unemployment), and has not heard back from a single posted position he's applied for. I make 8$ an hour; if we didn't have our savings to fall back on, then he would have to get SNAP or something of the like. Even buying "value brands" puts our grocery bills higher than what I would be able to afford without my savings. We both have school debt which further perpetuates the fact that we'd be utterly dependent on food stamps if it weren't for us saving up money when he had his job.
On top of that, I am lactose intolerant and so I vouch for the "nut milks" (almond milk in particular) because lactose free is more expensive and less healthy.
Wisconsin is 44th in the country for new job growth, and not all poor people or SNAP/WIC dependent people are unemployed. How do you propose finding a job when there's none to find?
Your ignorance and lack of compassion are absolutely astounding. You're bitter that you can't afford to buy food that you like, so you think everyone else should suffer, too? Here's a thought...how about you try putting some effort into improving your community and your state in order to help promote job growth, rather than trying to punish people who have a difficult enough time making ends meet as it is. Being on foodstamps does not automatically imply laziness. That's called a stereotype and, like most stereotypes, it simply isn't true. You should stop watching Faux News long enough to find out what's actually going on in the world around you, instead of assuming that anyone who uses foodstamps is somehow inferior to you.
Why is providing anyone with organic foods something that "needs to be addressed"?! You have a problem with people being able to make their own food decisions? With someone deciding they don't want pesticide-laden food? Or milk with growth hormones? Or eggs from factory farms with increased incidence of diseases/antibiotics?
Or, like your gov and legislature, are you simply desiring to back the corporations behind the allowed foods to increase their profits from "your tax dollars" while screwing your small-business neighbors?
are for the canned food and other groceries some of these convenience stores carry... they are NOT for liquor or cigarettes.
If people are only allowed the bare minimum in nutrition (or, indeed, you aren't buying the best available nutrition for yourself), this can directly cause health issues that will have to be addressed at greater taxpayer cost down the road. It's a much better investment to ensure people have the opportunity to eat as healthfully as possible.
There are already checks in place to periodically determine who is eligible for food stamps... even people who work can be eligible if they fall under a certain income threshold. people who complain that they can't afford to buy groceries should look into it.
Except that no one is able to eat whatever they want.
You get a budget. A limited amount. I highly doubt an individual got $200, but even if they did, you honestly think habits like that are going to make that last? I've bought groceries on $200. Cheap bread, milk - the most expensive things I buy are TV dinners only because they're easy to take to work with little prep (since half the time I don't have time to make lunch the night beforehand). By the time I'm done with monthly shopping, I have $50 left. Which I have to save to refill on the stuff that'll go bad in a week.
If you can live off nothing but bread and water, I pity you, because that's a terrible diet and just because someone is poor does NOT mean that they should be subsisting on absolutely no nutrition. This isn't a third world country.
Besides, the point is, and that YOU don't see to get, is that this list forbids foods some people HAVE to eat. Someone just told you they're lactose intolerant - which, a LOT of people are lactose intolerant. It's not a rare disorder. A lot of people are allergic to gluten. Those people have a hard enough time affording food they can eat, let alone if they're impoverished.
If you're that hurting for money, apply for food stamps and stop whining. How dare your money go towards helping some people - you read an article one time about a single person abusing the system and so now NO ONE gets anything! If this law wants to limit junk food, it should do that. Soy milk ISN'T JUNK FOOD. Nor is it that much more expensive than regular milk.
Juicy juice was found to have unsafe levels of arsenic. Bulk dry beans are cheaper than packaged. Humane and organic products benefit the producers, the animals, and ultimately all consumers. Making poor people less healthy is going to cost more in the long run and is purely to the benefit of our highly supplemented factory farm system and pharmaceutical companies. GMOs remain untested and cheap value brands are paid for with corporate welfare. Follow the money! This isn't about healthier food and supporting local agriculture, it is about funnelling more public funds into the pockets of multinational corporations.
so people that happen to be without a job for a while and are use to a diet of GOOD food should switch to crap or value brands. Problem is you work to hard for to little. But then again, you wouldn't know. Crap food clouds the brain.
If your friend is going to fill your car with gas, are you going to get the premium or regular unleaded? I'd get unleaded...
Exceptions should be made for those with celiac disease to be allowed to buy gluten free. (Or other medical conditions where food comes into play).... But those buying organic just because they can with money given to them by the government should be stopped. If you want organic, that can be your motivation to get off of govt assistance. So you can purchase them with YOUR hard earned money.
Honestly, For every dollar we spend on public assistance, three dollars goes to corporate welfare. Talk about a group that does not need tax payers help. Organic food is better for all people. I make choices like not having a TV or cable, so I can spend my income on healthier food. It comes down to priorities.
I would much rather people have the option to choose good quality food, even if on assistance, because a healthy diet keeps one out of the Dr.s offices and emergency rooms. Covering the cost of medical bills for the uninsured, or underinsured is a much bigger cost to society.
I'm just grateful that I have the ability to work. I would never wish the circumstance on anyone who finds themselves in need of food assistance. I can't believe we like to think of ourselves as a civilized society but attack our most vulnerable. Further, if our economy continues to find itself in decline, and by all accounts, I don't see it heading into a positive direction, many of us could find ourselves in this very place, needing food assistance. Most people are one major illness away from bankruptcy today, even if they have insurance. We have much bigger problems in WI and nationally then nit-picking the food list for those who need some help right now.
So WI "re-labels" (ala George Orwell) ACTUAL, REAL, SAFE, GOOD FOR YOU, FOOD as "junk food" because WHY??? Could it be that their legislators are BRIBED into the commission of TREASON TOO?!?
38% of adult FoodShare recipients were employed as of March 2013 (http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/pdf/ataglance/2013/Ataglance201303.pdf). This number would be even higher if we would take the elderly and disabled adults out of the denominator, those who we don't expect to work anyways. It's a myth that people are living luxuriously off the government's dollar. People often have to rely on this supplement because their low-wage or part-time jobs aren't enough to make ends meet. Also, 50% of recipients are 23 or younger and 19% are elderly, blind or disabled.
Not everyone on food stamps is lazy and buying junk food! That is your choice to buy value brand foods. Seriously whats the difference? 20 cents? If you don't like it get a better job since you think its so easy!
am very sorry that you feel you are so limited by your budget. but why take out your anger issues on people less well off than you. people on wic/food stamps are NOT automatically lazy or out of work by choice. you are being most unfair & its OBVIOUS you have never been on such programs. its damn difficult to Get the help when one needs it (and i DO speak from experience!) i also speak to the fact you CAN eat better ON or off them if one pays attention & actually ISNT lazy..
You are the one whining about having to use value brands but its cheaper & better quality/taste to make from scratch.. the cost of the base ingrediants to make bread is far far cheaper than a loaf of dubious quality value brand. you buy canned goods why arent you buying from local growers & canning your own -again FAR cheaper.. soups, chili's, meat vegetables for a few hours work can fill your pantry for less than ANY grocery store. - when we were on food stamps to feed my children -- i learned and USED them for the ingrediants & my children ate better-
so frankly i find your arguments without value
they only seem to be ranting at others rather than dealing with your own anger.
What does it matter to you what other people are eating? If they are given a specific budget via SNAP/foodstamps, it's fixed and how someone else spends what little is alloted to them is none of our business. They are going to get the same amount of money and what they choose eat will cost nothing more to taxpayers. If you choose to eat non-organic eggs or milk on your fixed income, great, do it. If someone else makes a different choice, then they should be allowed to do it. It makes no logical, rational sense to limit people's choices. The sad thing is that organic foods are not "fancy" they are more healthy and produced in a way that is less harmful to animals and the environment. Why should someone who is poor be forced to make unhealthy, inhumane choices?? Why do so many people lack compassion for the poor?
I am all for limiting junk food. But I use chocolate to keep my sugar levels good. I could not afford insulin if I would step over to the diabetic side...I'm always on the border..I want to buy brown organic eggs or organic milk because it's healthier for me. I also want to be able to buy veggies and fruit but we have to buy volume and for two people you can't eat a watermelon in a week or eat a bag of apples or oranges..Single serve is better so I can buy weekly and fresh.
If the congress people can guarantee health insurance, then we wouldn't have to worry about what we are eating, because we could get access to free health club memberships and nutritionist and be able to make better choices.
Not everyone who is on Foodshare or using State aided programs are lazy. In my opnion these programs were created to help families in need. Yes there are individuals who misuse and abuse the system. Does this make it right to make children and individuals who do not abuse the system to be punished? How is cutting way back on WIC and Foodshare going to help those who justly need it? In my life I have had the need to use such programs. I have always worked, but that does not mean life does not throw curve balls at unexpected times. It entirely depends upon the intergity of the individual who is on these programs whether or not they will use the assistance wisely or not. As a country we need to wise up and train up our children with honesty and intergity.
So you force the poor to eat more unhealthy. they end up going to doctor for intervention, pharmaceuticals. Who Pays? you the community! Healthy eating returns money to pockets of citizens.
I don't know where you people shop, but a lot all-natural and organic items really aren't all that much more expensive than the non-organic stuff nowadays, dues to the rise in popularity and availability of organic choices.
And shell color of an egg has no difference in nutritional value of the egg. It's based on the breed of chicken that laid it. I think a dozen brown eggs at my locally owned grocery is about thirty cents more than a dozen white shelled eggs. And the price jump comes just because brown shell layer breeds typically don't lay as prolifically as a white shell Leghorn-type breed. Is that really that big of a deal that it needs to be exempted?
Hmmm... maybe if you were eating organic milk and free range eggs your view of the world wouldn't be so unhealthy. I would rather poor people eat these healthier things than need massive medical care brought about by eating unhealthier GMO/processed foods. It is actually cheaper in the long run to eat healithier food. Most of the people eating this food are CHILDREN and child labor is banned here.
Further attempts by the right to poison the poor, then complain when folks need healthcare because their diet has made them obese and diabetic, and further the factory farming industry that is abusing animals and destroying the environment. Everyone should have access to wholesome, healthy food. I'd much prefer to see my tax dollars pay for organic cage free eggs and soy milk than pasturize juice drink and bleached flour white bread.
This would not save money. Foodshare costs the same for the state no matter what food people buy. It is not to stop abuse. People on foodshare do work but need the benefits to take care of their families. If you're not ignorant of these facts, you only hate poor people, or you hate organic grocery stores.
All these arguments are only to delay us from calling a spade a spade: you conservatives are evil. Just show people your true colors already so that we can take your ideology to the trash heap of history and move forward.
Stop pussy footing around. Go on and tell us what your plan for the endgame is: you won't stop at taking away what little freedom we have. I understand where this is going. The logical conclusion of all your efforts is concentration camps so the poor can starve out of sight. You're nothing but a bunch of fascists.
Limiting junk/unhealthy/unnecessary for survival food makes sense. Outside of that, who cares if people opt for organic? They will still have the same monthly budget to work with, and once it's gone, it's gone. Opting for value/generic brands would surely stretch the budget further every month, but let the individual/family decide. Caring about what goes into you body isn't a bad thing.
Every person chooses how to budget their own money. You don't know someone else's circumstance. Maybe you choose to drive a nicer car or have material things and you skimp on your food budget. Our family drives 2 used cars and doesn't spend money on clothing etc unless it is hugely discounted or bought used. We don't color our hair or get our nails done or have smart phones or cable TV... We spend our money on whole foods though. We buy farm fresh eggs and organic milk and we make our own bread and such things. I don't get food stamps and our family of 4 live on a meager budget but we still choose healthy unprocessed foods and do a lot of cooking from scratch and don't eat out to make up the difference. For example, you can make a whole lot of delicious healthy yogurt with one gallon of organic milk... Way more than you can get for the same price when buying cheap store brand yogurt by the cup that is loaded with fake sugar. Just sayin'... Limiting people from buying soda and candy I do understand but limiting healthy food choices because some people are ignorant to the health costs that processed foods impose on individuals and on our goverment funded health programs is foolish.
It's not that easy anymore. My fiance was just laid off from his job, has sent in over 30 applications in the past week (he hasn't even gotten his last paycheck yet so he can't apply for unemployment), and has not heard back from a single posted position he's applied for. I make 8$ an hour; if we didn't have our savings to fall back on, then he would have to get SNAP or something of the like. Even buying "value brands" puts our grocery bills higher than what I would be able to afford without my savings. We both have school debt which further perpetuates the fact that we'd be utterly dependent on food stamps if it weren't for us saving up money when he had his job.
On top of that, I am lactose intolerant and so I vouch for the "nut milks" (almond milk in particular) because lactose free is more expensive and less healthy.
Wisconsin is 44th in the country for new job growth, and not all poor people or SNAP/WIC dependent people are unemployed. How do you propose finding a job when there's none to find?
Your ignorance and lack of compassion are absolutely astounding. You're bitter that you can't afford to buy food that you like, so you think everyone else should suffer, too? Here's a thought...how about you try putting some effort into improving your community and your state in order to help promote job growth, rather than trying to punish people who have a difficult enough time making ends meet as it is. Being on foodstamps does not automatically imply laziness. That's called a stereotype and, like most stereotypes, it simply isn't true. You should stop watching Faux News long enough to find out what's actually going on in the world around you, instead of assuming that anyone who uses foodstamps is somehow inferior to you.
Why is providing anyone with organic foods something that "needs to be addressed"?! You have a problem with people being able to make their own food decisions? With someone deciding they don't want pesticide-laden food? Or milk with growth hormones? Or eggs from factory farms with increased incidence of diseases/antibiotics?
Or, like your gov and legislature, are you simply desiring to back the corporations behind the allowed foods to increase their profits from "your tax dollars" while screwing your small-business neighbors?
are for the canned food and other groceries some of these convenience stores carry... they are NOT for liquor or cigarettes.
If people are only allowed the bare minimum in nutrition (or, indeed, you aren't buying the best available nutrition for yourself), this can directly cause health issues that will have to be addressed at greater taxpayer cost down the road. It's a much better investment to ensure people have the opportunity to eat as healthfully as possible.
There are already checks in place to periodically determine who is eligible for food stamps... even people who work can be eligible if they fall under a certain income threshold. people who complain that they can't afford to buy groceries should look into it.
Except that no one is able to eat whatever they want.
You get a budget. A limited amount. I highly doubt an individual got $200, but even if they did, you honestly think habits like that are going to make that last? I've bought groceries on $200. Cheap bread, milk - the most expensive things I buy are TV dinners only because they're easy to take to work with little prep (since half the time I don't have time to make lunch the night beforehand). By the time I'm done with monthly shopping, I have $50 left. Which I have to save to refill on the stuff that'll go bad in a week.
If you can live off nothing but bread and water, I pity you, because that's a terrible diet and just because someone is poor does NOT mean that they should be subsisting on absolutely no nutrition. This isn't a third world country.
Besides, the point is, and that YOU don't see to get, is that this list forbids foods some people HAVE to eat. Someone just told you they're lactose intolerant - which, a LOT of people are lactose intolerant. It's not a rare disorder. A lot of people are allergic to gluten. Those people have a hard enough time affording food they can eat, let alone if they're impoverished.
If you're that hurting for money, apply for food stamps and stop whining. How dare your money go towards helping some people - you read an article one time about a single person abusing the system and so now NO ONE gets anything! If this law wants to limit junk food, it should do that. Soy milk ISN'T JUNK FOOD. Nor is it that much more expensive than regular milk.
Juicy juice was found to have unsafe levels of arsenic. Bulk dry beans are cheaper than packaged. Humane and organic products benefit the producers, the animals, and ultimately all consumers. Making poor people less healthy is going to cost more in the long run and is purely to the benefit of our highly supplemented factory farm system and pharmaceutical companies. GMOs remain untested and cheap value brands are paid for with corporate welfare. Follow the money! This isn't about healthier food and supporting local agriculture, it is about funnelling more public funds into the pockets of multinational corporations.
so people that happen to be without a job for a while and are use to a diet of GOOD food should switch to crap or value brands. Problem is you work to hard for to little. But then again, you wouldn't know. Crap food clouds the brain.
If your friend is going to fill your car with gas, are you going to get the premium or regular unleaded? I'd get unleaded...
Exceptions should be made for those with celiac disease to be allowed to buy gluten free. (Or other medical conditions where food comes into play).... But those buying organic just because they can with money given to them by the government should be stopped. If you want organic, that can be your motivation to get off of govt assistance. So you can purchase them with YOUR hard earned money.
Honestly, For every dollar we spend on public assistance, three dollars goes to corporate welfare. Talk about a group that does not need tax payers help. Organic food is better for all people. I make choices like not having a TV or cable, so I can spend my income on healthier food. It comes down to priorities.
I would much rather people have the option to choose good quality food, even if on assistance, because a healthy diet keeps one out of the Dr.s offices and emergency rooms. Covering the cost of medical bills for the uninsured, or underinsured is a much bigger cost to society.
I'm just grateful that I have the ability to work. I would never wish the circumstance on anyone who finds themselves in need of food assistance. I can't believe we like to think of ourselves as a civilized society but attack our most vulnerable. Further, if our economy continues to find itself in decline, and by all accounts, I don't see it heading into a positive direction, many of us could find ourselves in this very place, needing food assistance. Most people are one major illness away from bankruptcy today, even if they have insurance. We have much bigger problems in WI and nationally then nit-picking the food list for those who need some help right now.
So WI "re-labels" (ala George Orwell) ACTUAL, REAL, SAFE, GOOD FOR YOU, FOOD as "junk food" because WHY??? Could it be that their legislators are BRIBED into the commission of TREASON TOO?!?
The bulk food bins are an extremely cheap way to go. resticting these is just insane or something worse.
38% of adult FoodShare recipients were employed as of March 2013 (http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/pdf/ataglance/2013/Ataglance201303.pdf). This number would be even higher if we would take the elderly and disabled adults out of the denominator, those who we don't expect to work anyways. It's a myth that people are living luxuriously off the government's dollar. People often have to rely on this supplement because their low-wage or part-time jobs aren't enough to make ends meet. Also, 50% of recipients are 23 or younger and 19% are elderly, blind or disabled.
Not everyone on food stamps is lazy and buying junk food! That is your choice to buy value brand foods. Seriously whats the difference? 20 cents? If you don't like it get a better job since you think its so easy!
am very sorry that you feel you are so limited by your budget. but why take out your anger issues on people less well off than you. people on wic/food stamps are NOT automatically lazy or out of work by choice. you are being most unfair & its OBVIOUS you have never been on such programs. its damn difficult to Get the help when one needs it (and i DO speak from experience!) i also speak to the fact you CAN eat better ON or off them if one pays attention & actually ISNT lazy..
You are the one whining about having to use value brands but its cheaper & better quality/taste to make from scratch.. the cost of the base ingrediants to make bread is far far cheaper than a loaf of dubious quality value brand. you buy canned goods why arent you buying from local growers & canning your own -again FAR cheaper.. soups, chili's, meat vegetables for a few hours work can fill your pantry for less than ANY grocery store. - when we were on food stamps to feed my children -- i learned and USED them for the ingrediants & my children ate better-
so frankly i find your arguments without value
they only seem to be ranting at others rather than dealing with your own anger.
What does it matter to you what other people are eating? If they are given a specific budget via SNAP/foodstamps, it's fixed and how someone else spends what little is alloted to them is none of our business. They are going to get the same amount of money and what they choose eat will cost nothing more to taxpayers. If you choose to eat non-organic eggs or milk on your fixed income, great, do it. If someone else makes a different choice, then they should be allowed to do it. It makes no logical, rational sense to limit people's choices. The sad thing is that organic foods are not "fancy" they are more healthy and produced in a way that is less harmful to animals and the environment. Why should someone who is poor be forced to make unhealthy, inhumane choices?? Why do so many people lack compassion for the poor?
I am all for limiting junk food. But I use chocolate to keep my sugar levels good. I could not afford insulin if I would step over to the diabetic side...I'm always on the border..I want to buy brown organic eggs or organic milk because it's healthier for me. I also want to be able to buy veggies and fruit but we have to buy volume and for two people you can't eat a watermelon in a week or eat a bag of apples or oranges..Single serve is better so I can buy weekly and fresh.
If the congress people can guarantee health insurance, then we wouldn't have to worry about what we are eating, because we could get access to free health club memberships and nutritionist and be able to make better choices.
Not everyone who is on Foodshare or using State aided programs are lazy. In my opnion these programs were created to help families in need. Yes there are individuals who misuse and abuse the system. Does this make it right to make children and individuals who do not abuse the system to be punished? How is cutting way back on WIC and Foodshare going to help those who justly need it? In my life I have had the need to use such programs. I have always worked, but that does not mean life does not throw curve balls at unexpected times. It entirely depends upon the intergity of the individual who is on these programs whether or not they will use the assistance wisely or not. As a country we need to wise up and train up our children with honesty and intergity.
Don't assume those on food stamps are unemployed. Work does not equal a living wage.
So you force the poor to eat more unhealthy. they end up going to doctor for intervention, pharmaceuticals. Who Pays? you the community! Healthy eating returns money to pockets of citizens.
I don't know where you people shop, but a lot all-natural and organic items really aren't all that much more expensive than the non-organic stuff nowadays, dues to the rise in popularity and availability of organic choices.
And shell color of an egg has no difference in nutritional value of the egg. It's based on the breed of chicken that laid it. I think a dozen brown eggs at my locally owned grocery is about thirty cents more than a dozen white shelled eggs. And the price jump comes just because brown shell layer breeds typically don't lay as prolifically as a white shell Leghorn-type breed. Is that really that big of a deal that it needs to be exempted?
Hmmm... maybe if you were eating organic milk and free range eggs your view of the world wouldn't be so unhealthy. I would rather poor people eat these healthier things than need massive medical care brought about by eating unhealthier GMO/processed foods. It is actually cheaper in the long run to eat healithier food. Most of the people eating this food are CHILDREN and child labor is banned here.