
Lantos Set for Promotion Despite Role in Incubator Scandal

California Democrat Tom Lantos is reportedly the frontrunner to chair the House International Relations Committee in the next Congress. In 1990 a Hill & Knowlton created front group, Citizens for a Free Kuwait, lobbied Congress for military action after Iraq's invasion.

At Long Last, Can We Please Start Counting the Dead?

Under the strange Bizarro rules that right-wing pundits use to interpret politics in the United States, election season is the time when no one is supposed to discuss any of the things that might actually have a serious impact on their voting decision.

Murdoch Downplays Iraq Death Toll

Speaking to journalists at a conference in Tokyo, News Corporation Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Rupert Murdoch, downplayed the death toll following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003. "The death toll, certainly of Americans there, by the terms of any previous war are quite minute," he said. "I believe it was right to go in there.

Neo-Conned: Sweet Revenge for Being Duped at Vanity Fair?

Vanity Fair magazine has rushed on line an article excerpt by David Rose in which leading neoconservatives condemn Bush's handling of the war on Iraq.

Why There Won't Be More Information on Reconstruction Corruption

It always pays to read the fine print. A clause buried in a military spending bill means that the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction will be closed in 2007. This office, originally part of the Coalition Provisional Authority before its dissolution, has since March 2004 referred 25 criminal cases to the U.S. Department of Justice, of which four have resulted in convictions.

"Victory in Iraq": The PR Behind Bush's Favorite Slogan

  • Topics: Iraq, Rhetoric
  • The most recent USA Today/Gallup poll indicates that 55% of Americans think things in Iraq are "out of control," and a similar majority favors withdrawing all U.S. troops from the country either immediately or within a year. This explains why George Bush's favorite slogan - 'stay the course' - has been tossed into the trash bin of political rhetoric.

    Congresspedia Documents the Iraq War Votes (and the $87 billion "Flip-Flop")

    As part of our efforts to cut to the facts of issues in Congress, Congresspedia has gone back through the major votes on the Iraq War and summarized what was at stake in each. In this election season, we were reminded of the brouhaha over the 2004 remark by Sen.

    Saddam's Sentencing: The November Surprise

    Scott Horton has been sounding the alarm regarding an orchestrated "November surprise" to assist Republican candidates just before election day: the November 5th sentencing of Saddam Hussein. The Columbia University law professor told the Nation magazine "when you look at polling figures there have been three significant spike points.

    Citizens Needed

    We need some of the citizens out there who are reading Congresspedia everyday to help out with a new article we're putting together on the congressional votes related to the Iraq War.

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