Front Groups

Business Doublespeak: "American Jobs" Coalition Supports Outsourcing

Big business groups -- including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers, and Information Technology Association of America (the e-voting machine manufacturers' lobby group) -- have formed the Coalition for Economic Growth and American Jobs.

Thanks, Suckers

"We are heroes in error," says Ahmed Chalabi, whose Iraqi National Congress was the source for much of the now-discredited information that served as the Bush administration's justification for war. "As far as we're concerned we've been entirely successful," Chalabi said. "That tyrant Saddam is gone and the Americans are in Baghdad.

Memo Sheds Light on Pre-War Media Duping

The New York Times has obtained a June, 2002, memo written by the Iraqi National Congress, the CIA front group that has been tutored and advised by John Rendon's PR firm and instrumental in the propaganda campaign advocating war with Iraq.

B-M's Biotech Front Group Exposed in the UK

"Few could question the sentiment behind the campaign: a fight against cervical cancer. A clutch of famous women, including Liz Hurley, Caprice and Carol Vorderman, signed up to support a crusade to introduce a new NHS screening test that could save the lives of thousands of women. The campaign is due to reach the House of Commons on Wednesday, when MPs will be lobbied on the issue.

Auto Industry Front Group Gets New Head

"Barry McCahill, a longtime transportation PR and public affairs exec, has taken over as president of the Sport Utility Vehicle Owners of America, a lobbying group which claims to represent the 24 million SUV owners in the U.S.," O'Dwyer's PR Daily Reports.

Sheep's Clothing

A group calling itself Partnership for the West (PFTW) was formally unveiled in late October and aims to influence environmental legislation in Washington. "The group plans to work on 'restoring a common sense balance to economic growth and conservation in the West,'" notes Bill Berkowitz, adding that this "sounds nice, until you see who's behind it. Claiming to be a grassroots lobby group, PFTW actually represents a kinder, gentler and more politically savvy brand of anti-environmentalism. ...

"Consumer Freedom's" Corporate Funding Exposed

Through a whistleblower, the Center for Media & Democracy has obtained a list of financial contributors to the "Center for Consumer Freedom," a front group for the tobacco, restaurant and liquor industries that represents itself as an advocate for consumers' rights. Highlights of the list, which we have added to the group's profile on our Disinfopedia, include $200,000 apiece from Coca-Cola, Excel/Cargill, Monsanto, Tyson Foods and Wendy's International; $164,000 from Outback Steakhouse, and $100,000 from Pilgrim's Pride Corporation.

PR Firm Gets 'Public Interest' Groups Fronting for Industry

"[T]he Gray Panthers, a public interest group that defends the rights of senior citizens, took out full page ads in newspapers around the country calling on federal officials to stop awarding federal contracts to MCI WorldCom -- which committed one of the largest corporate frauds in history. ...

INC Seeks Enhanced Credibility

"Burson-Marsteller is working to enhance the credibility of the Iraqi National Congress as it seeks to establish
itself as a legitimate force in postinvasion Iraq," writes The Holmes Report, a PR trade publication. "B-M has been working with the Congress, led by highprofile
Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi, since 1999, under a state department contract.

Burson-Marsteller Buffs Iraqi National Congress Image

"Burson-Marsteller is working to buff the image of the Iraqi National Congress," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. BKSH & Associates, Burson-Marsteller's lobbying wing is working for the Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation. With the assistance of the Pentagon, INC head Ahmad Chalabi and 'free Iraqi forces' arrived in Bagdad last week. Chalabi and the INC hope to be part of a new government in Iraq.

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