Thanks, Suckers

"We are heroes in error," says Ahmed Chalabi, whose Iraqi National Congress was the source for much of the now-discredited information that served as the Bush administration's justification for war. "As far as we're concerned we've been entirely successful," Chalabi said. "That tyrant Saddam is gone and the Americans are in Baghdad. What was said before is not important." Joshua Micah Marshall begs to differ. "Chalabi seems to be at the point of all but calling us suckers to our faces," he says. "If we were scammed, you'd think we'd be a bit angry about it -- right? -- even if we helped bring it on ourselves and even if some of our leaders were complicit in the scam." Christopher Albritton adds, "I can't accept that Iraqi 'patriots' -- as Chalabi and his people no doubt call themselves -- should pocket American taxpayers' money while American soldiers are dying. And I really can't stomach those American 'patriots' at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. not only allowing that to happen but actively colluding with a convicted con-man."
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