
New Participatory Project: Classroom Propaganda of Yesteryear

"Capitalism", a Coronet film, explained the American economy through the story of a corner grocer and kids buying supplies for a wienie roast.


Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

"For US Army soldiers entering basic training at Fort Jackson Army base in Columbia, South Carolina, accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior appears to be as much a part of the nine-week regimen as the vigorous physical and mental exercises the troops must endure," writes Jason Leopold.

An Industry Look at 2007's Biggest PR Blunders

Fineman PR of San Francisco, California, has released their list of top ten PR blunders of 2007. Topping the list at number one is "No Reporters? No Problem" -- the fake news conference staged by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) about their response to the California wild fires.

The Best Propaganda Ever

Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph of the Will" is sometimes ranked as the most effective propaganda film of all time, although she claimed that it was simply an "art film."

The latest email bulletin from the

"Posted to YouTube, Sir!"

YouTube has become de rigeur for posting official war propaganda. As CMD reported in October 2007, NATO has dedicated at least 1 million Euros (about $1.46 million U.S.) to produce and post footage to the popular video sharing site. In Britain, the Ministry of Defence (MoD), Royal Navy and Royal Air Force all have channels on YouTube, with dozens of short videos shot by or with their forces.

Bush a Uniter -- of Iraqis, Against the U.S.

The PR firm outed in 2005 for planting U.S. propaganda in Iraqi newspapers is still in Iraq, working for the U.S. military.

Stop Me if You've Heard This One Before

"It's an oddly familiar pattern of deception," writes Dan Froomkin.

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