Right Wing

Banana Republicans

How the Right Wing is Turning America Into a One-party State

by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber

U.S. publisher: Tarcher/Penguin
Bookstore price: $11.95 U.S.
ISBN 1-58542-342-4

Bush vs. the Laureates

"For nearly four years, and with rising intensity, scientists in and out of government have criticized the Bush administration, saying it has selected or suppressed research findings to suit preset policies, skewed advisory panels or ignored unwelcome advice, and quashed discussion within federal research agencies," reports Andrew Revkin. The clash has been especially intense and prolonged regarding the issue of global warming, where "scientists say that objective and relevant information is ignored or distorted in service of pre-established policy goals.

Faith-Based Presidency

"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush," journalist Ron Suskind writes. "He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend - but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

Sinclair's Journalism From Above

The Sinclair Broadcast Group, the single largest operator of local television stations in the United States, has gained notoriety after ordering its 62 local stations to preempt prime time programming to broadcast an anti-Kerry film a few days before the November 2, 2004 general election. The order has prompted criticism that Sinclair is "failing federal broadcast requirements to reflect local interests ...

Bunches of Banana Republicans

The number of "invitation-only conservative gatherings" on Capitol Hill is increasing.

Luntz Gets His Lumps

Pollster Frank Luntz "is crying foul after MSNBC canceled his long-scheduled focus group two days before the debate. ...

K Street: Dems Need Not Apply?

Firms on Washington DC's lobbying row, K Street, are "aggressively courting GOP lawmakers who have announced their retirements, suggesting that the business community is confident the GOP will retain the Speaker's gavel in January." The trend "is stoking talk on Capitol Hill that the 'K Street Project'" - an effort launched by Grover Norquist and

Spreading Freedom at the RNC

"Over the first three nights, the Republican Convention speakers carefully crafted a tri-partite frame for George W. Bush's Thursday acceptance speech: Night 1: The Global War on Terror defines our lives and our generation. Night 2: With enough discipline, all Americans can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become prosperous. Those girly men have only themselves to blame.

GCI Groups Does RNC PR

"The New York City Host Committee for the Republican National Convention has retained GCI
Group to provide on-site media services for members of the press throughout the convention," PR trade publication the Holmes Report writes. "GCI Group will be working from the James A. Farley Building, which will house 10,000 members of the media during the convention.

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