Right Wing

Harry and Louise Get Brain Tumors

Conservatives for Patients' Rights, a group bankrolled by Richard Scott and promoted by CRC Public Relations, is going beyond its "ominous ads warning that President Barack Obama will in

FreedomWorks Behind Tax Day Tea Party Protests

Who makes up the Tea Party movement? The Tax Day Tea Party protest movement is not as spontaneous as its organizers would like you to think. Chris Good writes, "Here is the organizational landscape of the April 15 tea party movement, in a nutshell: three national-level conservative groups, all with slightly different agendas, are guiding it.

Center for American Progress Hangs with the Neocons

Investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill sees the liberal Center for American Progress teaming up with leading neoconservatives and going to bat for Barack Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan.

Fox News Rides Obama Back to the Top

NPR notes that "times could hardly be better at the Fox News Channel, the cable channel liberals love to hate. ... Ratings estimates from Nielsen Media Research indicate audience levels are up significantly -- to extremely high levels for cable news -- making Fox News among the highest rated of all basic cable channels.

New Life for Old Newt

Conservative think tanks like the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation have degenerated into "moribund blogging societies," say out-of-power conservatives. "These days, to hear Republicans tell it, the conservative movement’s intellectual and strategic thunderbolts seem to be emanating, instead, from ...

Jonah's Wail

"What happens when media monitors mangle journalism in ways far more severe than the work they're supposed to be appraising?" asks Eric Boehlert, analyzing a supposed critique of liberal media bias by conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg. Boehlert catches Goldberg in numerous distortions and outright falsehoods.

Fiddling With iTunes While the Country Burns

I've been following some of the recent writings of Patrick Ruffini, a former "eCampaign Director" for the Republican National Committee who is part of an effort to reinvent and reinvigorate the Republican Party in the United States. Ruffini is overall a fairly smart guy who is realistic enough to emphatically reject some of the more ridiculous conservative talking points. I've seen him write some astute analyses, particularly when writing about online political organizing.

Winding Down Freedom's Watch

Freedom's Watch, the conservative 501(c)(4) organization that was set up earlier this year to help Republicans win elections, "is closing after just one cycle in business," reports Reid Wilson.

Yes, We Have No Ideas

In the wake of Republican defeats in the 2008 U.S. elections, conservatives are fighting among themselves over who's to blame and how to revive their movement.

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