New Life for Old Newt

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Conservative think tanks like the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation have degenerated into "moribund blogging societies," say out-of-power conservatives. "These days, to hear Republicans tell it, the conservative movement’s intellectual and strategic thunderbolts seem to be emanating, instead, from ... Newt Gingrich," writes Matt Bai. The former U.S. House Speaker slipped into obscurity a decade ago, embarrassed by personal scandals and "outflanked by a masterful and more pragmatic Bill Clinton. ... Now, as Republicans on the Hill begin to awaken from a November beating that left them semiconscious, Gingrich finds himself, once again, at the zenith of influence in conservative Washington. ... Republicans right now are desperately looking for direction from someone, ideally someone who knows how to handle an opposition president with a 65-percent approval rating." According to conservative activist Grover Norquist, Gingrich is one of the top contenders that movement insiders are considering to field against Barack Obama when he runs for re-election in 2012.


Ironic, now that the country

Ironic, now that the country has a President that appears to be the intellectual equivalent of Bill Clinton, Newt is back. Time will tell if Gingrich will be using the line often used by the antagonists, "curses, foiled again."