
On TV News, the Ads Never End (Part Four)

Expanding on earlier reports of growing product placement deals with TV news programs, Joan Stewart writes in Tactics, the monthly magazine from the Public Relations Society of America, that "in many cases, viewers don't know until the end of a five- or 10-minute spot that the segment is, in fact, advertising." For example, "in Minnesota, K

Ann Coulter's PR Formula: Hate Speech + Media Coverage = Best-Seller

David Carr examines Ann Coulter's simple PR formula for marketing her best-selling books: vile hate speech echoed in the mainstream media.

Confronted with Disclosure Demands, Fake News Moguls Cry "Censorship!"

Be afraid, be very afraid! If television stations are required to abide by existing regulations and label the corporate and government propaganda they routinely pass off as "news," the First Amendment will be shredded, the freedom of the press repealed, and TV stations will collapse overnight!

Know Your Fake Radio News

In its "PR Toolbox" section, PR Week answers the question, "What is the difference between a guaranteed-placement ANR (audio news release) and a traditional one?" According to Maury Tobin of Tobin Communications, "Research indicates that most radio stations do not use

Iraq the Most Deadly War for Reporters

The Iraq war "is now the deadliest war for reporters in the past century," reports Editor and Publisher. Seventy-one journalists and 26 media support staff have been killed in Iraq since 2003. That compares to 69 journalists killed in World War II, 63 in Vietnam and 17 in Korea. In addition, at least 42 journalists have been kidnapped in Iraq, according to Reporters Without Borders.

"Fake TV News" Report Now in PDF Form

With the U.S. Federal Communications Commission investigating the television stations that CMD documented airing corporate video news releases, you might want to read through the report that started it all.

CMD Report "Fake TV News" Triggers FCC Investigation

Bloomberg reports that, in direct response to CMD's groundbreaking exposé 'Fake TV News,' the "Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin ordered a probe of dozens of television stations. ...

Media Literacy, Alternative Media and More

The 2006 Allied Media Conference, organized by Clamor magazine's Allied Media Projects and two Bowling Green State University departments, will be held in Bowling Green, Ohio, from June 23 to 25.

Hey, FOX - Google Much?

We appreciate News Hounds, the folks who "watch Fox so you don't have to." The website noted that "Fox News left out some crucial information in a report about the Washington premiere of Al Gore's film on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth -- like the fact that think tanks c

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