
Too Little of a Good Thing

The Raw Story reports that Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert just couldn't wait to get back into his SUV after a photo op and short ride in a hydrogen car.

Essential2: Better Flacking Through Chemistry

Working with Ogilvy PR, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) launched its "Essential2" PR campaign last year, "to reposition the $550 billion industry as not only imperative, but advantageous to all aspects of modern life." Essential2 includes "national cable TV spots, print ads, and a policymaker education program." PR Week profiles the campaign's outreach to chemical company employees.

Did PR's "Pit Bull" Go After Greenpeace?

Greenpeace got IRS’s green light for continued nonprofit tax status last month after an audit, but the whodunit continues, especially in the business press. Did the Exxon Mobil-funded Public Interest Watch (PIW) draw in IRS?

Non-Profit 'Watchdog' Well Fed By ExxonMobil

The Wall Street Journal reports that Public Interest Watch (PIW), a non-profit 'watchdog' group which sucessfully lobbied for an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax audit of Greenpeace, has been heavily funded by ExxonMobil. Two years after PIW urged an IRS investigation, Greenpeace was subjected to a three-month long audit.

Anti-Enviro Front Groups Grow on Trees

Paul Thacker reports on "one short-lived 'grassroots' organization" based in Oregon, whose leaders "played a key role in passing President Bush's Healthy Forests legislation and are now promoting changes" to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that would r

A Crude Attempt To Gain LNG Support

"Controversy over LNG [liquid natural gas] terminals is growing as demand soars," reports the Boston Globe. There are four proposals for new LNG terminals in Massachusetts -- and one has its own astroturf group. The Coalition for an LNG Solution, which describes itself as "a grass-roots neighborhood organization," supports new LNG terminals on Boston Harbor islands.

Front Group Claims Owls Learning to Love Logging

Spotted Owl Source: Sierra Club

The Executive Director of the Evergreen Foundation, James Peterson, argues in a Wall Street Journal opinion article that the decline of the spotted owl in the U.S.

Anxious Al Caruba

Alan Caruba, from the CDFE website

Alan Caruba is a public relations professional who is so anxious about issues like environmentalism, immigration and the United Nations that he runs the National Anxiety Center. Caruba, who states on his website that his clients include or have included "chemical and pharmaceutical companies, think tanks [and] trade associations," writes a weekly column, called "Warning Signs," which is run by conservative websites.

In last week's column, Caruba, an "adjunct fellow" at Ron Arnold's anti-environmentalist Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), expressed anxiety over our SourceWatch article on his friend Michael Fumento. The title of his column was "Smearing Conservative Writers."

Nuclear Company Underwrites Parliamentary Committee

British Prime Minister Tony Blair's bid to pave the way for an expansion of the nuclear power industry through the 2006 Energy Review and its consultation document, Our Energy Challenge, has been hit by controversy over undisclosed corporate lobbying.

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