A Crude Attempt To Gain LNG Support

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"Controversy over LNG [liquid natural gas] terminals is growing as demand soars," reports the Boston Globe. There are four proposals for new LNG terminals in Massachusetts -- and one has its own astroturf group. The Coalition for an LNG Solution, which describes itself as "a grass-roots neighborhood organization," supports new LNG terminals on Boston Harbor islands. But the phone number for the coalition "is a line to Regan Communications, a powerful public relations firm that has been hired by AES Corp. of Arlington, Va., the company that wants to build the Boston Harbor terminal on Outer Brewster Island." An AES spokesperson referred calls to Regan, saying the firm does "grass-roots and community organizing, and we rely on them to respond to questions and coordinate those activities." One Boston-area activist, John Vitagliano, has addressed neighborhood associations on behalf of the coalition. Vitagliano said "he receives no compensation" from Regan or AES.