
Foxes Invited to Guard the Endangered Species Coop

Currently, the Endangered Species Act requires independent scientific assessment by the

Wal-Mart: We're Green, Just Don't Ask How Green

"Wal-Mart has been taking many major steps [to] go green in recent years," writes Eoin O'Carroll.

Polls, Damn Polls and Offshore Drilling

With polls showing increased public support for more U.S. offshore oil drilling, John Wihbey cautions, "the framing" of poll questions "is paramount and the media's interpretation crucial." For example, when asked, "Do you prefer more drilling or more investment in alternative energy?," most people choose the latter.

Can Junk Mail Go Green?

Most everyone admits that minimizing junk mail would save a lot of trees, but because of the profits it generates, it isn't about to go away.

Pity the Poor Airlines

"It's hard to take the airlines seriously when they try to play the pity card with consumers," opines Advertising Age. The trade publication's biting editorial comes in response to a public relations push by the Air Transport Association of America (ATA).

Drilling Away at Poverty

On July 15, "an unlikely alliance" rallied in Washington DC to "stop the war on the poor" by increasing U.S. domestic oil and gas production.

Nuclear "Renaissance" Dismissed as a "Carefully Fabricated Illusion"

Asked why people like Patrick Moore and Stewart Brand, who made their name as environmentalists are now nuclear power advocates, the highly regarded energy efficiency analyst Amory Lovins was blunt: "I think they haven't done their homework.

Edelman Gets Called out for Greenwashing

Members of the Oxford Climate Action group protested at the London offices of PR firm Edelman to draw attention to the greenwashing done on behalf of its energy client

See You Later, Alligator!

The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless plans to hand out free movie tickets, free passes to the Zoo, Denver's Museum of Nature and Science and other cultural attractions to homeless people during the Democratic National Convention August 25-28. They will even provide free bus tickets for the homeless to visit attractions that are beyond walking distance.

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