Comment Queue Update

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We just wanted to send a note to our readers that our site has been receiving numerous comments to the articles.  In the crush of the queue, some of them have been lost.  I am working to improve the comment spam review process.  Thank you for your patience!  Lisa



Koch Money

Fred Koch, or Daddy Koch-
Before helping found the John Birch Society, made his first millions building oil refineries for Joseph Stalin. One wonders if he got stiffed by "Uncle Joe" and that gave rise to his rabid anti-communism. He certainly warped the world view and ethics of his sons.
Why these two men, David and Charles, are so virulently trying to destroy the American middle and working classes, is beyond my understanding. I only know they are trying. This should be treated as Treason but alas, it is just business as usual.

As good a place as any to post this.

Next for Supreme Court: personhood for robo-trolls? :-)


thanks for flagging for us!!


Dear Lisa,

I just heard you on the Chris Moore radio show in Pittsburgh. I agree with all of your words except one. I suggest you lighten up on the word "basically."

You are probably not aware you are doing this and no one has brought it to your attention. I am not being mean spirited. I truly did agree with your positions in your segment with Chris. Basically, I'm just trying to give you some constructive criticism.

Basically yours,


basically part 2

Dear Larry:

You rock for writing in and alerting me to thic verbal tic! I am on it. And I really appreciate your kind words and constructive critique!

Thank you!


Basically part 3

Dear Lisa,

Me again. Guess who I heard on the Thom Hartman Show the day after listening to Chris Moore’s on KDKA? Yes, my dear, it was you. That should also be proof that I hold left leaning positions and thus agree with most of your thoughts by listening to Thom regularly and carefully.

Looks like we still have some work to do on the word “basically” though. In your 10-15 minute segment, you said the “B” word 7 times and Thom got in 1 of his own.

I’m not going to bust your chops anymore. Basically, I will go away and be heard from no more.

Basically yours,


So you pointed it out to her

and she thanked you, but you can't leave it at that:

Yes, my dear, it was you. That should also be proof that I hold left leaning positions and thus agree with most of your thoughts by listening to Thom regularly and carefully."

To me that's proof you didn't hear anything but "basically," and you reek of right-wing attitudes, including obnoxious sexism.