According to the publication Domain Name Wire, Bank of America (BofA) is buying up hundreds of domain names such as and The megabank is prepping for the possible release of damaging information from Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Assange is promising to unleash a cache of secret documents from the hard drive of a big bank executive. In 2009, he told Computer World that the bank was Bank of America. In 2010, he told Forbes it was significant enough to “take down a bank or two.” The New York Times recently reported that BofA is now moving into high gear on damage and spin control tasking dozens of people to a Wikileaks "war room." BofA is already under the gun, defending itself from multiple lawsuits demanding that the bank buy back billions worth of toxic mortgages it peddled to investors. The firm is also at the heart of the robo-signing scandal, having wrongfully kicked many American families to the curb. Assange may have more information on the controversial merger of BofA and Merrill Lynch, which spawned fraud charges. Or he may have more dirt on BofA subsidiary Countrywide. Countrywide's Angelo Mozilo has been the subject of insider-trading charges. Stay tuned and learn more about these scandals in our Sourcewatch profile of America's largest bank.
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must be nice to have friends
must be nice to have friends in high places not to be able to go to jail take 200 million give back 87 and a half million and keep rest
Come on Julian,
Take the damn thing down and anything else you can find with a foul odor.
There seems to be plenty with which to work.
minor cx
Isn't it "Angelo" -- not Joe -- Mozilo? Also, he settled the SEC charges:
"On Friday October 15, 2010, Mozilo reached a settlement with Securities and Exchange Commission, over securities fraud and insider trading charges. Mozilo agreed to pay $67.5 million in fines and accepted a lifetime ban from serving as an officer or director of any public company, it is the largest settlement by an individual or executive connected to the 2008 housing collapse. Robert Khuzami, director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement, said in a statement that "Mozilo's record penalty is the fitting outcome for a corporate executive who deliberately disregarded his duties to investors by concealing what he saw from inside the executive suite." By settling the SEC charges, Mozilo will avoid a trial that could have provided fodder for future criminal charges. [18][19] This fine represents a small fraction of Mozilo's estimated net worth of $600 million. Countrywide will pay $20 million of the $67.5 million penalty because of an indemnification agreement that was part of Mozillo's employment contract. The terms of the settlement allow Mr. Mozilo to avoid acknowledging any wrongdoing.
oops! thanks for the
oops! thanks for the catch!
Mary Bottari