It's an "Educational" Ad (Wink, Wink)

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The California Chamber of Commerce produced a new TV ad attacking California's Attorney General Jerry Brown, who is running for governor as a Democrat. The Chamber denied that the ads are a direct hit on Brown, though. Instead, they tried to convince people that the ad is part of an effort to "educate California voters on jobs, the economy, taxes and spending." If the ad was considered an attack on Brown, the Chamber would face a slew of cumbersome obstacles to broadcasting them, like having to disclose who is paying for the ads, and how much they are spending. Former California Governor Pete Wilson, who chairs the campaign of Brown's Republican opponent in the race, Meg Whitman, just happens to serve on the Chamber's board, but Wilson has denied knowing anything about the ads. The California Democratic Party and Santa Monica-based Consumer Watchdog have both filed complaints with the state's Fair Political Practices Commission, charging that the ad is clearly a direct attack against Brown and so violates election laws. The Chamber finally pulled the ads.


UPDATE: The Chamber was forced to pull the ads

The California Chamber of Commerce was forced to pull these ads over this controversy, but the whole affair may indicate what we may see more of as we get closer to the 2010 elections.

Anne Landman