Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?
James Cameron's new blockbuster movie Avatar won a "black lung" rating for gratuitous smoking from the Web site, which rates motion pictures according to the amount of smoking they show. Avatar is a futuristic fantasy that takes place sometime in the 22nd century. In it, Sigourney Weaver plays an environmental scientist who puffs on cigarettes as she tries to save the moon Pandora. Cameron responded to the accusation of gratuitous smoking in Avatar by saying that smoking is a "filthy habit" that he does not support, but that smoking in movies is necessary to portray reality:
...[S]peaking as an artist, I don't believe in the dogmatic idea that no one in a movie should smoke. Movies should reflect reality.
Stanton Glantz, director of the University of California San Francisco's Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, says the smoking scenes in Avatar hand millions of dollars' worth of free advertising to cigarette makers, and points out that the very idea of a chain-smoking environmental scientist is in itself a gratuitous bit of fantasy.
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Irresponsible hogwash.
What an irresponsible posting. You pushing American Spirits for RJR?
Your "medicinal value of tobacco" is utter hogwash. Smoking _exacerbates_ stress. 44% of all cigarettes are sold to the mentally ill. Studies have found they're not self-medicating--smoking is making their mental difficulties worse. Smoking is a _risk factor_ for Alzheimer's, and dementia in general. And Bill Drake himself would caution you from selling people smoking for "digestive relief."
Evidence for everything else save Parkinson's is very feeble, even contradictory. In science, one or two studies is not enough. You got Parkinson's--NOTHING else.
Additives/pesticides may or may not worsen the effects, but overwhelmingly, the addiction and principal harms of smoking come directly from the tars, carbon monoxide, nicotine and cancer-causing nitrosamines that result from the burning and inhaling of plain old ordinary tobacco.
No matter what RJR would like people to think, "Natural" tobacco is NOT a less harmful way to smoke.
Back to Avatar: While a hypothetical viewer is busy rationalizing whether the cigarettes Cigourney Weaver smoke are different from today's--despite their looking identical-- he's missing the movie.
Natural vs Industrial Parts of Typical Cigs
- Those who only warn about and condemn the natural parts of tobacco and its smoke fail to condemn the same things from candles, incense (even in churches), campfires, stoves, wood burning kits, and anything else. Arbitrariness gives away a lot. It's as if they hope to hide the Huge Importance and harms of tobacco pesticides, dioxin-producing chlorine pesticides and chlor-bleached paper, carcinogenic rads from certain fertilizers, toxic and carcinogenic AND untested additives galore, and so forth. They want to scapegoat the unpatented natural tobacco plant for all the reported illnesses and deaths. The Blame The Victim ruse is not new. With corporatized mainstream media, and with PR watchers who don't watch anything in this area, it now works better than ever.
- That RJR bought out American Spirit is a tragedy. Am. Spirit cannot fight against the slurs and lies about effects of tobacco smoke...meaning plain tobacco...because their new "boss" is one of the purveyors of the bad stuff...the fake and highly-contaminated tobacco. RJR should be an evil COMPETITOR to Am. Spirit, not it's owner. It's like Al Capone owning the cops.
As of now, Am,. Spirit can't even truthfully and importantly label it's Organic Tobacco as Organic. Did they put up a fight...perhaps to the Sup Court? No.
- How does THAT work as precedent for food producers labeling products, correctly, as organic? Will that "suggest" a safer food? SAYS it's a safer food. Big Food Processing won't like that truthfulness.
-- Searches for benefits of tobacco indeed do turn up "digestive relief" often...thus explaining one reason why tobacco has been used since time began (or a bit later) after meals and otherwise. As for tobacco being an appetite suppressant, natural plants in all parts of the world have been used for that purpose for eons...khat, coca, betel nuts, etc. Guess what...they're all now "ILLEGAL". They just compete too well with the patented pharm products to do the same things.
Cannabis, which helps produce appetite, is also "illegal" generally. It's just that Nature Is Not Allowed To Interfere With Big Biz. No money in it.
-- It is absolutely absurd to say that plain tobacco, as has been used for about ten thousand years, is no different in "safety" from products that contain pesticides, dioxin-creating chlorine, burn accelerants, addiction enhancers, rads from those fertilizers, kid-attracting sweets and flavors etc., and toxins and co-carcinogens galore in the selection from lists of over 1000 UNTESTED non-tobacco cig additives. Dioxin-free ANYTHING is automatically the safer. Has Agent Orange, and Rachel Carson, been erased from the books?
It's not that "there's no safe dose of tobacco smoke", it is that certifiably there is NO Safe Dose of cigarette smoke or wherever. To ignore chlorine in this "smoking'" brouhaha is to be either lying or badly misinformed.
I mean....much of the "anti smoking" establishment IS the Chlorine Industry...covering up their complicity...scapegoating both Mother Nature and the unwitting victims who think and are still viciously told it's just tobacco. The Big Lie of our era....a lie that frighteningly has corrupted so much of our vital medical science system. Just TRY to get a body burden test for pesticides and dioxin etc.
Insurance won't cover it because, likely, the for-profit insurer invests Billions in most or all of the chlorine cartel. Nice system.
How many "smoking related death" victims have been autopsied for dioxins and pesticides and that PO-210 fertilizer radiation? Any?
I couldn't help notice Sigourney clearly is not an ash-head ! Any committed shmoker knows - she ain't - the lips are a give-away. I found it a strange "implant" though, sets the movie apart from Disney where never a spliff shall be succked,. life imitating art?! I don't think so
Thank You for Smoking in Space
Here's a relevant scene involving the tobacco PR maven trying to hook kids in "Thank You for Smoking":
--Nick Naylor: Now, what we need is a smoking role model, a real winner. . . . two packs a day. . . .
--Jeff Megall: Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they're looking to make.
--Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space? . . . But wouldn't they blow up in an all-oxygen environment?
--Jeff Megall: [long pause] Probably. But, you know, it's an easy fix. One line of dialogue: 'Thank God we created the, you know, whatever device.'
Anachronistic smoking
The main objection to Sigourney Weaver's smoking in Avatar is that it takes the viewer out of the world Cameron's trying to create. The audience is suddenly going "WT--? Smoking 150 years from now? And in a lab?? What's up with that?" It takes people out of the movie. Not worth it for such a cliche anachronism.
A second objection is that Cameron/Weaver go 150 years into the future to spout 80-year-old tobacco propaganda.
In the 1920s, American Tobacco Co. hired Freud's nephew Edward Bernays to get women smoking. His solution: promote smoking as freedom and independence. Bernays hired debutantes to walk down 5th Ave during the 1929 Easter Parade dressed as the Statue of Liberty, holding their cigarettes aloft as "torches of freedom."
Bernays later deeply regretted his work for tobacco companies.
Independence/rebellion is an ad theme Cameron falls for and promotes with Rose's character in "Titanic," too.
Weaver's stress-relief is another tobacco advertising mantra, used since the 30s at least, with lots of jet pilots, sports stars, etc., "calming their nerves" with cigarettes.
Cameron's unconscious swallowing of tobacco propaganda shows he really doesn't understand the issue; his rationale is specious. He is fooling only himself.
toxic and carcinogenic AND
toxic and carcinogenic AND untested additives galore, and so forth. They want to scapegoat the unpatented natural tobacco plant for all the reported illnesses and deaths. The Blame The Victim ruse is not new. With corporatized mainstream media, and with PR watchers who don't watch anything in this area, it now works better than ever.
"Cameron's unconscious
What makes you so blithely sure it was an "unconscious swallowing" and not a conscious acceptance for consideration? Everything you see in a movie is there on purpose, especially a sore-thumb stick-out like this. In 3D, no less.
Re: Cameron's unconscious
>>Everything you see in a movie is there on purpose
True, I was giving Cameron the benefit of the doubt. But Weaver's smoking seems increasingly aberrant the more you examine it.
Cameron claims the smoking was to present Weaver initially as unsympathetic, and to show Weaver's character didn't care about her human body. Huh? As Sigourney herself will tell you, keeping a 60-year-old body that buff is not easy. Her character obviously takes VERY good care of her body. To follow Cameron's supposed rationale, Grace Augustine should have been fat and slovenly (a more interesting choice; she could have awoken shouting, "WHERE'S MY TWINKIE?").
And crying "realism" really doesn't make it.
1. In 150 years, apparently no one smokes--EXCEPT Sigourney Weaver. Not even the military. She's the only one in the movie who smokes.
2. It's certainly unrealistic to expect nicotine addiciton to take _exactly_ the same form as it does today. 150 years ago, it was snuff, or smokeless, or cigars. NOT cigarettes, which, when used, were laboriously hand-rolled. 150 years from now, it'll be orbs, or snus, or e-cigs, or inhalers, or patches, or --you get the point. Something _else_.
3. This would be a seriously atypical scientist. 44% of cigarettes are sold to the mentally ill; most smokers are poor and uneducated.
4. Smoking in the tightly-controlled-atmosphere of a lab is unrealistic in so many ways. The tars and nicotine in tobacco smoke get _everywhere_, including sensitive electornic equipment. Tobacco mosaic virus is common on cigarette tobacco and can easily be transmitted from a smoker's hands to biological samples, contaminating them. Let alone space-flight weight restrictions, SHS regulations and coworkers' objections.
So why IS there smoking in Avatar?
You're right--considering Cameron's Titanic also, it's hard to excuse this event as "unconscious."
It's propaganda, pure and simple.
Avatar is an ad for smoking: strong, tough, healthy, independent, smart, moral, buff, heroic women smoke.
And, judging from the number of kids in the theatre, the stacks of booster seats(!) outside Avatar screenings in the multiplexes, all the reported repeat viewings, and all the prime-time TV exposure in the future--millions upon millions of kids around the world will be getting the message for decades to come.
Sigourney's smoking in Avatar
Curiously (because I am a hard-working contra-tabaconista), I found the Sigourney Weaver character's smoking in 'Avatar' to have been 'appropriate', although, like most of the rest of the film, it didn't work and there were surely more interesting and effective alternatives that could have been employed.
I think the smoking was meant to show the character as a a 'dedicated scientist' equally oblivious to her effects on others as on herself. (Her first response to discovering the tree of souls was, 'Gee, I'd like to get samples of that'.) Even when she is acting to get Jake out of the clutches of the evil Marine Colonel, the viewer is meant to understand this as dead-cold, dedicated-to-science behaviour, or at least as having that primary dimension. When she begins to show genuine concern for Na'vi not just as study objects, we are intended, therefore, to 'discover' another aspect of the character and therefore care about her death and her incorporation into the soul-net.
Apart from the thoughtless and harmful use of smoking to characterize a role, the real problem was, that like every other 'point' in the film, Cameron chose to make it with a bludgeon. His film-making philosophy seems to be, 'If I can't make that led-to-water-horse drink, I can damn well drown the bugger.'
For me, the saddest thing was how low Sigourney Weaver has sunken. Having her fail to translate into a disgustingly cute alien (am I the only person whom the Na'vi remind of Jo Jo Binks?) is far worse than having her fight evil ones. This an actor, after all, who played in 'The Year of Living Dangerously'. Aweel, Mel Gibson has fallen even further.
At the end of the film, my companion said: 'It was good. It was good. No it wasn't, it was crap.'
A fellow in the row in front of us fell asleep and didn't waken even as the theatre emptied. I would encapsulate his review as: 'Soporific!'
I think it's Jar Jar, not Jo Jo.
As for Avatar, Cameron should have called those people Na-vi, not Na'vi. An apostrophe always makes me wonder what was elided from the name.