P.S. to the Tea Party Express

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Just who is in the Tea Party movement? In the lead-up to the anti-health care reform, anti-Obama administration rally in Washington DC on September 12, the "Tea Party Express" bus tour held smaller, local rallies across the country. The Connecticut rally featured Ann Coulter and the Congress of Racial Equality's Niger Innis. The bus tour was organized by Our Country Deserves Better (OCDB), a political action committee formed in 2008 to oppose Barack Obama that -- like Move America Forward and the MAF Freedom PAC -- has extensive ties to the Sacramento-based PR firm Russo Marsh & Rogers. At an October 2008 bus tour rally covered by the Center for Media and Democracy, OCDB's Mark Williams accused then-candidate Obama of "socialism" and implied that he wasn't a U.S. citizen. Of the recent rallies, Williams said, "What brought everything together was the Obamacare idea, which contains every odiferous objection." Blogger Lindsay Beyerstein reports that BusBank, "one of the featured corporate sponsors of the Tea Party Express had to pay millions of dollars to settle lawsuits for its role in a bus fire that killed 23 elderly nursing home residents fleeing Hurricane Rita in 2005."


error info for Jackson,Ms

Jackson,Ms has a mistake on the map and location shown.If anyone can let me know who to contact,I would appreciate it.I want to attend this one if I can get proper info.This is our voice,our country and our future.Last I heard the government was by the people,for the people and of the people. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. GOD BLESS OUR AMERICA.


to the tea party pooper express, i agree with President Carter, this is not about medical reform debate, it's about bringing down America through a bunch of racist bigots. haven't we done this before ? and some of these rushheads would do it again. to these racists bigots i ask ;

1. what is the answer ?

2. what is the solution ?

3. how many of these tea party poopers, and the ones behind the scenes fanning the fire i.e. rush, coulter, beck, wilson, et al, these that are screaming Obama Health Care is a sin from hell or nazi Germany (one of the same), i would like to know the health coverage these fools have ??? i bet they have top notch health care, they don't NEED it. but yet they scream the loudest. try telling that to a family that has NO health insurance.

wake up America, you follow these muppet heads, you will follow them straight to hell. they don't care but about one thing, bringing down a Democratic Black President by whatever means, and that includes bringing down America period. rush said it himself, ''I want and hope Obama fails.'' now, they can go back and twist his comments all they want, but the words and his feelings are true, he cannot go back and change that, as with the rest of some of what these muppet heads are saying, wake up America, don't let these idiots tear down America.

rush, ''i hope he fails'' ;


RUSH wants America to fail, that includes you and me. he has his millions in the bank, he has damn good doctors care, and he wants America to fail, and he does not want you to have any health insurance. beck thinks the world is coming to an end, and coulter is so far out of touch with reality, i dont think she likes herself.

wake up America, ignore these bigot racists fools, and let this President try and do his job America.

just my opinion. ...terry