Judith Miller Lands at Fox News

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Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller, whose misleading stories about alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction helped make the Bush administration's case for war, has joined Fox News as a contributor, where she will provide "commentary and analysis on national security issues, counterterrorism, and international affairs." Miller spent 85 days in jail in 2005 for refusing to testify about her conversations with Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Scooter Libby, in which Libby tried to feed her information during the White House outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. Conflicts with other editors and reporters over Miller's reporting eventually led to her departure from the New York Times. Since then, she has gone on to work for the right-wing Manhattan Institute. In explaining the decision to hire Miller, Fox Senior Vice President John Moody said, "We've all had stories that didn't come out exactly as we had hoped. ... She has explained herself and she has nothing to apologize for."


Judith Miller -- Pentagon OSP Media Disinformation Specialist

The CIA has always employed members of the press for disinformation purposes. The Georgetown social club became infamous for providing members of the press for CIA media campaigns during the Cold War.

The only difference here is that Judith Miller wasn't working directly for CIA but rather for the Neocon's intelligence office in the Pentagon, the Office of Special Planning, as was Ahmed Chalabi, who was feeding her "all the news that's fit to print."

In fact, due to the CIA moderates' "A-Team" conflict with the Neocon hawks' "B-Team" (who Cheney and Rumsfeld moved to the Pentagon to exploit), CIA was working to expose both Miller and Chalabi. Cheney rescued both of them when CIA raided Chalabi's Bagdahd office and took Chalabi's computer, accusing him of working with the Iranians (a double fint, in the he was feeding the Iranians disinformation with them thinking they had him in thier pocket as a double agent when he was in fact a tripple agent).

Miller went to jail for all the wrong reasons -- certainly not in the spirit of the first amendment. She was there knowing she'd eventually be rescued, making money for being there and providing further cover for the real story, which is a story that Valerie Plame and Sibel Edmonds are still gaged from telling in the United States. So you'll have to read the Times Online in London. [cf. Joe Lauria's exposes].

By hiring Miller, Fox exposed themselves yet again as the corporatist-run institution of Neocon disinformation that it always has been. Her job is disinformation, she knows it, she is in agreement with it, gets paid well and she likes it.

When her lips are moving, anyone who takes anything she says as anything other than the disinformation she is paid to shill-out is a damned fool. Everyone from Arlington to Mossad will laugh themselves silly at anyone who takes her seriously.

No really. This is absolutely straight-up the way it is. The press has always been in bed with the intel infrastructure. Cord Meyers of CIA (and the Georgetown set) was the most tragic of examples. While he was working to disinform the world as a pressman during the Cold War, JFK was playing hide the saussage with his wife. Of course, that overstates it all too bluntly. She and JFK went all the way back to college where they were an item together. She did acid with JFK on a few occassions while he was in the White House. [cf. Brohers, by David Talbot.] CIA's wizard of counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, was having a fit -- you see, he was in love with her too. Many analysts think he had her murdered because of what she might known that was classified. Certainly, Angleton was so paranoid (like Cheney) that he thought Kennedy might have been a Soviet mole. Kennedy! Angleton was one crazy sob.

You decide: Am I disinforming you? Or telling you straight up? Miller isn't just "wrong." She is right-wing wrong. (Say that five times out loud and win a trip of Hong Kong).

Judith Miller

Whomever wrote this article on Judith Miller is atypical left wing nut. She is a very classy reporter. Did the writer of this article have a Pulitzer Prize?

Miller @ Fox

Come now, Fox has no credibility, at least with me.

Judith Miller Lands @ Fox

Maybe Ms. Miller will do to Fox what she did to the NYT: destroy it's credibility, at least for a while.