Nuclear Waste on the Move
International Nuclear Services (INS) is looking for PR support for an unpopular issue -- transportation of nuclear waste. "INS was created out of the 'spent fuel services' business of Sellafield to provide a service to more than 20 global utility firms. It manages the transportation of their nuclear waste and subsequent reprocessing at Sellafield." British Nuclear Fuels plc (BNFL) was an international company owned by the UK government, involved in all stages of the nuclear process, from designing reactors and manufacturing fuel, to decommissioning reactors and dealing with radioactive waste. Sellafield emerged from the re-organization of BNFL as the company responsible for the delivery of contracts at the Sellafield and Capenhurst sites in England on behalf of site owners, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. The contract will be worth around £550,000 ($1,017,500) over four years. Sellafield press officer Steve Barnes said: "This role can only be delivered by a specialised firm that has in-depth knowledge of international relations and the issues of transportation of nuclear materials overseas."
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