Pakistan Taps PR Lobby Firm for Help

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The government of Pakistan awarded a one year, $900,000 contract to Locke Lord Strategies (LLS), a division of Locke, Lord Bissell & Liddell. LLS's responsibilities under the contract are to publicize "the country’s recent political, social and economic developments." It will communicate these changes through both earned media (favorable, free publicity gained through promotional efforts) and paid advertising. Mark Siegel, who was a speechwriter and co-author with assassinated former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, will head the account. Siegel's Democratic party ties are strong. He served as executive director of the Democratic National Committee and was deputy assistant to President Jimmy Carter. According to Roll Call's list of lobbyist endorsements, Siegel also supported Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy. LLS's parent company also has Republican party ties. Former Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers is a managing partner of the firm. She came back to work with the firm last year after resigning as White House counsel and deputy chief of staff for George W. Bush -- a prime example of the revolving door between government and industry.