More Hot Air from Exxon?

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The Center for Science in the Public Interest points out that ExxonMobil has just announced "for the second consecutive year" that it is cutting funding to groups which promote skepticism about global warming. The groups that are supposedly being cut off include the Capital Research Center, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Frontiers of Freedom Institute, the George C. Marshall Institute, and the Institute for Energy Research. However, CSPI points out, "Each group continued to receive Exxon funding in 2007 after the company’s first announcement that it would discontinue the payments. Exxon did not immediately return calls seeking comment on how serious it was in following through on its plans."


The Energy Crisis

The so called energy crisis is a direct result of all the government’s total incompetence to come to the realization that the Kyoto Accord is a complete hoax. Despite the overwhelming amount of scientific information and analysis which has been produced since late 2006 and the fact that over 31 000 American degreed scientists, including 9 000 PhDs, signed the Oregon petition as “skeptics” in 2008, public officials still bury their heads in the sand because they can not admit they made a mistake. How a group of 2 500 mainly third world politicians with their begging bowls fully extended, a group of computer programmers and a handful of scientists many of whom do not agree with the IPCC’s report’s conclusions, but have been gagged, can be termed a “consensus” of scientific opinion is beyond all reason. The IPCC 4th. Report has a vast amount of accurate data extracted from a library of diligently reviewed papers, however the link between this information and anthropogenic emissions is totally unproven. Unfortunately the limited data which is used by the IPCC to forge that link has been proven to be substantially flawed. Due to the impending “cap and trade” proposals similar to the dismal failure currently in force in Europe, the oil companies have drastically reduced their commitment to increase further oil supplies since they are being targeted for punitive taxes thus creating an unfavorable long term investment climate which is understandable. The actual production cost of oil is in the region of $25 to $30 a barrel so a price of $80 which includes all the taxes is very acceptable. To get back to this level, the oil companies need the assurance they are not going to be ambushed down the road. It is the governments waffling and uncertainty which has caused this problem not the oil companies.

Why should we believe ExxonMobil?

In the UK ExxonMobil have a very slick new TV ad campaign that features pictures of wind turbines.

Why should anyone believe what ExxonMobil says, until they COMPLETELY dismantle their denial machine, sack their PR department and admit IN-FULL, EXACTLY what they have been up to!

In the UK ExxonMobil have a very slick new TV ad campaign that features pictures of wind turbines.

Why should anyone believe what ExxonMobil says, until they COMPLETELY dismantle their denial machine, sack their PR department and admit IN-FULL, EXACTLY what they have been up to! Who they paid, when and what for! FULL DISCLOSURE REQUIRED!

The fact is that ExxonMobil has successfully delayed effective action to combat climate change through their anti-science, anti-Kyoto, anti-IPCC propaganda campaign.

Once ExxonMobil stops promulgating dies and disinformation, starts telling the whole truth, and seriously invests in renewables, then maybe, just maybe we'll start to trust them, but we're going to be very, very, cautious. FULL DISCLOSURE REQUIRED!
Who ExxonMobil paid, when and what for!
If intermediary organisations are involved, they must in-turn also disclose who they paid, when and what for!

The fact is that ExxonMobil has successfully delayed effective action to combat climate change through their anti-science, anti-Kyoto, anti-IPCC propaganda campaign.

Once ExxonMobil stops promulgating dies and disinformation, starts telling the whole truth, and seriously invests in renewables, then maybe, just maybe we'll start to trust them, but we're going to be very, very, cautious.

Exxon by scoobydo

As the name suggests clearly a cartoon character. So now must we assume that democracy, free speach and any dissenting opinion is a crime in this brave new world. If you have a dissenting opinion please present it logically with reason and facts.