Rampton Reveals the Wires that Control the Public Mind

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CMD research director Sheldon Rampton gave a talk recently to employees at Google, titled "The Wires that Control the Public Mind." The talk, part of Google's "tech talk" series, described the history of the public relations industry, dating back to the early 20th century and the work of PR industry founder Edward Bernays. Sheldon is the co-author (with John Stauber) of six books written for CMD, and he is the father of CMD's SourceWatch website which he conceptualized and launched in 2003 and which today is the most successful 'wiki' encyclopedia dedicated soley to public affairs, politics, and accurate, fair information about the people, organizations and issues shaping the public agenda. You can view the presentation at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUY9ahSCMG0