The P.U.-litzer Prizes

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Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen have announced their latest "P.U.-litzer Prizes" for "stinkiest media performances of the year." Winners of the uncoveted award include:

  • Michael Gordon of the New York Times, who previously used unnamed official sources to promote the invasion of Iraq with wildly inaccurate reports of Iraqi weapons programs, and used similar unnamed sources in 2007 to make a case for war with Iran.
  • Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball, for his fawning praise of U.S. presidential candidate Fred Thompson's "sex appeal" and "star quality."
  • CBS correspondent Jeff Greenfield, for falsely claiming that Americans don't want government-funded healthcare.
  • CNN's Lou Dobbs, for falsifying U.S. disease statistics to support his claim that illegal immigrants were bringing "once eradicated diseases" into the country.