Featured Participatory Project: Record Whether Your Senator Voted to Confirm Bush's A.G. Pick

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Michael Mukasey was confirmed as the Attorney General of the United States by the Senate last week in a contentious 53-40 vote. Mukasey's nomination gained controversy with Democrats as he largely endorsed the Bush administration's policies in the War on Terror and refused to say whether waterboarding violated anti-torture laws, though he said he found the procedure "repugnant."

You can help keep Congress accountable by taking five minutes to record the votes of your senators in their "permanent records" - their Congresspedia profiles. Congresspedia's high traffic and search engine rankings mean that hundreds or thousands of your fellow citizens will find out how they voted. The instructions are here and if this is your first time editing on SourceWatch/Congresspedia, you can register here, and learn more about the site here. Have fun, and thanks for your help!

Update on the last project (SCHIP): Quite a few citizens turned out to record their representative's votes on the State Children's Health Insurance Program. To see how your represenative voted, find them on your respective state portal or look them up by zip-code. If your representative's vote isn't there, here are the simple instructions for adding it.