When Publicists Attack

Gawker.com, a New York-based website that focuses on media news and gossip, has posted the contents of an email exchange between Ronn Torossian of 5W Public Relations and Richard Rubenstein, the son of PR crisis management guru Howard J. Rubenstein. The email exchange includes some general name-calling, with Torossian threatening to go to "war" over his complaint that Rubenstein is trying to recruit from his employees. Rubenstein responds by threatening to sue, adding, "I hope you have a qualified attorney and it will be expensive." Torossian counters by promising to hire Rubenstein and his brother after he destroys their company. The exchange prompted scorn from gossip columnist Ian Spiegelman: "Lawsuit? Bosh! There isn't one among the three of those Special Olympians who could withstand even twenty minutes of discovery."
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Ronn Torossian
Ronn Torossian video has an interview with Ronn Torossian. He heads 5WPR based in New York city with office in LA and soon Miami. The 5WPR firm that represents clients like Snoop Dog, Pamala Anderson, Anheuser-Busch Companies , Ice Cube , and Little Kim. One of his first clients was Bad Boy Entertainment. 5WPR is the fastest growing PR firm three years in a row.
Ronn Torossian
Ronn Torossian; Founder and CEO of 5W PR brakes the silence in his blog!
To read just click: http://ronntorossian.blogspot.com/
The blog is like no other. How often do you get to see into the mind of the CEO of America's fasting growing PR company, 5W, from the man that runs it? Have you ever wondered what the CEO might read on a plane ride? Or perhaps what his take on the NBA’s recent gambling blunders? Perhaps you are more interested on how crisis communications really works.
When it comes to showing the truth about the people behind the industry, Torossian’s blog is insightful, compelling and updated at least once a week.
Know what amazes me? We all
Know what amazes me? We all know that e-mails are NEVER really private, yet we still incriminate ourselves. I probably would have a heart attack if some of my private e-mails were made public. I don't mean my bad temper rants. Secretly, I almost want them to come out. As vicious as many are, I stand behind the sentiments even as I fess up some are way over the line. (I wish Mike Huckabee could hear what I say about him.) But there is other stuff that I think geez, how crazy am I to say this via e-mail knowing there is a chance, however remote, it could be intercepted. I know I am not alone. So why do people keep doing it?????
Interesting possibility
Maybe PRWatch could poach some the people who comment at Gawker.
Sorry. Bad idea. :-(