Bush Approval Hits New Low

The latest Gallup poll shows that only 29 percent of Americans approve of President Bush's job performance — the lowest rating that Gallup has measured for Bush, and one of the lowest for any president since Gallup first began conducting surveys. "Gallup has recorded 1,325 presidential job approval ratings since 1938, and only 42 -- or 3% -- have been below 30%," reports the Gallup website. Not surprisingly, the White House has stepped up its tough talk against Democrats, reflecting the arrival of White House Counselor Ed Gillespie.
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The Gallup Poll, July 10, 2007 - 2804 reads
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No Vindication
While it may be tempting to whoop out a big I told you so to all of us who recognized he was the devil years ago, I doubt the public really gets it. They will just vote for another politician whose rhetoric may be a bit different or is packaged in a slightly different way. But I am willing to bet they are still the same old military-industrial puppet underneath when all is said and done. Was it Mark Twain or Oscar Wilde who said democracy is the only government that assures people get the kind of leaders they deserve?
It's kinda shocking that his
It's kinda shocking that his ratings are just now hitting all time lows. I mean c'mon people, you wait until he has a little over a year left to finally be like, "Hmm, you know, I think he may be really screwing up our country."?
I also find it hilarious that to counteract this low approval rating they've stepped up their tough talk on Democrats. It's not, "Hey, maybe we're doing something wrong and should change to reflect what the people want." it's, "This must be the work of those evil Democrats who are obviously in cahoots with the evil terrorists!".
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