Green as in Money

The UK Telegraph notes that "it is not just politicians and rock stars who are trying to persuade people to reduce their carbon footprint. Banks, lenders and fund managers are dreaming up ethical options for environmentally aware customers. ... The question is whether these products really make a difference, or whether it is simply a case of providers jumping on the green bandwagon. ... Sarah-Jayne Clifton of Friends of the Earth says: 'Naturally we welcome any move to reduce CO2 emissions but you can't help thinking that some are cynical attempts to cash in without making any real changes.' " Meanwhile, Shell has been ordered by a Dutch agency to stop running a greenwashing advertisement that shows a smokestack spewing flowers.
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The Telegraph, July 9, 2007 - 2922 reads
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LOL, I so want to see that
LOL, I so want to see that Shell ad. Please tell me someone knows where a clip of it can be viewed?
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