Seven Papers Axe Coulter's Column

Ann Coulter on C-SPANIn the last week at least seven newspapers have dropped the syndicated column of conservative firebrand Ann Coulter. Speaking at the American Conservative Union's annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. on March 2, Coulter said "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I -- so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards." Newspapers that have dropped her column include: Sanford Herald (North Carolina); Daily Chronicle (Illinois); American Press (Louisiana); Lancaster New Era (Pennsylvania); The Oakland Press, (Michigan); The Mountain Press (Tennessee); and The Times (Louisiana). The editorial director of The Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, Mississippi, David Hampton, said that while he disagreed with her opinions, the paper would keep her column. "I think her popularity will continue to wane. I believe ideas rise and fall on their merits, and I haven't seen much depth in hers," he said.
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I don't understand why anyone pays any mind to this creature.
She has no redeeming qualities at all. Her true claim to fame is that she is willing to do anything just to get noticed. Didn't we
all have a class clown in grade school that the teacher told us to ignore because their behavior was such a pathetic grap for attention.
Put the class clown in a mega mini skirt, register it Republican and you have Coulter.
The Phenomenally Shameful Hypocrisies of the Right Wingnut GOP
Let's see, now, Don Imus calls some African-American college athletes "nappy headed ho's" and is excoriated and booted off TV and radio, but when Ann Coulter assaults a presidential candidate by calling him a "faggot" she's dropped by a few of her syndication slots but continues to appear on Fox Noise? Later, when a Louisiana senator is caught red handed seeing a slew of real life ho's and is given a slap on the wrist by his fellow GOPS, but his fellow Republican colleague from Idaho, caught red-handed (or is that toe-tapping?) in an airport toilet stall, Sen. Mitch McComical says his behavior is "unforgivable"? What a bunch of phony bigots wrapping themselves in the a mantle of "family values." They have no values, and they're giving families a bad name.
James M. Martin