Interview a Soldier, Go to Jail

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As opposition to the war in Iraq grows within the military, the government is taking steps that appear aimed at intimidating reporters covering GI dissent. In a subpoena from "the President of the United States to Sarah Olson," the independent radio journalist is directed to appear February 5 - 9 at Fort Lewis in Washington state to testify in the military's prosecution of Lieutenant Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to Iraq. If Sarah Olson refuses to appear and testify she could herself be charged as a felon and could be jailed and fined. Olson condemns the military's request writing that "the U.S. Army has cobbled together portions of my interview with Lieutenant Watada and these statements comprise the foundation of one charge of conduct unbecoming an officer. ... It is my job as a professional journalist to report the news, not to act as the eyes and ears of the government."


How come Bush is sending more youth people there ?

His pronoucement it's shocking:

You may check more stuff at ForaTv.Tones of videos about Iraq.
They also have this program:

it's about the "Use of Force and Legitimacy" - International Perspectives on the Use of Force and Legitimacy- In the aftermath of the Iraq war and President George W. Bush.